Probation At any time after October 15th, a classroom teacher whose work is not judged satisfactory based on district evaluation criteria shall be notified in writing of the specific areas of deficiencies along with a reasonable program for improvement. The following comprehensive summative evaluation performance ratings mean a classroom teacher's work is not judged satisfactory and must be placed on probation: (i) Level 1; or (ii) Level 2 if the classroom teacher is a continuing contract employee under RCW 28A.405.210 with more than five years of teaching experience and if the level 2 comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating has been received for two consecutive years or for two years within a consecutive three-year time period. During the period of probation, the employee may not be transferred from the supervision of the original evaluator. Improvement of performance or probable cause for nonrenewal must occur and be documented by the original evaluator before any consideration of a request for transfer or reassignment as contemplated by either the individual or the District. A probationary period of sixty school days shall be established. Days may be added if deemed necessary to complete a program for improvement and evaluate the probationer's performance, as long as the probationary period is concluded before May 15th of the same school year. The probationary period may be extended into the following school year if the probationer has five or more years of teaching experience and has a comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating as of May 15th of less than level 2 (i.e. an unsatisfactory rating). The purpose of the probationary period is to give the employee opportunity to demonstrate improvements in his or her areas of deficiency. The decision of whether to place an employee on probation shall be made by the Superintendent as provided by state law. Teachers may only be placed on probation based upon a Comprehensive evaluation. During the probationary period the evaluator shall meet with the employee at least twice monthly to supervise and make a written evaluation of the progress, if any, made by the employee. A classroom teacher must be removed from probation if he or she has demonstrated improvement that results in a new comprehensive summative evaluation performance rating of level 2 or above for an employee with five or fewer years of experience, or of level 3 or above for a continuing contract employee with more than five years of experience. The evaluator may authorize one additional supervisory certificated employee to evaluate the probationer and to aid the employee in improving his or her areas of deficiency. Should the evaluator not authorize such additional evaluator, the probationer may request that an additional certificated employee evaluator become part of the probationary process and this request must be implemented by including an additional experienced evaluator assigned by the educational service district in which the school district is located and selected from a list of evaluation specialists compiled by the educational service district. Lack of necessary improvement during the established probationary period, as specifically documented in writing with notification to the probationer constitutes grounds for a finding of probable cause under RCW 28A.405.300 or 28A.405.210. Following a review of the any report submitted by the evaluator, the Superintendent shall determine whether to remove the employee from probation, extend the probationary period, or issue a notice of probable cause for non-renewal or discharge.
Probationary Period A newly hired employee or a former employee who is rehired, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be on a probationary period for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment or re-employment. An employee who has been voluntarily or involuntarily transferred to another position covered by this Agreement shall be a probationary employee for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment in that position. An employee that has been transferred from a District position that is not covered by this Agreement shall be a probationary employee for the first ninety (90) working days of his/her employment in a position covered by this contract. The probationary employee shall accrue no seniority during the probationary period. The District shall have the right to discharge a 90 day probationary employee during the probationary period, and such employee shall not have recourse to the grievance procedure. If an employee is promoted, or is transferred to a new position within the District, that employee shall serve a period of probation of ninety (90) working days in that new position. If the employee does not successfully complete that period of probation, the employee will return to the identical job classification, at the same salary level, with the same level of seniority and the same job skills classification, which the employee had before the promotion or transfer. The employee will not necessarily be returned to the same job which the employee had before the promotion or transfer, however. A probationary employee, who voluntarily requests to be returned to the employee’s previous position will be permitted to do so only at the discretion of the Aberdeen School District. Upon the completion of the probationary period, the employee shall be added to the seniority list as of the last date of hire. The successful completion of the probationary period should not be construed as creating a contract or as guaranteeing employment for any specific duration or as establishing a just cause termination standard.