Salary Schedule A Sample Clauses
Salary Schedule A. The basic salaries of employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule A which is attached to and incorporated in this Agreement. Such salary schedule shall remain in effect during the term of this Agreement.
Salary Schedule A. Salary schedules are effective for the period September 1, 2018, 42 through August 31, 2021, and subject to Section 18.1. The salary schedule for each year of this 43 Agreement appears in Appendix A. 45 For the 2018-2019 School Year:
Salary Schedule A. 2015-16: Increase salary schedule by 0.65%. 2016-17: Increase 0.25% on step over the 2015-16 salary schedule. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the District’s Fall 2016 pupil count audit, the salary schedule shall be reconfigured and paid retroactively (if necessary) on the following basis: If ((2016-17 # FTE Students per the Fall pupil count audit X 2016-17 State Foundation Allowance)-$200,000+($40,000 X # Teacher Retirees) – (2015-16 # FTE Students per the Fall pupil count audit X 2015-16 State Foundation Allowance)) divided by (2015-16 # FTE Students per the Fall pupil count audit X 2015-16 State Foundation Allowance) > 0.25%, then the Salary Schedule shall be increased by the calculated percentage less 0.25%, not to exceed an additional 3.0% increase in the Salary Schedule.
Salary Schedule A. Salary Schedule A is instituted for FY 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019). The salaries represented on Schedule A reflect a 2.5% increase to the salaries set out in the FY 2018 (July 1, 2017- June 30, 2018) Salary Schedule. Further, the salaries on Schedule A reflect the parties revision of the FY 2018 Salary Schedule. Increases to salaries shall be applied for the first full pay period of the academic year.
Salary Schedule A. Every Bargaining Unit Member is guaranteed one (1) level increase every year through the length of this contract. Bonus levels will be awarded over the course of this contract for bargaining unit members that were hired in the year 2013 through June 30 of 2020 and their salary level is below their public school teaching/counselor/social worker experience. For every 3 years that a Bargaining Unit Member has worked for Mattawan their level increases an extra year, until their level matches their teaching/counselor/social worker experience in a public school as a certified teacher/counselor/social worker. Therefore, if they worked for Mattawan as a teacher/counselor/social worker for 3 to 5 years the Bargaining Unit Members will move up their regular level increase and then an extra level. If they worked for Mattawan as a teacher/counselor/social worker for 6 to 8 years they go up their regular level and then 2 extra levels. If they worked for Mattawan as a teacher/counselor/social worker for 9 to 11 years they go up their regular level and then 3 extra levels. If they worked for Mattawan as a teacher/counselor/social worker for 12 to 14 years they go up their regular level and then 4 extra levels. This provision will continue as long as they work for Mattawan as a teacher/counselor/social worker or until their level reaches their public school teaching/counselor/social worker experience. The bonus level increases will stop at the level that matches their level of public school teaching/counselor/social worker experience. This provision applies to all employees hired before August 2022. Bargaining Unit Members will not move back in levels. In order to get credit for those years of service the Bargaining Unit Member must provide certified proof that they were employed in a public school as a certified teacher/counselor/social worker in the form of a certified letter, previous contracts, or past pay stubs from their previous employer(s). Mattawan Employee as a Teacher/Counselor/Social Worker Guaranteed Bonus Level(s) 3 to 5 years 1 1 6 to 8 years 1 2 9 to 11 years 1 3 12 to 14 years 1 4 Salary Schedule A Level Salary: BA Salary: MA Salary: MA +15 EdS/PhD 1-3 $42,500 $44,500 $46,500 $48,500 4-6 $46,000 $48,000 $50,000 $52,000 7-9 $50,000 $52,000 $54,000 $56,000 10-12 $55,000 $57,000 $59,000 $61,000 13-15 $59,000 $61,000 $63,000 $65,000 16-18 $63,000 $65,000 $67,000 $69,000 19-21 $68,000 $70,000 $72,000 $74,000 22-25 $72,000 $74,000 $76,000 $78,000 26-29 $76,000 ...
Salary Schedule A. Every Bargaining Unit Member Is guaranteed one (1) level increase in the 2021-2022 and one (1) level increase in the 2022-2023 school year. Bonus levels will be awarded over the course of this contract as follows: Contract Year Date of Hire* Guaranteed Bonus Level(s) 2021-2022 Prior 2012 1 2 2012-2013 1 2 2013-2014 1 1 2014-2015 1 1 2015-2016* 1 n/a 2022-2023 Prior 2012 1 2 2012-2013 1 1 2013-2014 1 1 2014-2015 1 n/a 2015-2016* 1 n/a Salary Schedule A Level Salary: BA Salary: MA Salary: MA +15 EdS/PhD 1-3 $40,250 $42,250 $44,250 $46,250 4-6 $43,750 $45,750 $47,750 $49,750 7-9 $47,750 $49,750 $51,750 $53,750 10-12 $52,750 $54,750 $56,750 $58,750 13-15 $56,750 $58,750 $60,750 $62,750 16-18 $60,750 $62,750 $64,750 $66,750 19-21 $65,750 $67,750 $69,750 $71,750 22-25 $69,750 $71,750 $73,750 $75,750 26-29 $73,750 $75,750 $77,750 $79,750 30-33 $77,750 $79,750 $81,750 $83,750 34+* 5% of base longevity payment 5% of base longevity payment 5% of base longevity payment 5% of base longevity payment $79,763 (21-22) $81,763 (21-22) $83,763 (21-22) $85,763 (21-22) $81,776 (22-23) $83,776 (22-23) $85,776 (22-23) $87,776 (22-23) * Those certified teachers at the 34+ levels shall receive a longevity payment of 5% of base for ($2,013) for each of the 2021-2022 and 2022 • 2023 school years. To move over into the MA, MA +15, or EdS/PhD Lanes, Bargaining Unit Members must have documentation of completion of Degrees or Hours to Central Office at least two (2) weeks before the first pay of each school year to be eligible to move over Lanes. To move to a Master +15 the member can either obtain those 15 credits pursuing another teachable minor, a second Master degree, or pursuing a Education Specialist or Doctorate degree; therefore their credits must add up to a Master level credit plus 15 more credits.
Salary Schedule A. Any faculty member who was eligible to have their academic rank reassigned as per the March 2, 2015, Rank and Promotion Implementation memo (Phase II), but did not submit a letter of application, will have their rank reassigned retroactive to July 1, 2016.
Salary Schedule A. The salary schedule below represents the negotiated salary schedule for bargaining unit members. Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, each bargaining unit member shall be placed on the step equal to the member’s number of school years of continuous employment within the District. Employees hired in the second semester of any year shall remain on Step 1 until July 1 of the following school year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee hired prior to July 1, 2014 shall be reduce in pay as a result of the implementation of this salary schedule. 1 $8.50 2 $9.00 3 $9.50 4 $10.00 5+ $10.50 Employees who have given continuous service as a regular employee of at least ten years will receive service pay according to the following pay scales. Such payment will be made in the first pay period of January for those employees who have completed the necessary service period by January 1. Ten Years - Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (3) Fifteen Years - Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's (4) Twenty Years - Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter (6) Notwithstanding the foregoing, Service Pay shall . be frozen for any bargaining unit employee in the 2013-14 school year at the amount paid for the 2012-13 school year.
Salary Schedule A. 2018-19: Improve salary schedule by 1.80% plus Step. 2019-20: Improve salary schedule by 2.00% plus Step. 2020-21: Improve salary schedule by 2.20% plus Step. B. No deviation to this Master Salary Schedule will be implemented unless otherwise specified in the Master Agreement.
Salary Schedule A. 2022-2023