Selection of Teachers. All unit members will have an opportunity to apply for Academy positions. Selection will be made by the site principal and Director for Elementary Education. Qualified unit members will receive preference in hiring over non-unit member applicants. Qualifications will be determined by the level of students and the curriculum to be taught. No priority will be given to teachers holding a particular type of contract (permanent, probationary, temporary, etc.) over those holding other types.
Selection of Teachers. A candidate for a teaching position shall be defined as one of the most highly qualified applicants who is being seriously considered for recommendation for employment. Every candidate for a teaching position interviewed by the Principal shall be interviewed by at least two teachers from the applicant's subject area or team, whenever possible. The teachers' recommendations will be discussed with the Principal prior to his or her recommending a candidate to the Superintendent for employment.
Selection of Teachers. The School District will recommend teachers from its district for participation in the Project Lead The Way® faculty development program. The School District shall identify each teacher being recommended for training to PLTW, INC. by the date required under the guidelines published by PLTW, INC. governing the implementation of the Program. PLTW, INC. reserves the right to accept or reject any training candidate. Teachers instructing a Project Lead The Way® course must have as a minimum a Bachelor’s Degree.
Selection of Teachers. A. In making the selection of teachers for continuing education classes, the primary consideration shall be the best possible instruction for the continuing education students.
B. Currently employed day school teachers shall be given preference over other applicants when a vacancy is available at the beginning of the school year and not in conflict with day school assignment and/or extra assignments.
Selection of Teachers for the committee to be held before June 1 of each year with each site in charge of school’s election.
Selection of Teachers. A. In making the selection of teachers for summer school classes, the primary consideration shall be the best possible instruction for the summer school students.
B. Summer school teacher positions shall be awarded to currently employed teachers of the Parma City School District who teach in the subject area for which application is being made.
C. If currently employed teachers are not available, the position may then be filled with other personnel who are certified in the appropriate teaching area.
D. Subjects usually taught in the senior high school are to be staffed with senior high school teachers whenever possible.
E. Subjects usually taught in the middle school are to be staffed with middle school teachers whenever possible.
F. Assignments are made according to the applicant’s preferences and qualifications whenever possible.
X. Xxxxxxxxxx will be given to those candidates otherwise qualified who have had previous successful and dependable summer school teaching experience.
H. Length of service in the Parma City School District shall be considered in making the selection but only after all other criteria have been evaluated.
Selection of Teachers. 1. Teachers for each class of Alternative Evening High School shall be selected from applicants who have filed applications with the Director of the Evening High School.
2. District members of the bargaining unit shall be afforded first priority in the selection of Evening High School staff.
3. Teachers must meet all state qualifications as defined in I.S.B.E. Document # 1, for all courses taught.
4. In filling Evening High School teaching positions, the Director shall give primary consideration to teacher experience accumulated in teaching the course in question during prior Evening High School sessions, and to teachers who formulated a program for Evening High School. The Director shall then give consideration to teacher competence, major and minor fields of study, length of service in the school district, and experience accumulated in teaching the course in question in day school.
Selection of Teachers. 1. Teachers for each summer school program shall be selected from applicants who have filed applications with the principal of their building. After consultation with the appropriate building personnel, the Central Administration will establish a summer school program priority list from applications received. This summer school program priority list shall be posted in each building by May 15th if possible, but no later than June 1st of the current year. Any challenge to the summer school program priority list by members of the Association or Administration should be made before the opening of the summer school programs. Should a challenge arise, the final decision of the teacher placement will be made by the Central Administration.
2. Positions for the summer school program shall be filled on a district-wide basis by members of the bargaining unit. If a position remains open, persons outside the bargaining unit may fill the position.
3. Teachers must meet all state qualifications as defined in I.S.B.E. Document #1, for all courses taught.
4. In filling summer school, Title I, and pool services positions, the Central Administration shall give primary consideration to the applicant's competency, formal training in the subject, teaching experience in the subject, length of service in the district, coaching relationships, and extraordinary recruitment efforts in special programs.
5. In filling summer driver education positions, the Central Administration shall give primary consideration to teacher experience accumulated in teaching driver education during prior summer sessions in District 228. Ties will be broken by using: 1st-years employed in District 228, and 2nd- years of teaching drivers education during the school year.
Selection of Teachers. Every effort will be made by the District and Xxxxxx-Almond Teachers' Association to find volunteer teachers for DLP classes. If a volunteer teacher is not available, the President of the Xxxxxx-Almond Teachers 'Association and the Superintendent of Schools will negotiate an equitable solution.
Selection of Teachers. The School District will recommend teachers from its district for participation in the Project Lead The Way® faculty development program. The School District shall identify each teacher being recommended for training to PLTW, INC. by the date required under the guidelines published by PLTW, INC. governing the implementation of the Program. PLTW, INC. reserves the right to accept or reject any training candidate. Teachers qualified to teach courses in the biomedical science program must possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree. Preferably, the teacher shall possess a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or Biomedical Science. Teachers who do not hold a state certification in Biology must submit a college transcript to the School District. College transcripts must include satisfactory completion of two semesters of general biology with a laboratory component. Copies of teacher certifications or transcripts shall be promptly provided to PLTW, INC. upon PLTW, INC.’s request.