Starting Rate on Initial Employment. A. Original appointment to any position shall be made at the entrance rate, and advancement from the entrance rate to the maximum rate within a pay grade shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the Agency Head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a rate higher than the entrance rate in the grade for the class when the needs of the service make such action necessary, provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the minimum qualification for the classification, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to appointment.
B. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period after initial appointment or promotion, the employee’s entrance pay shall be advanced one (1) increment to the next highest step in the pay grade for the class to which the employee’s position is allocated. The probationary period may be extended and probationary increase withheld until successful completion of probation. Exceptions are:
1. Where this Agreement specifies elsewhere that no probationary increase shall result; or
2. Where employees are promoted, appointed, or reappointed at the maximum step.
C. Advancement from step to step within a pay grade shall occur only on the merit anniversary date of the employee's employment in that classification or a higher classification in the same series. In the event of an upward reclassification or grade change, the merit anniversary date shall remain unchanged.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. A. Original appointment to any position shall be made at the entrance rate, and advancement from the entrance rate to the maximum rate within a pay range shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the A gency Head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a rate higher than the minimum rate in the range for the class when the needs of the service make such action necessary, provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the class, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to appointment.
B. Advancement from step to step within a pay range shall occur only on the anniversary date of the employee's employment in that classification or pay range. Pay step increases shall not be delayed by any paid time off except for absences under Injury Leave in excess of thirty days. In the event of an upward reclassification or range change, the merit anniversary date shall remain unchanged.
C. Journeyman Certified Plumbers at Facility Maintenance, and Mechanical Inspectors, shall be hired on original appointment to their position at the maximum pay rate, thus eliminating the successive steps for classifications.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, employees who are hired or rehired to any position shall be placed at the entrance pay step, and advancement from the entrance step to the maximum step within a pay grade shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the Agency Head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a higher step than the entrance step in the grade for the class when the needs of the service make such action necessary, provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the class, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to hire or rehire.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. Original appointment to any position shall normally be made at the base rate. Upon recommendation of the Director of Public Safety, the Township may approve initial compensation at a higher rate than the base rate of the salary schedule.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. A. Original appointment to any position shall be made at the entrance rate, and advancement from the entrance rate to the maximum rate within a pay range shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the department head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a rate higher than the entrance rate in the range for the class when the needs of the service make such action necessary provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the class, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to appointment.
B. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period after initial appointment, the employee’s entrance pay shall be advanced one (1) increment to the next higher step in the pay range for the class to which the position is allocated. The probationary period may be extended and probationary increase withheld until successful completion of probation.
C. Advancement from step to step within a pay range shall occur only on the anniversary date of the employee's employment in that classification or pay range. In the event of an upward reclassification or range change, the anniversary date shall remain unchanged.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. Original appointment to any position shall normally be made at the base rate. Rate within a salary range shall be by seniority in successive steps and at the end of a full four (4) year period, the Employee shall obtain the maximum rate. Upon recommendation of the Director of Public Safety, the Township may approve moving an Employee to a higher step on the salary schedule after completion of the Employee's field training and evaluation, when the needs of the Township make such action necessary.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment.
A. Employees who are hired or rehired to any position shall be placed at the entry pay step and advancement from the entry pay step to the final pay step within a pay grade shall be by a successive step. Upon recommendation of the Agency Head, the Human Resources Director may approve initial compensation at the final pay step for the class when the needs of the business make such action necessary; provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the class, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to appointment.
B. Upon satisfactory completion of any probationary period, the employee’s entry pay step pay shall be advanced to the final pay step in the pay grade for the classification to which the position is allocated. The probationary period may be extended and probationary increase withheld until successful completion of probation. Exceptions are:
1. Where this Agreement specifies elsewhere that no probationary increase shall result; or
2. Where employees are promoted, appointed, or reappointed at the final pay step.
C. In the event of an upward reclassification or grade change, the merit anniversary date shall remain unchanged and the employee shall be placed at the same pay step in the new classification or grade.
D. Regular Journeyman Certified Plumbers at Facility Maintenance, and Mechanical Inspectors at Building Inspections, shall be hired at the final pay step.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. 5.2.1 Original appointment to any position shall be made at the entrance rate, and advancement from the entrance rate to the maximum rate within a pay range shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the Agency Head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a rate higher than the minimum rate in the range for the classification when the needs of the agency make such action necessary, provided that any such exception is based on the applicant's experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the classification, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be documented in writing prior to appointment.
5.2.2 Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period after initial appointment or promotion, the employee’s entrance pay shall be advanced one
(1) increment to the next highest step in the pay range for the classification to which the position is allocated. The probationary period may be extended in accordance with this Agreement and probationary increases withheld until successful completion of probation.
5.2.3 Advancement from step to step within a pay range shall occur only on the anniversary date of the employee’s employment in that classification or pay range. In the event of an upward reclassification or range change, the merit anniversary date shall remain unchanged.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment.
A. Employees who are hired or rehired to any position shall be placed at the entrance pay step and advancement from the entrance pay step to the maximum pay step within a pay grade shall be by successive steps. Upon recommendation of the Agency Head, the Director may approve initial compensation at a pay step higher than the entrance pay step in the grade for the class when the needs of the service make such action necessary; provided that any such exception is based on the applicant’s experience and ability over and above the qualification requirements specified for the class, or if a critical shortage of applicants exists. Such approval shall be made in writing prior to appointment.
B. Upon satisfactory completion of any probationary period, the employee’s entrance pay step shall be advanced one (1) increment to the next highest step in the pay grade for the class to which the employee’s position is allocated. The probationary period may be extended and probationary increase withheld until successful completion of probation. Exceptions are:
1. Where this Agreement specifies elsewhere that no probationary increase shall result; or
2. Where employees are promoted, appointed, or reappointed at the maximum step.
C. Advancement from step to step within a pay grade shall occur only on the merit anniversary date of the employee’s employment in that classification or pay grade. The Director may, upon request from an Agency Head, authorize placement at a higher pay step. The Agency Head must provide evidence that such pay step placement is essential to retain an employee.
Starting Rate on Initial Employment. All newly hired Employee's shall begin at Step A within the stated range for their position, unless a higher Step is approved, in advance of the offer, by the Human Resources Administration, the Department Administration and the City Administration using a City approved wage matrix. Before a higher step may even be considered, the applicant must demonstrate experience and/or education beyond the minimum required for the position as specified in the position description.