Statement of Faith Sample Clauses
Statement of Faith. Facility use will not be permitted to persons or groups holding, advancing, or advocating beliefs or practices that conflict with the Baptist Faith and Message, which is referenced in the church’s bylaws and available on the HFBC website. Furthermore, church facilities may not be used for activities that contradict or are deemed inconsistent with, the same faith and message. The pastor, or his official designee, is the final decision-maker concerning the use of church facilities. This policy applies to all church facilities, regardless of whether the facilities are connected to the church’s sanctuary because the church sees all its property as holy and set apart to worship God. (Col. 3:17.) Fitness at Houston’s First Staff have the right to cancel or immediately stop a party in process if they deem a party conflicts with the Baptist Faith and Message. No refunds will be processed if this were to occur. Persons shall conduct themselves in the church facilities at all times in such a manner as will not bring reproach on the name of Xxxxx Xxxxxx. The building and facilities shall be treated with the respect due to a place of worship. Acts of vandalism and desecration shall not be tolerated under any conditions. The following policies of etiquette shall be adhered to at all times: • Attaching signs, banners, or posters to painted surfaces using glue, sticky tape, thumbtacks, or suspending decorations from the ceiling is prohibited (painter’s tape or frog tape is permissible). • Balloon arches are prohibited. • Decorations must be removed promptly, so the area can be cleaned for the next party. • Placement of temporary decorations, signs, or other items must not violate appropriate codes and standards (i.e. building, fire, safety, electrical) set by governing agencies, HFBC policy, or Facilities Committee Guidelines. o Decorations must not cover, touch, or interfere with the visibility or operation of any devices such as electrical, fire alarms, or security cameras. o Furniture and/or decorations must not obstruct the visibility of exits for access or egress. o Streamers or equivalent decoration materials are not permitted across doorways. • Tables must be covered or wiped clean after food/beverage service. • Food, beverage, and debris caused during the decoration process must be cleaned up and discarded in trash cans. Pick up litter and trash and deposit them in trash receptacles after the event. • Persons attending the function must remain in the Party Area a...
Statement of Faith. (a) It is an inherent genuine occupational requirement and essential condition of employment and continuing employment that an employee possesses and maintains a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. Accordingly, all employees are expected by the School to possess and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. At the least, such an active commitment requires regular and frequent attendance at the Church’s worship services.
(b) Should an employee cease to have a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith or cease to maintain an active commitment to and involvement with an appropriate Christian church the employee shall inform the School.
(c) If this situation continues after counselling and an opportunity for restoration, the school may terminate the employee’s employment in accordance with the normal requirements relating to termination.
Statement of Faith. Employees are expected by the School to possess and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, as included in Appendix A to this Agreement, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. Should an employee cease to have a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith or cease to maintain an active commitment to and involvement with an appropriate Christian church, the employee shall inform the School.
Statement of Faith. The people of Kairos are called by God to share the love of Xxxxxx with those impacted by incarceration. Kairos encourages believers from a variety of Christian traditions to be volunteers in this Xxxxxx-filled ministry. Kairos programs offer to prison residents, their families, and those who work with them the opportunity to receive God’s forgiveness through faith in Xxxxx Xxxxxx, and to grow in their faith and servant hood in Christian community. We stand on the common ground of the following elements of faith: We in Kairos believe: • The Bible is God’s authoritative and inspired word for our faith and our lives. • In the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. • In the deity, death and resurrection of Xxxxx Xxxxxx. • Friendship with God is a free gift, for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. • The love of Xxxxx Xxxxxx motivates His followers to provide food for the hungry, drink to the thirsty, welcome to the stranger, clothes for the naked and visits to the sick and those in prison. • In sharing the love and forgiveness of Xxxxx Xxxxxx with all incarcerated individuals, their families and to those who work with them inside and outside the correctional institution. The Advisory Council provides the leadership for one specific location and Kairos program. The Kairos Board of Directors sets the policy and procedures for the ministry. The CEO is responsible for all operations of the ministry. The State Chapter Committees report to the CEO. The Advisory Council reports to the State Chapter Committee. The State Chapter Committee implements the policies and procedures through the Advisory Councils. The Advisory Council members are expected to understand and follow the policies, programs and operating procedures of Kairos Prison Ministry International. The local community is authorized to implement the ministry programs and policies as written. No Advisory Council has the authority to disregard or change the policies, programs and operating procedures. The Advisory Council is a body of Christian volunteers in a local Kairos community who serve in leadership roles for the benefit of the ministry. Each volunteer works in unity to conduct the Kairos ministry programs as a local Kairos community. The Advisory Council ministers with sure and certain knowledge of God’s call for unity and uniformity within this ministry as well as the necessity for spiritual unity among a...
Statement of Faith. (a) It is an inherent genuine occupational requirement and essential condition of employment and continuing employment that a teacher possesses and maintains a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. Accordingly, all teachers are expected by the School to possess and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith.
(b) Should a teacher cease to have a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith or cease to maintain an active commitment to and involvement with an appropriate Christian church the teacher shall inform the School.
(c) If this situation continues after counselling and an opportunity for restoration, the school may terminate the teacher’s employment, in accordance with the normal requirements relating to termination of employment.
Statement of Faith. (a) It is an inherent genuine occupational requirement and essential condition of employment and continuing employment that an employee possesses and maintains a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. Accordingly, all employees are expected by the School to possess and maintain throughout the term of this Agreement a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. At the least, such
(b) Should an employee cease to have a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith or cease to maintain an active commitment to and involvement with an appropriate Christian church the employee shall inform the School.
(c) If this situation continues after counselling and an opportunity for restoration, the ƐĐŚŽŽů ŵĂLJ ƚĞƌŵŝŶĂƚĞ ƚinŚacĞco rdĞanŵceƉwůithŽthLJe ĞnoĞrm͛alƐ ĞŵƉ requirements relating to termination.
Statement of Faith. The School’s Statement of Faith is informed by the truth of the Bible. We believe in: ▪ One God eternally existent in three Persons; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. ▪ The sovereignty of God in creation, providence, redemption, revelation and final judgement. ▪ The Divine inspiration of the original documents of the Bible, its entire inerrancy, trustworthiness, sufficiency and supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. ▪ The Deity of our Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His atoning death on the cross as our representative and substitute, and only sin-bearer, in His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, in His mediatorial work and in His personal, visible return in power and glory. ▪ The sinfulness and guilt of all mankind, rendering them subject to God's wrath and condemnation. ▪ Justification of the sinner by the grace of God through personal faith in Xxxxxx alone, and regeneration by the Holy Spirit. ▪ The receiving and indwelling of the Holy Spirit at conversion, and His continuing work in the heart and life of the believer. ▪ The only holy Universal Church, the body of which Xxxxxx is the Head, to which all true believers belong. ▪ The bodily resurrection and judgement of all mankind, the believer to life everlasting and the unbeliever to eternal damnation.
Statement of Faith. The Creative Christian Home Educators will function under Christian values. All Classes and activities will reflect Christian, conservative values. Special volunteers and all members of Leadership will be required to sign our “Statement of Faith”:
i. In one true God, Creator and Sustainer of all things and eternally existent in three distinct, but equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:1; Xxxx 10:30,37, 38)
ii. The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative, and inerrant Word of God. It is the final authority of our faith and the divine standard for our life. (II Xxx. 3:16; II Xxxxx 1:20,21)
iii. In the deity of our Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx, in His conception by the Holy Spirit, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.(Is. 7:14; Matt. 1:23; Luke 1:35; Heb. 4:15, 7:25; Heb. 9:12; Col. 1:14; Acts 1:11; Rev. 19:11-16)
iv. That man is sinful by nature, therefore, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is an absolute necessity for his salvation, which is initiated and accomplished by grace through faith only in Xxxxx Xxxxxx. (Rom. 3:19, 23; Xxxx 3:16; Xxxx 5:24,11:25; Eph. 2:8,9; Xxxxx 3:5,6)
v. In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling and continual infilling the Xxxxxxxxx is enabled to live a godly life whereas we love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to exercise spiritual gifts and be witnesses unto Him (Eph. 5:18, 4:30; Luke. 10:27; I Cor. 3:16, 6:19, 20, Acts 1:8)
vi. In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto eternal life and those who are lost unto eternal damnation. (Xxxx 5:28, 29)
vii. In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Xxxxx Xxxxxx and that every believer is a part of the body that supplies for the effectual working and increase of the Body of Xxxxxx., (Rom. 8:9; I Cor. 12:12, 13; Gal. 3:26-28, Eph. 4:16, Luke 10:27)
viii. In the biblical definition of marriage as a covenant and union of one man and one woman, creating them male and female. (Gen. 2:18-24, Eph 5:22, 25, 31)
ix. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as a male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Ge. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of God within that pers...
Statement of Faith. Christians Against Poverty seeks to equip the local church to reach their communities. We therefore ask that Money Coaches agree to partner with us in this vision.
Statement of Faith. (a) It is an inherent genuine occupational requirement and essential condition of employment and continuing employment that a Employee possesses and maintains a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith of the School, together with an active commitment to and involvement with a Christian church holding a doctrinal position consistent with the Statement of Faith. At the least, such an active commitment requires regular and frequent attendance at the Church's worship services.
(b) Should an Employee cease to have a firm personal belief consistent with the Statement of Faith, or cease to maintain an active commitment to and involvement with an appropriate Christian church the Employee shall inform the School.
(c) If this situation continues after counselling and an opportunity for restoration, the school may terminate the Employee's employment, in accordance with the normal requirements relating to termination of employment.