Project 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objectives of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the General Conditions.
PUBLIC FACILITIES Supplier’s employees may be required to perform work at government- owned facilities, including schools. Supplier’s employees and agents must conduct themselves in a professional manner while on the premises, and in accordance with Participating Entity policies and procedures, and all applicable laws.
Project Financing DZS poskytne příspěvek na financování nákladů na projekt, přičemž maximální výše grantu činí XXXXXXX CZK (XXXXXXX EUR). Grant určený na realizaci projektu pokrývá 100 % způsobilých výdajů. Bližší specifikace rozpočtu a jeho členění jsou ukotveny v Příloze I.
Employee Facilities Employee Facilities. Restrooms and attendant facilities shall be provided as required in the orders and regulations of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. A good faith effort will be made by the Employer to provide facilities for employees’ personal belongings.
CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT/ APARTMENT The Allottee has seen the proposed layout plan, specifications, amenities and facilities of the [Apartment/Plot] and accepted the floor plan, payment plan and the specifications, amenities and facilities [annexed along with this Agreement] which has been approved by the competent authority, as represented by the Promoter. The Promoter shall develop the Project in accordance with the said layout plans, floor plans and specifications, amenities and facilities. Subject to the terms in this Agreement, the Promoter undertakes to strictly abide by such plans approved by the competent Authorities and shall also strictly abide by the bye-laws, FAR and density norms and provisions prescribed by the [Please insert the relevant State laws]and shall not have an option to make any variation /alteration / modification in such plans, other than in the manner provided under the Act, and breach of this term by the Promoter shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement.