Senior Project Sample Clauses

Senior Project. In departments where a Senior Project course is a required or elective component of a degree program, it will be provided on a voluntary basis by an individual faculty member as an addition to their assigned workload. The approval of the Department Chair is required before a student can register in a Senior Project course with an identified Professor/Instructor. The faculty member shall receive two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per semester for each three credit Senior Project student. If two Professors/Instructors jointly supervise a Senior Project, the stipend will be divided equally between them unless there is some other agreement. Deans will identify Senior Projects in Workload Reports.
Senior Project. All units shall be restricted to households eligible under the provisions of California Civil Code 51.3 (except for projects utilizing federal funds whose programs have differing definitions for senior projects), and further be subject to state and federal fair housing laws with respect to senior housing; • Access to basic services shall be available by other than resident-owned transportation; • Projects over two stories shall have an elevator; • No more than twenty percent (20%) of the low-income units in the project shall be larger than one-bedroom units, unless a waiver is granted by the Executive Director; • One-bedroom units must have at least 500 square feet and two-bedroom units must include at least 750 square feet of living space. These limits may be waived for rehabilitation projects, at the discretion of the Executive Director; • Emergency call systems are required in units intended for occupancy by frail elderly populations requiring assistance with activities of daily living, and/or applying as special needs units. The owner shall provide 24-hour monitoring, unless an alternative monitoring system is approved by the Executive Director; • Common area(s) shall be provided on site, or are within approximately one-half mile of the subject property. For purposes of this part, common areas shall include all interior common areas, such as rental office and meeting rooms, but shall not include laundry rooms or manager living units, and shall meet the following size requirement: projects comprised of 30 or less units, at least 600 square feet; projects from 31 to 60 units, at least 1000 square feet; projects from 61 to 100 total units, at least 1400 square feet; projects over 100 units, at least 1800 square feet. Small developments of 20 or fewer low-income units are exempt from this requirement; • Adequate laundry facilities shall be available on the project premises, with no fewer than one washer/dryer per 15 units. If no centralized laundry facilities are provided, washers and dryers shall be provided in each unit; • Projects are subject to a minimum low-income use period of 55 years (50 years for Projects located on tribal trust land). • Average income is no more than forty percent (40%) of the area median income; • SRO units are efficiency units, which may include a complete private bath and kitchen but do not have a separate bedroom, unless the configuration of an already existing building being proposed to be used for an SRO dictates otherwise....
Senior Project. All FTP students are required to work on a senior thesis project during their senior year. This senior project is where students put into practice all they’ve learned in the Film and Television Program. a. Thesis films may be narratives of less than a half-hour long, documentaries, or other forms so long as they are truly creative in scope. A feature screenplay is also acceptable. b. Students must take on a major role in at least one thesis film. This is defined as: • Writer • Director • Producer • Director of Photography • Editor • 1st Assistant Director • Additional key role approved by faculty. c. Students must have earned a B or better in courses related to the position they will undertake in the thesis project. d. Faculty will determine which projects are chosen for production based on concept and the student’ filmmakers’ proven ability to excel. e. Faculty will determine all senior project job assignments. The fact that you requested a particular position does not guarantee that you will be assigned that position. f. For narrative films, the faculty must approve the shooting script before any principal photography begins. All other films require an approved proposal. g. Any student wishing to direct, produce, or edit a documentary project must take ENGL 368: Genres – Documentary. If not already taken, the student must register to take it in fall of senior year.
Senior Project. In departments where a Senior Project course is a required or elective component of a degree program, it will be provided on a voluntary basis by an individual faculty member as an addition to their assigned workload. The approval of the Department Chair is required before a COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT PAGE student can register in a Senior Project course with an identified University-College The faculty member shall receive two-hundred and dollars ($250) per semester for each three credit Senior Project student. If two University-College jointly supervise a Senior Project, the stipend will be divided equally between them unless there is some other agreement. Deans will identify Senior Projects in Workload Reports. ASSIGNMENT OF WORKLOAD In Spring semester, when the approved Program Profile is received the Ministry, the Xxxx shall advise each department of its activity level for the next budget year. If subsequent developments necessitate a change to this activity level, the Xxxx will advise the department accordingly. The initial proposed allocation of each University-College workload shall first be determined by the Chair of each department (or xxxx if no chair) in consultation with the members of that department. The proposed workload allocations shall be reviewed by the appropriate Xxxx in order to ensure a fair distribution within the department. Differences in contact hours, course preparations, student numbers, travel times, and other parameters which are seen to be relevant shall be considered. The workloads determined shall be consistent with the guidelines and limits in all relevant sections of the Collective Agreement. The following limits shall be placed on the times that a College would be expected to teach: No University-College shall be required to teach more than three consecutive one hour classes, labs or seminars, or more than consecutive classes, labs or seminars of duration more than one hour each. No University-College shall be required to conduct more than four consecutive hours of class, lab or seminar. Where a University-College has child care commitments, and where the University-College makes a written request, the University-College shall make every effort to ensure that University-College has no classes scheduled before am. COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT PAGE University-College shall be entitled to a minimum of one continuous hour of unscheduled time in the period between and University-College shall be entitled to a minimum of twelve continuous ...
Senior Project. The District agrees to allocate funds to assist in the implementation of the "Senior Project" by providing a maximum of 15 days of substitute time to be shared among certificated employees for the purpose of this program. The building principal as advised by the Senior Project Coordinator shall determine the use of these days. Additional flexibility may be approved by the building principal in the use of allocated funds for this program by allowing employees to receive compensation at the substitute rate for related work performed beyond the school day. A day for the purpose of this agreement is equivalent to 7.5 hours.
Senior Project. A senior project is required in the student’s major core area subject to budgetary constraints and the administrative five-year plan. The project must be the equivalent of at least 0.5 credits. SCHEDULE E
Senior Project. Developer shall commence construction of the Senior Project not later than December 1, 2025. Developer shall complete construction, substantially in accordance with the Final Plans with respect to the Senior Project, not later than June 1, 2028.
Senior Project. A student must complete a Senior Project or successfully complete a semester course to prepare and present an acceptable Project.

Related to Senior Project

  • Project 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objectives of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the General Conditions.

  • PUBLIC FACILITIES Supplier’s employees may be required to perform work at government- owned facilities, including schools. Supplier’s employees and agents must conduct themselves in a professional manner while on the premises, and in accordance with Participating Entity policies and procedures, and all applicable laws.

  • Project Financing DZS poskytne příspěvek na financování nákladů na projekt, přičemž maximální výše grantu činí XXXXXXX CZK (XXXXXXX EUR). Grant určený na realizaci projektu pokrývá 100 % způsobilých výdajů. Bližší specifikace rozpočtu a jeho členění jsou ukotveny v Příloze I.

  • Employee Facilities Employee Facilities. Restrooms and attendant facilities shall be provided as required in the orders and regulations of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. A good faith effort will be made by the Employer to provide facilities for employees’ personal belongings.

  • CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT/ APARTMENT The Allottee has seen the proposed layout plan, specifications, amenities and facilities of the [Apartment/Plot] and accepted the floor plan, payment plan and the specifications, amenities and facilities [annexed along with this Agreement] which has been approved by the competent authority, as represented by the Promoter. The Promoter shall develop the Project in accordance with the said layout plans, floor plans and specifications, amenities and facilities. Subject to the terms in this Agreement, the Promoter undertakes to strictly abide by such plans approved by the competent Authorities and shall also strictly abide by the bye-laws, FAR and density norms and provisions prescribed by the [Please insert the relevant State laws]and shall not have an option to make any variation /alteration / modification in such plans, other than in the manner provided under the Act, and breach of this term by the Promoter shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement.