Student Growth Measures. 1. The focused evaluation will include the student growth rubrics of the selected criterion. If criterions 3, 6, or 8 are selected, evaluators will use those student growth rubrics. If criterion 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 is selected, evaluators will use criterion 3 and 6 student growth rubrics, as selected by the teacher.
Student Growth Measures. 1. Student Growth Measures shall be based on SLOs, approved vendor assessments or value-added data, whichever measure is required.
Student Growth Measures. A student growth measure is a unit of academic growth projected for a student over a specified period of time which has been established according to a set of procedures defined either by the value-added data system, by the school district for approved vendor assessments, or locally developed student learning objectives (SLOs).
Student Growth Measures. 1. Embedded in the instructional framework are five (5) components designated as student growth components. These components are embedded in criteria as Student Growth 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, and 8.1. For a comprehensive evaluation, evaluators add up the raw score on these components and the employee is given a score of low, average or high, based on the scores below: • 18-20 - High • 13-17 - Average • 5-12 - Low A student growth score of “1” in any of the rubric rows will result in an overall low student growth score.
Student Growth Measures. In determining student growth measures, the evaluator will use the Ohio Department of Education’s Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), which calculates student growth by assessing achievement for an individual student occurring between two points in time. This is demonstrated, depending on the teaching assignment, through a combination of Value-Added reports, shared attribution, vendor assessments and/or SLOs as prescribed under state law.
Student Growth Measures. A. Student growth measures account for whatever portion of the teacher evaluation that is required by law. Student growth is defined as the change in student achievement for an individual student between two or more points in time.
Student Growth Measures. 1. Student growth measures shall be used to support a member’s evaluation but shall constitute no more than fifty percent (50%) of the total evaluation rating/designation, unless otherwise altered by legislation and agreed to by the parties.
Student Growth Measures. At the beginning of the year, the teacher and evaluator shall discuss and agree upon student growth measures and student growth goals to be used for the year. Student growth data will be taken from multiple sources in the same school year, and must be appropriate and relevant to the teacher’s assignment. Student achievement data that does not measure growth between two points in time shall not be used to calculate a teacher’s student growth criterion score.
Student Growth Measures. 1. Category A1 teachers’ (i.e., those who teach only subjects measured by value-added calculations) evaluation will be comprised of the following: the entire student academic growth factor of the evaluation shall be based on the value-added progress dimension.
Student Growth Measures. A. Besides those required to use value-added data by law, all student growth measures shall be locally developed; no vendor assessments will be used.