Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. The replacement LDP will contain sufficient policies to provide the basis for determining planning applications. However, SPG has an important supporting role in providing more detailed or site specific guidance on the way in which Replacement LDP policies will be applied. These are non-statutory documents intended to expand upon the policies and proposals in the Replacement LDP. They cannot introduce new policy and are not the subject of independent examination but will undergo public consultation.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. The Replacement LDP will contain sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for deciding planning applications. The selective use of SPG will however be utilised as a means of setting out more detailed information on application of policies or site-specific guidance on the way in which the LDP policies will be applied (in particular providing more detail and technical advice). SPG therefore has an important role in complementing the strategy. SPG will not form a part of the LDP, will not introduce additional policy, but it will be derived from the plan and be consistent with it. At present, the Council has SPGs relating to a number of policy areas including: • Aberystwyth Shopfront & Commercial Façade Design Guide, adopted May 2013 • Open Space, adopted 24th April 2014. • Special Landscape Areas, adopted 24th April 2014. • Affordable Housing, adopted 25th September 2014. • Renewable Energy, adopted 28th January 2015. • The Built Environment & Design, adopted 28th January 2015. • Transport Assessment, adopted 28th January 2015. • Car Parking Standard, adopted 28th January 2015. • Nature Conservation, adopted 28th January 2015. • Community and the Welsh Language, adopted 23 June 2015 SPGs which will be required for the Replacement Ceredigion LDP will be identified to inform the Deposit Plan consultation. Proposed changes to policies which impact upon the above SPGs may require consequential modification of the SPG. Given the review issues identified to date, it is anticipated that the following SPGs will require withdrawal or revision as a minimum: • Affordable Housing • Community and the Welsh Language • Built Environment and Design. Some of the SPGs listed above may be incorporated into new SPGs on emerging issues using nationally recognised terminology, such as Green Infrastructure. The CIS will form the basis for public involvement on producing SPG in cases where that guidance arises from the LDP. Where SPG is essential to understanding the LDP it will be prepared and consulted on in parallel with the LDP; otherwise SPG will be subject to a separate period of public consultation prior to its adoption by the Council. SPG to the replacement plan, including SPG carried forward (with / without modification) will be adopted only following adoption of the replacement Plan.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. 3.6.1. SPG’s are non-statutory documents and are prepared to expand upon policies or proposals contained in the RLDP. They can relate to specific topics or policies contained within the plan or they could also take the form of local level 'Place
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. Supplementary information in respect of the policies in a Local Development Plan. Supplementary Planning Guidance does not form part of the development plan and is not subject to independent examination but must be consistent with it and with national planning policy. Tool for appraising policies to ensure they reflect sustainable development objectives (i.e. social, environmental and economic factors). Each LPA is required by S.62(6) of the 2004 Act to undertake SA of the Local Development Plan. This form of SA fully incorporates the requirements of the SEA Regulations. The term is used in this Manual to include Strategic Environmental Assessment, unless otherwise made clear.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. The LP will contain sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for deciding planning applications. The selective use of SPG will be utilised as a means of setting out more detailed issued related or site-specific guid- ance on the way in which LP policies will be applied. SPG will not form a part of the development plan but it will be derived from the plan and be consistent with it.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. The RLDP will contain sufficient policies to provide the basis for determining planning applications. However, Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) has an important supporting role in providing more detailed or site-specific guidance on the way in which RLDP policies will be applied. While SPG does not form part of a development plan it should be derived from and be consistent with the relevant LDP. The SPG should also be clearly cross referenced to the policies and proposals it supplements.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. 1.7.1 The LDP will contain sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for deciding planning applications, and, where appropriate, for determining conditions to be attached to planning permissions. Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) will also be utilised as a means of setting out more detailed thematic or site-specific guidance on the way in which LDP policies will be applied. SPG will not form part of the development plan, but it will be clearly cross-referenced to the relevant LDP policies and proposals which it supplements, and will be consistent with the Plan. SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
1.7.2 The Council has established which SPGs are to be produced based on key priorities which are crucial to the implementation of the LDP and the current Development Plan. This revised DA 2012 details those SPGs to be prepared. SPGs will be subject to consultation and Council agreement as set out in Section 6.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. 1.8.1 The purpose of the SPG is to: • assist applicants and their agents in preparing their planning proposals and to guide them in discussions with officers before submitting planning applications; • assist officers to assess planning applications and officers and councillors to make decisions about planning applications; and • help Planning Inspectors make decisions on appeals. The overall aim is to improve the quality of new development and facilitate a consistent and transparent approach to decision making.
1.8.2 The current Plan is supported by a series of SPG, some of which were adopted prior to the period of joint working with Gwynedd Council with the remainder being prepared and adopted jointly. The current SPG are listed below. Hot Food Take Away Establishments 1993 NW Regional Planning Guidance 2002 Holiday Accommodation 2007 Parking Standards 2008 Design Guide For The Urban and Rural Environment 2008 SA/SEA Onshore Wind Energy Turbines 2013 Onshore Wind Energy 2013 HRA Screening Onshore Wind Turbine 2013 Housing Mix 2018 Wylfa Newydd 2018 Open Spaces in New Housing Developments 2019 Local Market Housing 2019 Affordable Housing 2019 Replacement Dwellings and Conversions in the Countryside 2019 Planning Obligations 2019 Maintaining and Creating Distinctive and Sustainable Communities 2019 Change of use of community facilities and services, employment sites and retail units 2021 Tourism Accommodation and Facilities 2021
1.8.3 As part of the preparation of the LDP it will be necessary to review the current guidance to ensure that they remain valid and support the policies that are being prepared as part of the LDP. Consideration will also need to be given to the need to prepare any new SPG to support LDP policies. If it is necessary to prepare a new SPG, this will be noted as the process of preparing the Plan progresses. Any new SPG will be subject to consultation with relevant stakeholders.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. 2.6.1 The LDP will contain sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for deciding planning applications, and, where appropriate, for determining conditions to be attached to planning permissions. Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) will also be utilised as a means of setting out more detailed thematic or site-specific guidance on the way in which LDP policies will be applied.7 SPG will not form part of the development plan, but it will be clearly cross-referenced to the relevant LDP policies and proposals which it supplements, and will be consistent with the Plan.8 SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
2.6.2 SPG will assist in terms of the Plan’s flexibility. It may take the form of site specific guidance such as masterplans, design guides or area development briefs, or take more thematic form such as guidance on extensions to dwellings, shopfronts and car parking standards.9
2.6.3 The Council will establish what SPG to produce based on key priorities which are crucial to the implementation of the LDP and the current Development Plan. One of the tasks at the pre-deposit stage will be for the Council, in consultation with other key stakeholders, to produce a draft SPG programme. 6 Local Development Plans Wales, page 22, para. 4.18, Welsh Assembly Government, December 2005 7 Local Development Plans Wales, page 33, para. 5.1, Welsh Assembly Government, December 2005 8 Local Development Plans Wales, page 33, para. 5.2, Welsh Assembly Government, December 2005 9 Local Development Plans Wales, page 33, para. 5.2, Welsh Assembly Government, December 2005 This programme will identify what SPGs will be produced and when and will be subject to consultation and Council agreement.
Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG. 2.6.1 The LDP will contain sufficient policies and proposals to provide the basis for deciding planning applications, and, where appropriate, for determining conditions to be attached to planning permissions. Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) will also be utilised as a means of setting out more detailed thematic or site-specific guidance on the way in which LDP policies will be applied.7 SPG will not form part of the development plan, but it will be clearly cross-referenced to the relevant LDP policies and proposals which it supplements, and will be consistent with the Plan.8 SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
2.6.2 SPG will assist in terms of the Plan’s flexibility. It may take the form of site specific guidance such as masterplans, design guides or area development briefs, or take more thematic form such as guidance on extensions to dwellings, shopfronts and car parking standards.9
2.6.3 The Council will establish what SPG to produce based on key priorities which are crucial to the implementation of the LDP and the current Development Plan. One of the tasks at the pre-deposit stage will be for the Council, in consultation with other key stakeholders, to produce a draft SPG programme. This programme will identify what SPGs will be produced and when and will be subject to consultation and Council agreement.