Total Remuneration Sample Clauses
Total Remuneration. Total Remuneration shall mean the base salary paid to the Employee, and is inclusive of bonuses and allowances including the clinical component for rostered duties paid by Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxx | The University of Auckland.
Total Remuneration. Boehringer Turkey undertakes to pay remuneration in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 2 The Budget and payment conditions according to the provisions of this Section 4. Remuneration shall be exclusive of value added tax (VAT) which shall be added thereon and invoiced by IBA, if applicable.
Total Remuneration. 15.1 Employees are remunerated on a Total Remuneration basis. The Total Remuneration for employees is made up of the following components:
(i) Base Salary; and
(ii) Aggregate Penalties;
15.2 The Base Salary is comprehensive and unless specified elsewhere in this Agreement includes provision for the payment of any allowances or payments that may otherwise be payable or have been payable to an employee. Examples of such allowances or payments include but are not limited to the following:
(i) The employee's classification;
(ii) Hours the employee may be required to work as a result of operational necessity that are in addition to the employee's rostered hours;
(iii) Annual leave loading;
(iv) All public holiday penalty payments;
(v) Driver only operation;
(vi) Tonnage / Distance payments;
(vii) Coal/Dust allowance; and
(viii) All time spent in accommodation units when on "away from home depot" workings.
15.3 Base Salaries for each classification are set out in Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
15.4 Aggregate penalties are provided to compensate employees for working shift work and weekends. The method for calculating the Aggregate Penalty and the Aggregate Penalty Multiplier for different shifts is set out below in clause 16.
Total Remuneration which will be paid as follows.......................................... Co-production (only in the event that two or more theatres jointly produce a play) The play is produced in collaboration with the following theatre(s)…………………………..
Total Remuneration. The salary rate established for a position shall represent the total remuneration for the employee, not including reimbursement for official travel. Except as otherwise authorized by the City Manager, no employee shall receive pay from the City in addition to the salary authorized under the schedules provided in the pay plan for services rendered by the employee either in the discharge of the employee's ordinary duties or any additional duties which may be imposed upon the employee or which the employee may undertake or volunteer to perform. No reward, gift, or other form of remuneration in addition to regular compensation shall be received from any source by employees for performance of the employee's duties.
Total Remuneration. The Total Remuneration for example current rosters worked at the Mine is set out in Attachment 3:
Total Remuneration. Total remuneration comprises total remunerative benefits to the employee calculated by adding individual annual salary (refer pay slip) and adding any superannuation subsidy. For the purposes of total remuneration, superannuation is valued after Employers Superannuation Contribution Tax (ESCT) at a standard rate of 33%. Superannuation subsidy for employees is based on after ESCT PSS rate of 8.375%, or PSS/Ex GSF 6.164%, or General GSF 5.025%, Police GSF 10.78% former Reg 24 staff only. The employer’s superannuation contributions to KiwiSaver and State Sector Retirement Savings Scheme (SSRSS) are additional to an employee’s total remuneration. The assessed value of superannuation in employees’ TR will not be affected by periodic changes in the GSF employer subsidy or changes in superannuation ESCT. Parties can raise issues in relation to these at CEA negotiations. The total remuneration of an employee who joins the PSS will remain the same resulting in a lower salary. Whilst the superannuation subsidy is 12.5% gross, the superannuation component of their total remuneration will only be calculated at a net rate of 8.375% of salary.
Total Remuneration. The Contractor will receive no direct financial remuneration from the State for goods and services for the purchases by the State under this QPA made directly with the Authorized Reseller, it being understood that the Contractor’s remuneration for indirect orders derives from its agreements with its Authorized Resellers.
Total Remuneration. 5.1 We use the total remuneration a pr ach for et g wages, salaries and benefits. The Total Employment Cost (TEC) approach provi es you wi h control and choice, by which you tailor your remuneration to meet your needs. It is conditi n of your employment that your TEC is confidential to you and at you do not disclose his to any other employee.
5.2 Since you are employed as n executive, you will b remunerated on the basis of an annual TEC as set out in Schedule1, from hich is to be paid (a) whatever is the required level of Company superannuation contributions under the current federal government's Superannuation Guarantee Contribution (SGC) leg lation (cu ntly 9.0% p.a.) up to the maximum superannuation contribution base salary ovided Sections 20 and 21 of the Superannuation Guarantee m stration) Ac 199 and (b) applicable payroll tax on the remainder of the TEC so that the annual (gross) salar plus Company superannuation contribution and applicable payroll tax, before any other adjus ments, equals the TEC (subject to any later adjustments for changes in the require evel of Comp ny superannuation contributions, payroll tax or salary sacrifices you
5.3 If computers are r uired as a ‘tool of the trade’ they will be supplied and funded by Company as a position ement.
5.4 The costs of training and accreditation specific to your role will be funded by Company in accordance with its policies.
5.5 The cost of any FBT incurred, based on an individual’s choice of fringe benefits that are available through the Company salary packaging only, will be your responsibility and so will be borne by you and will be processed by deductions of the appropriate amount from your remuneration. Your annual salary payment certificate will include the taxable value of all your fringe benefits. The exceptions are employment related meal entertainment benefits (including associated travel and accommodation) and any agreed car parking benefits (other than reimbursements or payment of employee incurred parking costs). There is also an exemption if the annual benefits per employee are $1,000 or less.
5.6 Any bonus payment or other incentive does not form part of the TEC as outlined above for calculating ordinary superannuation or other entitlements. If any bonus or other incentive payments are ever made, the amount will be expressed as a gross amount, so the amount payable to you will be subject to any applicable laws, including withholding for payment for tax, and will be reduced by appli...
Total Remuneration. During the term of this Agreement you will be paid a Total Remuneration, consisting of a Base Salary, Grosvenor Allowance and Work Pattern Payment.
(a) Base Salary The Base Salary is: Mine Technician Annual $74,412.44 $76,644.81 $79,327.38 $82,103.84 Hourly $40.89 $42.11 $43.59 $45.11 Mine Trades Technician Annual $78,885.23 $81,251.79 $84,095.60 $87,038.95 Hourly $43.34 $44.64 $46.21 $47.82
(b) Grosvenor Allowance The Grosvenor Allowance is: From Commencement From First Anniversary of Commencement From Second Anniversary of Commencement From Third Anniversary of Commencement Mine Technician/ Mine Trades Technician $36,000.00 $37,080.00 $38,377.80 $39,721.02
(c) Work Pattern Payment The Work Pattern Payment for each roster is calculated in accordance with Attachment 2. The Work Pattern Payments for example current rosters worked at the Mine is shown in the Total Remuneration tables in Attachment 3.