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Traffic Control and Safety Sample Clauses

Traffic Control and Safety. The permittee shall at all times give strict attention to the safety and rights of the traveling public, their employees, and contractors. Any permit may be revoked or suspended when in the opinion of the district administrator’s designee, the safety, use or maintenance of the highway so requires.
Traffic Control and Safety. The permittee shall at all times give strict attention to the safety and rights of the traveling public, their employees, and contractors. Any permit may be revoked or suspended when in the opinion of the district administrator’s designee, the safety, use or maintenance of the highway so requires. In accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specification, Special Provision 105.14, all activities performed under the auspices of a VDOT Land Use Permit involving the installation, maintenance and removal of work zone traffic control devices must have at least one (1) person on-site who, at a minimum, is accredited by VDOT in Basic Work Zone Traffic Control. The accredited person must have their VDOT Work Zone Traffic Control accreditation card in their possession while on-site. A person accredited by VDOT in Intermediate Work Zone Traffic Control must be on-site to provide supervision for adjustment to the approved layout of any standard Typical Traffic Control (TTC) layouts outlined in the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. All traffic control plans shall be prepared by a person verified by VDOT in Advanced Work Zone Traffic Control. All activities that require the disruption (stoppage) of traffic shall utilize VDOT certified flaggers. Flag persons shall be provided in sufficient number and locations as necessary for control and protection of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in accordance with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. All flaggers must have their certification card in their possession when performing flagging operations within state maintained right-of-way. Any flag person found not in possession of his/her certification card shall be removed from the flagging site and the district administrator’s designee will suspend all permitted activities. Any VDOT certified flag person found to be performing their duties improperly shall have their certification revoked. The permittee shall be exempt from the requirements of Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specification, Special Provision 105.14 if the authorized activity is not within the roadway (as defined in 24VAC30-151) of a state maintained highway. Traffic shall not be blocked or detoured without permission, documented in writing or electronic communication, being granted by the district administrator’s designee. The permittee shall immediately correct any situation that may arise as a result of these activities that the dist...
Traffic Control and Safety.  The Contractor shall maintain traffic during the prosecution of the Work and provide, install, and maintain all traffic control devices in accordance with the approved Traffic Control Plans, the Project Special Provision Section 150 Traffic Control, Georgia Department of Transportation State of Georgia Standard Specifications for Construction of Transportation Systems, current edition, Supplemental Specifications, and the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  Certification may be required for all WTCS (Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor) as detailed by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) or the National Safety Council (NSC) for any complex project as defined in future ITBs. 5. If required in future ITBs, Contractor shall provide an experienced and certified Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor as provided in Special Provision, Section 150 – Traffic Control.
Traffic Control and SafetyThe contractor shall strictly abide by all OSHA safety regulations and traffic control requirements as identified and approved by NCDOT and the Town of Knightdale. Approved traffic controls and safety shall be observed at all times. Appropriate personnel shall be certified for traffic control as required by NCDOT for all operations. All personnel are required to wear class II safety vests while working on the property. Any work requiring the alteration of traffic movements requires a traffic control plan submitted to the Town Representative prior to the work. Approval of said traffic control plan must be obtained prior to implementation. At no time shall the contractor cross I-540 (other than via the Knightdale Boulevard overpass) for any reason. Access to each interchange quadrant is restricted to Knightdale Blvd. or from the associated exit or entry ramps only. Failure to follow traffic safety restrictions shall be ground for immediate work stoppage and/or contract termination.
Traffic Control and Safety a. Lessee, while occupying any portion of ROW in connection with access to the Conduit System, shall erect a barrier around the perimeter of any excavation and provide any and all traffic-control devices, signs, and lights appropriate to the level of complexity of the activity in order to protect, warn, and guide the public (vehicular and pedestrian) through the work zone. The manner and use of these devices shall be described within a traffic-control plan in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and approved by the Traffic Engineer and submitted to the Conduit System Manager for review prior to commencing construction. b. Lessee shall implement each traffic-control plan and agrees to be in compliance at all times with all applicable city, state, and federal requirements and maintain all devices in good repair. Lessees with open excavations awaiting final restoration shall maintain all devices until repair is complete or until the Public Works Department notifies the Lessee in writing that the City or the City's designated contractor is assuming responsibility for traffic control for the paving cut restoration. c. Lessee shall designate a safety officer. The safety officer shall be responsible for safety-related issues affecting both the public and the Lessee’s field employees and contractors for all job sites within the ROW.
Traffic Control and Safety.  The Contractor shall maintain traffic during the prosecution of the Work and provide, install, and maintain all traffic control devices in accordance with the approved Traffic Control Plans, the Project Special Provision Section 150 Traffic Control, Georgia Department of Transportation State of Georgia Standard Specifications for Construction of Transportation Systems, current edition, Supplemental Specifications, and the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).  Certification may be required for all WTCS (Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor) as detailed by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) or the National Safety Council (NSC) for any complex project as defined in future ITBs. o If required in future ITBs, Contractor shall provide an experienced and certified Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor as provided in Special Provision, Section 150 – Traffic Control. o If required in future ITBs, Contractor shall submit certifications that the Worksite Traffic Control Supervisor’s (WTCS) training is in accordance with MUTCD requirements. CATEGORY SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS Adjuvant: Material used in conjunction with herbicides to enhance performance and/or effectiveness. Alternative Herbicides: Products that are not listed for use as herbicides in these Specifications. Approval/Acceptance: Inspected and approved by the Engineer for compliance with the requirements of the Specifications included in this Contract. Chemical Injection Spray Truck: Vehicle used to perform Broadcast Herbicide Applications. Custom Blends: Combination of two or more herbicides and/or adjuvants in the same packaged container. Engineer or his Designee: The Department’s inspector, (hereafter referred to as the “Engineer”). Invasive Species: Non-native plants to the ecosystem of Georgia that are likely to impact native and desirable vegetation.

Related to Traffic Control and Safety

  • WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY The parties to this Agreement are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace and work practices. The parties recognise that illness or injury at the workplace is costly to the employer and the employees and also disruptive to the respective parties. To facilitate healthy and safe work practices, the parties to the Agreement are committed to discussing health and safety issues as they apply to the operations of the employer as part of the consultative measures under this Agreement. The employer and employees under this agreement may refer to their respective industrial representatives for appropriate advice or expertise in enhancing performance with due regard to health and safety initiatives. The parties also recognise the importance of conducting regular audits of the employer's operations, policies and procedures including the employees' skills, knowledge, qualifications and application of healthy and safe work practices.

  • HEALTH AND SAFETY 7A01 The parties to this Collective Agreement endorse the importance of a safe and secure environment, in which nurses must work. The parties will work together in recognizing and resolving Occupational Health and Safety issues. 7A02 In accordance with the Workplace Safety and Health Act, the Employer agrees to make reasonable and proper provisions for the maintenance of a high standard of health and safety in the workplace and will provide safety and personal protective equipment where required and install safety devices where necessary. 7A03 The Workplace Safety and Health Committee shall cooperate with Union representation for the purpose of ensuring health and safety in the workplace and the identification of health and safety hazards. On an annual basis the Workplace Safety and Health Committee will be provided with and will review the Critical Incident Stress Response policy, security/response plans and all other applicable policies and regulations. The Employer will make available where it exists, support through the Critical Incident Stress Response (CISR) team, or where there is no CISR team, appropriate Critical Incident support, to a nurse affected by a Critical Incident, an incident or circumstances that are deemed by the nurse to be outside the normal experience of their duties/workplace, and/or upon request of the nurse, or the manager on behalf of the nurse. Where the Employer, does not currently maintain a CISR team, they shall provide the Union with the specifics of how nurses are provided support similar to that provided by CISR teams, and through what programs and/or services. Where maintenance of CISR teams is no longer reasonably possible the Employer shall provide the Union as much notice as possible and the parties shall meet to discuss what options are to be implemented to continue provision of similar support to nurses. The Employer will communicate to members the option to activate CISR as well as provide information as to the nature of the support provided by the CISR teams. The parties agree that there shall be a dedicated mental health support unit (over and above EAP), funded by PCOC, and established exclusively for nurses in the bargaining unit. The parties agree to establish a committee within sixty (60) days of ratification of this agreement to establish the scope, duties and terms of reference of the mental health support unit. 7A04 The Employer and the Union agree that no form of abuse, harassment or bullying of nurses will be condoned in the workplace. Both parties will work together in recognizing, facilitating the reporting of alleged abuse and resolving such problems as they arise. There shall be zero tolerance of abuse, harassment or bullying. Any nurse who believes a situation may become or has become abusive, harassing or bullying shall report this to the immediate supervisor. The Employer shall notify the Union ninety-six (96) hours after the receipt of the report. Every reasonable effort will be made to rectify the abusive situation to the mutual satisfaction of the parties. Any workplace injury or harmful exposure suffered by a nurse shall be reported to the Union no later than ninety-six (96) hours after the report/notification is made to the Employer. Such report to the Union will include the name of the affected nurse, if the nurse agrees, and a brief description as to the mechanism of injury/exposure. In regards to respectful workplace; there shall be a policy supporting a Respectful Workplace which shall be provided to the Union, and shall be reviewed annually by the Workplace Health and Safety Committee. Such policy shall address the issue of communication strategies, which will include signage. The Employer’s Respectful Workplace policy shall include a commitment to conclude the investigation as quickly as is reasonably possible. Where a respectful workplace complaint is filed by a nurse, the Employer shall notify the Union of such complaint no later than ten (10) business days following receipt of the complaint. Where the Union has concerns regarding the impartiality of an Employer conducted Respectful Workplace Investigation, the Union shall have the right to request the investigation be conducted by an individual from outside the work site. The Employer shall give all due reasonable consideration to such request. If a Respectful Workplace Investigation is conducted, a report of findings, or a summary of the report will be shared by the Employer with the complainant and respondent nurse(s). Where a summary is provided, rather than the full report the Union may request and the Employer shall provide the rationale for the provision of a summary rather than the full report. The complainant and respondent may share the report/summary with the Union if they wish. 7A05 At the request of a nurse, the Employer shall provide, at no cost to the nurse, vaccination(s) and/or immunization(s) for occupational illness(es) in accordance with the Canadian Immunization Guide from the Laboratory Centre for Disease for Health Canada. All reasonable efforts should be made to provide immunization(s) to the nurse during their regularly scheduled work hours. 7A06 Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program - The Employer agrees to actively participate and facilitate the rehabilitation and return to work of ill, injured or disabled nurses even when they are not covered under the D & R, WCB or MPI programs. For clarity, where a nurse is waiting for a decision from D & R, WCB, or MPI and has been medically cleared to return to work, the Employer will pay for all return to work hours. It is understood that the nurse will reimburse the Employer once their claim is accepted. Any such nurse will be supernumerary in nature when reasonably possible. The Union shall be notified by the Employer if there is a request for a Rehabilitation and Return to Work Program for a nurse. The Employer shall include the Union in the initial meeting with the nurse to review the provisions of the program to ensure that the work designated is within their restrictions and limitations. If required, the Employer shall schedule subsequent (progress) review(s) with the Union and the nurse and may proceed without the Union’s involvement subject to the Union’s concurrence. Where appropriate, by agreement between the Employer and the Union, job postings may be waived.

  • Work Health and Safety (a) The employer and employee acknowledge their responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012. (b) Where there is a Work Health and Safety Representative they must be elected and will carry out the tasks associated with the role of Work Health and Safety Representative set out within the Work Health and Safety Act 2011.

  • Health and Safety Plan Consultant shall prepare and submit a Health and Safety Plan (“HASP”) for the portion of Consultant’s work that will involve field work, assessments, or investigations of certain Project elements. The HASP shall describe how Consultant plans to complete field work, assessments, and/or investigations at the RWF. Consultant’s HASP must comply with the CIP HASP and shall be updated as new conditions are encountered.

  • Environment, Health, and Safety 23.4.1. The Supplier and its staff (and/or any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor) shall comply with the laws and regulations in force related to protection of the environment, the health and safety instructions applicable to the Goods and Services performed pursuant to the Contract and especially, if appropriate, to the Goodsand Services performedon any Site by a third company. 23.4.2. The Supplier and its staff (and/or any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor) shall also comply with the internal rules at the Purchaser and/or Customer’s site(s) where it may have to work for the purpose of performance of the Contract including EHS rules and requirements, as applicable. In case of conflict between different EHS requirements, the most stringent standard shall apply. 23.4.3. In the eventof presence or activity of the Supplier (and/or any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor) on any Purchaser and/or Customer Site, the Supplier, and any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor, as the case may be, the Supplier shall ensure appropriate personnel training and qualification and submit any proof relating to such qualification upon Purchaser’s request. Additionally, the Supplier shall consider any hazards associated with Site conditions, installations and/or machinery nearby. More generally, Supplier shall, at all times, comply with the Purchaser and/or Customer internal rules, including EHS rules and requirements, as applicable. In case of conflict between different EHS requirements, the most stringent standard shall apply. 23.4.4. If the Supplier’s staff (and/or any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor) fail to comply with any of the laws, regulation and or internal rules mentioned under this Article 23.4, the Purchaser is entitled to apply to the Supplier, penalties which in no case shall be considered asliquidateddamagesandwithoutanypriorofficialnotification, correspondingtothirtynine thousand Renminbi (39 000 CNY) per event, without prejudice (i) to the possibility for the Purchaser to ask for the replacement of its staff member or the staff member of its sub- supplier and/or subcontractor, responsible of the breach, and/or (ii) to the possibility for the Purchaser to terminate the Contract for Supplier’s default or to ask for the Supplier to terminate its sub-suppliers and/or subcontractors contracts, and/or (iii) for the Supplier to indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser, its affiliates, officers, employees and agents 23.4.5. In application of applicable employment laws, the Purchaser must take all appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security as well as the physical and mental health of all employees present on its premises. 23.4.6. The Supplier shall be fully responsible and commits to take all necessary measures ensuring the safety and security as well as the physical and mental health of all its employees who could have to travel in whatever country for the proper execution by the supplier of its obligations as set out under the Contract.

  • D5 Health and Safety The Contractor shall promptly notify the Authority of any health and safety hazards which may arise in connection with the performance of its obligations under the Contract. The Authority shall promptly notify the Contractor of any health and safety hazards which may exist or arise at the Authority’s Premises and which may affect the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under the Contract.

  • OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 34.01 The parties recognize the need for a safe and healthy workplace. The Employer shall be responsible for providing safe and healthy working conditions. The Employer and Employees will take all reasonable steps to eliminate, reduce or minimize all workplace safety hazards. Occupational health and safety education, training and instruction provided by the Employer, shall be paid at the Basic Rate of Pay, to fulfill the requirements for training, instruction or education set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation or Code. (a) There shall be an Occupational Health and Safety Committee (Committee), which shall be composed of representatives of the Employer and representatives of the Local and may include others representing recognized functional bargaining units. This Committee shall meet once a month, and in addition shall meet within 10 days of receiving a written complaint regarding occupational health or safety. An Employee shall be paid the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay for attendance at Committee meetings. A request to establish separate committees for each site or grouping of sites shall not be unreasonably denied. The Employer shall provide training at no cost to all Employees on the Committee to assist them in performing their duties on the Committee. Training shall be paid at the Employee’s Basic Rate of Pay. (b) Minutes of each meeting shall be taken and shall be approved by the Employer, the Local, and other bargaining groups, referred to in (a), prior to circulation. (c) The purpose of the Committee is to consider such matters as occupational health and safety and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (d) If an issue arises regarding occupational health or safety, the Employee or the Local shall first seek to resolve the issue through discussion with the applicable immediate supervisor in an excluded management position. If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, it may then be forwarded in writing to the Committee. (e) The Committee shall also consider measures necessary to ensure the security of each Employee on the Employer’s premises and the Local may make recommendations to the Employer in that regard. (f) (i) Should an issue not be resolved by the Committee, the issue shall be referred to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). A resolution meeting between the Local and the CEO, or designate(s), shall take place within 21 calendar days of the issue being referred to the CEO. The CEO or designate(s) shall reply in writing to the Local within seven (7) calendar days of the resolution meeting.

  • Environmental Health and Safety i. Environment, Health and Safety Performance. Seller acknowledges and accepts full and sole responsibility to maintain an environment, health and safety management system ("EMS") appropriate for its business throughout the performance of this Contract. Buyer expects that Seller’s EMS shall promote health and safety, environmental stewardship, and pollution prevention by appropriate source reduction strategies. Seller shall convey the requirement of this clause to its suppliers. Seller shall not deliver goods that contain asbestos mineral fibers.

  • ARTICLE HEALTH AND SAFETY The Employer shall prepare a comprehensive policy on resident handling and safe work practices within six (6)months of the date of Such policies will be reviewed by the Joint Health and Safety Committee. A joint management and employee Health Safety Committee shall be constituted with representationof at least half by employees from the bargaining units and the employees who are not represented by the Unions and who do not exercise managerial functions which shall identify potential dangers, recommend means of improving the health and safety programs and obtaining information from the Employer or other persons respecting the identification of hazards and standards elsewhere. The committee shall normally meet at least quarterly. Scheduled time spent in such meetings is to be considered time worked for which shall be paid by the Employer at his or her regular or overtime rate. Minutes shall be taken of all meetings and copies shall be sent to the Committee members. Minutes of the meetings shall be posted on the workplace health safety bulletin board. The Employer shall provide the time from work with pay and all related tuition costs and expenses necessary to certify the worker representative. Where an inspector makes an inspection of a workplace under the powers conferred upon him or her under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the employer shall afford a certified committee member representing workers the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. Where a worker certified member is not site and available, the Employer shall afford a worker health and safety representative if any, or a worker selected by a Union, because of knowledge, experience and training, to represent it, the opportunity to accompany the inspector during his or her physical inspection of a workplace, or any part or parts thereof. Two (2) representatives of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, one (1) from management and one (1) from the employees, shall make monthly inspections of the work place and shall report to the health and safety committee the results of their inspection. The members of the Committee who represent the workers shall designate a certified member or person who is properly trained to inspect the workplace. Where possible that member shall be a certified member. The employer shall provide the member with such information and assistance as the member may require for the purpose of carrying out an inspection of the workplace. In the event of accident or injury, such representatives shall be notified immediately and shall investigate and report as soon as possible to the committee and to the Employer on the nature and causes of the accident or injury. Furthermore, such representatives must be notified of the inspection of a government inspector and shall have the right to accompany him on his inspections. Scheduled time spent in all such activities shall be considered as time worked The Joint Health and Safety Committee and the representativesthereof shall have access to Report Form required in and of the Act and the annual summary of data from the relating to the number of work accident fatalities, the number of lost workday cases, the number of lost workdays, the number of cases that required medical aid without lost workdays, the incidence of occupational injuries, and such other data as the may decide to disclose. It is understood and agreed that no information will be provided to the Committee which is confidential. This information shall be a standing item recorded in the minutes of each meeting. The Union will use its best efforts to obtain the full co-operationof its membership in the compliance of all safety rules and practices. The Employer will use its best efforts to make all affected direct care employees aware of residents who have serious infectious diseases. The nature of the disease need not be disclosed. Employees will be made aware of special procedures required of them to deal with these circumstances. The parties agree that all employees are aware of the requirement to practice universal precautions in all circumstances.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act The Employer, the Union, and the Employees recognize they are bound by the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.N.S. 1996, c.7, and appropriate federal acts and regulations. Any breach of these obligations may be grieved pursuant to this Agreement.