Transfer of Service Credits Sample Clauses
Transfer of Service Credits. Where a full-time employee transferred to the part-time bargaining unit without loss of seniority and employment rights as stated in Article 10:01 or Article 11, the employee’s date for purposes of placement on the part-time seniority list will be their last date of hire by the Hospital.
Transfer of Service Credits. A full-time employee who transfers to the part-time bargaining unit and who continues to work in the same classification shall be given credit for service accumulated in the full-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the wage scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the wage scale) according to the formula:
Transfer of Service Credits. FULL-TIME Article 24
Transfer of Service Credits. 24:01 Effective January 1, 1989, a part-time employee who transfers on or after this date to the full-time bargaining unit and who continues to work in the same classification shall be given credit for service accumulated in the part-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the wage scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the wage scale) according to the formula: 1,650 hours worked = one (1) year of full-time service
24:02 A part-time employee who transfers on or after this date to the full-time bargaining unit shall be given credit for service accumulated in the part-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the vacation pay scale according to the formula established for progression on the vacation pay scale: 1,650 hours worked = one (1) year of full-time service
24:03 A part-time employee who transfers on or after this date to the full-time bargaining unit to work in another classification, will be placed at the start of the wage grid.
Transfer of Service Credits. Effective April a part-time employee who transfers on or after January to the bargaining unit and who continues to work in the same classification shall be given credit for service accumulated in the part-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the wage scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the wage scale) according to the formula: hours worked = one (1) year of full-time service A part-time employee who transfers on or after this date to the full-time bargaining unit shall be given credit for service accumulated in the part-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the vacation pay scale according to the formula established for progression on the vacation pay scale: hours worked = one (1) year of full-time service A part-time employee, who transfers on or after this date to the full-time bargaining unit to work in another classification, will be placed at the start of the wage grid.
Transfer of Service Credits. 24:01 A full-time employee who transfers to the part-time bargaining unit and who continues to work in the same classification shall be given credit for service accumulated in the full- time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the wage scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the wage scale) according to the formula: 1,650 hours worked = one (1) year of full-time service
24:02 A full-time employee who transfers to the part-time bargaining unit shall be given credit for service accumulated in the full-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the vacation pay scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the vacation pay scale) according to the formula established for progression on the vacation pay scale.
24:03 A full-time employee who transfers to the part-time bargaining unit to work in another classification, will be placed on the wage grid in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement dealing with transfer and promotion.
Transfer of Service Credits. Where a full-time employee transferred to the part-time bargaining unit without loss of seniority and employment rights as stated in Article or Article the employee’s date for purposes of placement on the part-time seniority list will be their last date of hire by the Hospital. Where a part-time employee transfers to the full-time bargaining unit without loss of seniority and employment rights as stated in the Loss of Seniority Provision, the employee’s date for purposes of placement on the full-time seniority list will be calculated by dividing their hours by hours to equate one year. An employee so transferred will maintain their position on the wage grid. In no case will such calculation result in a seniority date which precedes the original date of hire by the Hospital. In cases of promotion, demotion, transfer, lay-off and recall, an employee's seniority will be given preference provided the senior employee has the necessary qualifications and ability to perform the work available. Where a vacancy occurs within a classification and the position is preferable in nature by virtue of offering steady day shifts on a Monday to Friday basis, the Hospital, in its review of personnel to be assigned to the position, will give consideration to the seniority of those being considered and if all of the other factors are comparatively equal, the position will be assigned to the employee most senior. It should be noted however, that such an assignment will not guarantee that the preferred nature of the position will continue indefinitely. Effective for those employees who transfer on or after June a part-time employee transferring will maintain their vacation entitlement in weeks of vacation equivalent to the appropriate percentage in lieu of vacation as they had at the time of transfer.
Transfer of Service Credits time employee who transfers part-time bargaining unit and who continues to work in the same classification shall be given credit for service accumulated in the full-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the wage scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the wage scale) according to the formula: hours worked = one year of service. accumulated in the full-time bargaining unit for the purpose of progression on the vacation pay scale (provided that as a part-time employee, the employee is entitled to progress along the vacation pay scale) according to the formula established for progression on the vacation pay scale. A full-time employee who transfers to the part-time bargaining unit to work in another classification will be placed on the wage grid in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement dealing with transfer and promotion. GENERAL
Transfer of Service Credits. ARTICLE LOSS OF SENIORITY AND EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS IO ARTICLE BULLETIN BOARDS.. .......................................................................... ARTICLE HOURS OF WORK AND ..... ARTICLE RESPONSIBILITY ALLOWANCE ......................................................... ARTICLE PAY FOR EDUCATIONAL COURSES ................................................
Transfer of Service Credits. Where a part time employee transfers to the full time bargaining unit without loss of seniority and employment rights as stated in (Full Time Agreement) the employee’s date for purposes of placement on the full time seniority list will be calculated by dividing their hours by hours (equals one year). An employee so transferred will maintain their position on the wage grid. Further such calculation apply for purpose of service for entitlement for vacation. In no case will such calculation result in a seniority date which precedes the original date of hire by the