Travel and Meal Allowances Sample Clauses

Travel and Meal Allowances. Effective date of signing of this Master Agreement, with the provision that should a collective agreement provide for a greater amount for any meal or kilometer the rate shall be maintained. Breakfast Lunch Dinner Total Island 7.30 10.95 18.25 36.50 Canada U.S. Other 43.00 43.00 U.S. 48.00 K.M. rate - 31.5 cents
Travel and Meal Allowances. Overtime Meal Allowance $11.96 2. Domestic Travel Allowances Breakfast $24.90 Lunch $28.00 Dinner $47.75 The rates specified above shall be payable from the date of approval of this Agreement by the Fair Work Commission. 24hr period Monday to Friday clause 36.5 $17.11 $17.54 Other 24hr period or public holiday clause 36.5 $33.88 $34.73 The rates specified above shall be payable from the date of approval of this Agreement by the Fair Work Commission. 11 September 2014 Deputy President Xxxxxxx Fair Work Commission 00 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx VIC 3000 Dear Deputy President Xxxxxxx, Thank you for providing us with an opportunity to provide additional information to support the approval of the 2014-2017 YWCA Canberra Enterprise Agreement. YWCA Canberra provides the below undertakings:
Travel and Meal Allowances. 47.4.1 Professional services employees will be reimbursed for travel and associated expenses incurred on University business. Reimbursement may be on the basis of reimbursement of actual expenses or payment of per diem allowances. Approval, organisation and reimbursement must be consistent with the University’s policy on travel and entertainment. Work absences due to travel on University business must be recorded through the travel authorisation process. 47.4.2 The quantum of travel, mileage and meal allowances payable by the University shall be consistent with the allowances approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as reasonable and shall be adjusted consistent with ATO movements during the life of this Agreement.
Travel and Meal Allowances. 29:01 When an employee is required to work away from the Museum on Museum business during a meal period, the employee may claim the actual cost of purchased meals or the following maximum amounts: Breakfast $10.00 Lunch $15.00 Dinner $20.00 An employee must receive written approval from their supervisor to claim costs of purchased meals over these maximum rates. 29:02 Eligibility to claim reimbursement for purchased meal costs is determined as follows: Breakfast (a) The employee is in travel status, or (b) The employee has been travelling for more than one (1) hour on Museum business before the recognized time for the start of their day’s work. Lunch (a) The employee is in travel status, or (b) The employee is away from the Museum on Museum business and this work will cause the employee to disrupt their normal midday or mid- shift meal arrangement.
Travel and Meal Allowances. It is agreed that where employees accept shifts offered to them, at other than their assigned base and in accordance with Article 22.2 (n), such employees shall be entitled to receive the allowances provided for mileage, insurance, and meals as per Articles 29.1, 29.2, and 29.4. For the Board: For the Union: Letter of Agreement‌‌ It is agreed that the definition of “spouse” in Article 25.2 (a) shall include a same-sex spouse and a common law partner. For the Board: For the Union: Letter of Agreement‌‌ It is agreed that where employees are required to have a medical examination in order to maintain their Ontario Class “F” Driver’s Licences, the employee shall be reimbursed for the cost of such medical examination. For the Board: For the Union: Letter of Agreement‌‌
Travel and Meal Allowances. An Employee shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of transportation, travel, parking and meals in relation to Agency responsibilities as follows: (a) Authorized mileage will be reimbursed at the rate of fifty-three (53¢) per kilometre. (b) If the Agency requires an Employee to transport clients in their own vehicle the Agency will reimburse the Employee two hundred ($200) dollars per year for increased cost of purchasing increased liability and/or business use insurance. (c) Authorized and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the course of their employment shall be reimbursed upon provision of valid receipts. (d) Employees shall submit expenses for reimbursement on a quarterly basis by the tenth (10th) of July, October, January and April. Employees may submit expenses on a monthly basis.
Travel and Meal Allowances. An employee shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of transportation, travel, parking and meals in relation to Agency responsibilities as follows: (a) Mileage will be reimbursed at the rate equal to the currently approved Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) mileage reimbursement rate. This payment will be considered to cover all costs including at least $1,000,000 Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. (b) The Agency will provide TTC tickets to employees in advance (or reimburse subsequently) for all trips required for Agency business. Alternatively, the Agency will provide one-third (1/3) the price of a TTC Metropass, if this option would result in a lower cost to the Agency, based on the number of trips the employee takes each month on Agency business. Staff who purchase their own Metropass and subsequently use it on Agency business would be reimbursed at the current Agency purchase price of up to a maximum of one-third the cost of the Metropass. Staff must provide a statement of the number and purpose of trips taken. Employees who use their bicycles for Agency business will be reimbursed at the rate of five (5¢) cents/km. to a maximum of fifty ($50.00) dollars per annum, upon submission of statements. (c) Where attendance at a meeting or training results in expenses for meals, such meals shall be reimbursed either to any predetermined charges or to a maximum of six dollars ($6.00) for breakfast, ten dollars ($10.00) for lunch and fifteen dollars ($15.00) for dinner. (d) When an employee accepts an unscheduled shift with less than two (2) hours notice or where special circumstances arise, such as personal safety, taxi service shall be provided by the Agency.
Travel and Meal Allowances. General staff members will be reimbursed for travel and associated expenses incurred on University business. Reimbursement may be on the basis of reimbursement of actual expenses or payment of per diem allowances. Approval, organisation and reimbursement must be consistent with the University’s policy on travel and entertainment. Work absences due to travel on University business must be recorded through the travel authorisation process. The quantum of travel, mileage and meal allowances payable by the University shall be consistent with the allowances approved by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as reasonable and shall be adjusted consistent with ATO movements during the life of this Agreement.
Travel and Meal Allowances. An Employee shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred on behalf of transportation, travel, parking and meals in relation to Agency responsibilities as follows: (a) Authorized mileage will be reimbursed at the rate of fifty-three (53¢) per kilometre. (b) If the Agency requires an Employee to transport clients in their own vehicle the Agency will reimburse the Employee for up to two hundred ($200) dollars per year for increased cost of purchasing increased liability and/or business use insurance. (c) Authorized and reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the course of her employment shall be reimbursed upon provision of valid receipts.
Travel and Meal Allowances. ‌ 32:01 MAC will reimburse reasonable travel costs and out-of-pocket expenses incurred by an employee during the course of business on a monthly basis. For travel costs, employees must obtain prior spending authorization by signature of their Manager on a travel expense form. 32:02 Except as otherwise provided, when an employee is required to work away from MAC on business during a meal period, the employee may claim the actual cost of purchased meals or the following maximum amounts: 32:03 Eligibility to claim reimbursement for purchased meal costs is determined as follows: (a) The employee is in travel status, or (b) The employee has been travelling for more than one (1) hour on MAC business before the recognized time for the start of their day’s work. Lunch (a) The employee is in travel status, or (b) The employee is away from MAC business and this work will cause the employee to disrupt their normal midday or mid-shift meal arrangement.