UCompensation. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall perform all construction management services as required herein, and the TOLLWAY shall pay the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER as compensation therefor, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S actual payroll costs times a multiplier of 2.5000, and reimbursement of certain direct expenses (as each of these amounts are shown in Exhibit "1"), with an upper limit of compensation of <<Write out dollar amount>> ($) <<Numerical Amount>>. If, in the opinion of the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, additional fees or expenses in excess of the upper limit of compensation agreed herein are required, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall promptly notify the Chief Engineering Officer of the TOLLWAY thereof and shall not incur or charge any such fees or expenses without prior approval of the Chief Engineering Officer. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER must ensure that its subcontractors (if applicable) submit bills and invoices in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement and shall include language in its subcontractor agreements whereby the subcontractors expressly agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to the Inspector General Provision at Article XVIII.
UCompensation. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall perform all construction management services as required herein, and the TOLLWAY shall pay the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER as compensation therefor, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER'S actual payroll costs times a multiplier of 2.8000, and reimbursement of certain direct expenses (as each of these amounts are shown in Exhibit "1"), with an upper limit of compensation of <<Write out dollar amount>> ($) <<Numerical Amount>>. If, in the opinion of the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, additional fees or expenses in excess of the upper limit of compensation agreed herein are required, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall promptly notify the Chief Engineering Officer of the TOLLWAY thereof and shall not incur or charge any such fees or expenses without prior approval of the Chief Engineering Officer. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER must ensure that its subcontractors (if applicable) submit bills and invoices in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement and shall include language in its subcontractor agreements whereby the subcontractors expressly agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to the Inspector General Provision at Article XIX. UARTICLE IV UScope of the Service – “Upon Request” Contracts The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER understands that this is an “assignment(s) upon request” contract wherein the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER will be assigned various tasks over the duration of this Contract. Thus, the extent of services will not be determined until such time that a task has been assigned by the TOLLWAY. Upon assignment of a Task, the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall meet with representatives of the TOLLWAY; prepare a scope of services to complete the task; and submit a Proposal for the services to be performed. The CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall perform the task for not more than the total proposed task fee as authorized by the TOLLWAY. In no event will the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER be entitled to additional compensation due to its errors in estimating the time, costs or expertise required to complete the task assignments. Only upon a change in the scope of task services, as documented in writing by the CONSTRUCTION MANAGER and subsequently approved in writing by the TOLLWAY, will any additional fees be approved. The total compensation for the entirety of all task assignments shall not be in excess of <<Write out dollar amount>> ($) <<Numerical amount>> being the amount set as the Upper Limit of Compensation for this Contract. UARTICLE V UComplianc...
UCompensation. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER shall perform all engineering design services as required herein, and the TOLLWAY shall pay the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER as compensation therefor, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER'S actual payroll cost times a multiplier of 2.5000 and certain direct expenses (as each of these amounts are shown in Exhibit "1") with an upper limit of compensation of <<Write out dollar amount>> ($) UARTICLE IV
UCompensation. The CONSULTANT agrees to perform all of the work set forth in Attachment 1 further supplemented by Attachment 2, on a firm fixed-fee basis for a not to exceed amount of ($XXXXXXX). The amount shall include all labor, materials, taxes, profit, overhead, insurance, travel, subcontractor costs, and all other costs and expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT.
UCompensation. 5.1 Compensation and the manner of payment of such compensation by OWNER for services rendered hereunder by DESIGN PROFESSIONAL shall be as prescribed in USchedule BU, entitled “Basis of Compensation”, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
UCompensation. The upper limit of compensation for said supplemental Services for Contract No. <<Contract No.>> for <<Work to be done/location>> performed by the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER under the Original Agreement and including the services set forth herein, is hereby increased from $ <<Original Agreement ULC>> by $ <<Change of ULC>> to $ <<New ULC>>. UARTICLE VI UReport of a Change in Circumstances The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER agrees to report to the TOLLWAY as soon as practically possible, but no later than 21 days following any change in facts or circumstances that might impact the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER’s ability to satisfy its legal or contractual responsibilities and obligations under this contract. Required reports include, but are not limited to changes in the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER’s Certification/Disclosure Forms, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER’s IDOT pre- qualification, or any certification or licensing required for this project. Additionally, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER agrees to report to the Tollway within the above timeframe any arrests, indictments, convictions or other matters involving the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER, or any of its principals, that might occur while this contract is in effect. This reporting requirement does not apply to common offenses, including but not limited to minor traffic/vehicle offenses. Further, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER agrees to incorporate substantially similar reporting requirements into the terms of any and all subcontracts relating to work performed under this agreement. The DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER agrees to forward or relay to the Tollway any reports received from subcontractors pursuant to this paragraph within 21 days. Finally, the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER acknowledges and agrees that the failure of the DESIGN SECTION ENGINEER to comply with this reporting requirement shall constitute a material breach of contract which may result in this contract being declared void. UARTICLE VII
UCompensation. The CONSULTANT shall perform all Design Section Engineering and Construction Management Services as required herein, and the TOLLWAY shall pay the CONSULTANT as compensation therefor, the CONSULTANT’s actual payroll costs times a multiplier of 2.8000, and reimbursement of certain direct expenses (as each of these amounts are shown in Exhibit "1"), with an upper limit of compensation of <<Write out dollar amount>> ($) <<Numerical Amount>>. If, in the opinion of the CONSULTANT, additional fees or expenses in excess of the upper limit of compensation agreed herein are required, the CONSULTANT shall promptly notify the Chief Engineering Officer of the TOLLWAY thereof and shall not incur or charge any such fees or expenses without prior approval of the Chief Engineering Officer. The CONSULTANT must ensure that its subcontractors (if applicable) submit bills and invoices in a manner consistent with the terms of this Agreement and shall include language in its subcontractor agreements whereby the subcontractors expressly agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, including but not limited to the Inspector General Provision at Article XVIII.
UCompensation. Select the definition of Compensation, the Compensation Computation Period, any Compensation Dollar Limitation and Exclusions from Compensation for each contribution type from the options listed below. Enter the letter of the option selected on the lines provided below. Leave the line blank if no election needs to be made. The Compensation Computation Period must be the same as the Limitation Year defined at Section III(F).
UCompensation. A. Wages shall be set forth in Appendix A attached hereto.
B. UOvertime
1. Approved overtime will be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for any of the following: work over eight (8) hours per day, work over forty
UCompensation. In consideration for the services provided by the Medical Director as an independent contractor, City hereby agrees to pay the Medical Director $70,000 per year, payable in twelve monthly installments after the first day of each month for the previous month's services. UTerm The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a three-year period commencing on March 1, 2021 at 0000 and ending on February 29, 2024. The City reserves the right to extend the Agreement for two (2) additional one-year terms providing all terms conditions and specifications remain substantially the same and both Parties agree to the extension. UTermination