Unassigned Periods. Teachers shall have unassigned periods as follows:
Unassigned Periods. Employees shall not be absent from school or any period without permission of the principal or Superintendent except as provided for in ARTICLE V - LEAVES of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV, TEACHING CONDITIONS, B, 3 also permits leaving the building for lunch with the approval of the principal or designee.
Unassigned Periods. Each member of the bargaining unit shall have one (1) fifteen (15) minute unassigned period per work day.
Unassigned Periods. In recognition of a teacher’s need to attend to professional responsibilities essential to the fulfillment of duties relating to his/her regularly programmed teaching assignments, the Committee agrees to provide unassigned periods as follows:
Unassigned Periods. The Board will make available in each school special facilities for the exclusive use of school employees to relax during unassigned periods.
Unassigned Periods. Teachers may be permitted to leave the building during unassigned periods with the permission of the principal.
Unassigned Periods. Same except add new "8-4.5' as follows: Teachers who are elected members of the Rhode Island General Assembly shall have their unassigned periods scheduled during the last period(s) of the school day and shall be allowed to attend the General Assembly sessions during said unassigned time." 8-7. Hiring and Payment of Substitute Coverage. Same except substitute "$35" for "$28" in the paragraph pertaining to "Elementary Schools" and sub stitute "$6.40" for '$5" in the eighth paragraph pertaining to "Middle Schools, Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools." 11-5. Same except add the following sentence between the first and second sentences: Teachers must submit said application in person in the Personnel Office of the School Department and shall be given a written receipt for said application with said receipt stating the date and time the Personnel Office received said application."
Unassigned Periods. 1. Elementary School Every elementary teacher will have an uninterrupted duty-free lunch period of at least thirty (30) minutes. Every elementary teacher will have five (5) preparation periods of forty (40) consecutive minutes of preparation time per week, free of student supervision or other duties, except when displaced by scheduled programs. Preparation periods shall not be taken away from teachers to cover a class, except when an emergency arises. In the event of such emergency, teachers will be paid $25.00 per period from which assigned to such service from the first such occurrence and thereafter.
Unassigned Periods. Employees may leave the building during unassigned periods, to conduct business which cannot be attended to at another time, providing the employee notifies the principal or designee of the intent to leave. Employees must sign out in the office logbook prior to leaving the building and must sign in upon their return. Violations of this privilege will result in the withdrawing of its benefit from the individual, per Article III, Section 3.10B.
Unassigned Periods