Union Association Rights Sample Clauses

Union Association Rights. Release Time for Union Responsibilities 12 Section 1. Union Meetings 12 Section 2. Bargaining Unit Employee-Representatives Conducting Union Business 12 Section 3. Participation in Union Negotiating Committee 12 Section 4. Additional Release Time 12 Section 1. Union Activities 13 Section 2. Non-discrimination and Non-retaliation 13 Section 3. Immigrant Rights 14
Union Association Rights. Release Time for Union Responsibilities 6 Article 6. Grievance and Arbitration 7 Article 7. Hiring Internal Applicants 9 Article 8. Probation 9 Article 9. Seniority 10 Article 10. Remote Work and Flex Time 10 Article 11. Outsourcing Tasks 11 Article 12. Changes to Job Duties 12 Article 13. Political Activities 12 Article 14. Job Classifications 13 Article 15. Layoff and Recall 13 Article 16. Severance 14 Article 17. Hours of Work 14 Article 18. Job Security, Discipline & Discharge 16 Article 19. Paid Time Off 16 Article 20. Benefits 19 Article 21. Payment of Work-Related Expenses and Reimbursements 19 Article 22. Compensation 20 Article 23. Pay Equity 21 Article 24. Non-Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity 21 Article 25. Respect and Dignity 22 Article 26. Joint Labor Management Committee 23 Article 27. Severability 23
Union Association Rights. A. Union Association Bargaining Committee The bargaining committee of the Union Association will include not more than four (4) representatives. These representatives shall be composed of two (2) Union Association members of the Lansing Community College bargaining unit and two (2) non-Lansing Community College employee representatives. The Union Association will furnish the Human Resources Department with a written list of the Union’s Association’s bargaining committee and any alternates, prior to the first bargaining meeting and substitution changes thereto, if necessary. Whenever possible, bargaining sessions will be scheduled so as not to conflict with the scheduled working hours of the Police & Public Safety Officers who are members of the Union Association bargaining committee. In the event that it becomes necessary to conduct bargaining sessions during the regular shift hours of these employees, they will be paid the straight time hourly rate of pay for the actual time spent in negotiations.
Union Association Rights. Release Time for Union Responsibilities Section 1. Union Meetings Subject to availability and upon reasonable request by the Guild, AFJ/AFJAC shall provide space on its premises and use of its communications technology for meetings of bargaining unit employees at mutually agreeable times. Employees shall be excused with pay for one (1) hour each month to attend Union-called meetings.

Related to Union Association Rights

  • ASSOCIATION RIGHTS 6.1 The District agrees that employees in the represented unit shall have the right to freely organize, join, and support the Association for the purpose of representation in the meeting and negotiating process. 6.2 The Association and its representatives may use school facilities at reasonable hours outside of instructional time in accordance with the District's use of facilities policy. 6.3 Duly authorized representatives of the Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with the unit members' work schedule or interrupt normal school facility use. 6.4 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on unit member bulletin boards. At least a portion of one bulletin board shall be provided in each school building for that purpose. All Association communications shall have proper identification of the Association. Except for the Association elections, political campaign literature shall not be posted on school bulletin boards or distributed through school mail by the Association or any of its unit members, nor shall school facilities or equipment be used in any manner for political purposes by the Association. This provision shall apply to both school buildings and the central offices and to persons working where regular mail boxes do not exist. 6.5 The Association shall appoint all unit member representation on committees established for hiring management personnel when deemed necessary by management. 6.6 The District agrees to furnish the Association, on request, information concerning the financial condition of the District, including annual financial reports and audits, register of certificated personnel, preliminary budget requirements and allocations, agenda and minutes of Board of Education meetings, census and attendance data, names and addresses of unit members, and such other information as will assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of unit members. Nothing contained in the above shall be construed to require that the District provide such information in any form other than it would normally be provided by the District. 6.7 The District will notify the Association of the following changes of status for bargaining unit members at least monthly: name, address, telephone, position, location, change in contract percent or status. Such notification will be sent directly to the Association office. 6.8 The District shall maintain a current seniority list and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Association listing the first day each unit member rendered paid service to the District. 6.9 All vendors seeking to do personal business with unit members shall be referred to the Association. Materials left at the District office and/or school sites by vendors for distribution to unit members shall be referred to the Association representative for review and/or distribution approval.

  • FEDERATION RIGHTS 1. The following organizational rights shall not be enjoyed by any rival organization. 2. The Federation shall be able to use existing bulletin board(s) or place bulletin boards at the Education Center and Iowa Street locations in a mutual agreeable location(s) that are visible to employees. 3. The Federation shall be represented on committees established by the Board when other employee groups are represented. 4. The facilities requested by the Federation shall not be denied, except where there is a previously announced and conflicting meeting or activity. 5. Information, statistics, and records relating to wages, hours, benefits, and all other terms and conditions of employment reasonably necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this contract, to the extent permitted by privacy laws, shall be made available to the Federation upon request at cost. The Federation President shall receive information which is to be given to the public on the Friday before the Board of Education meeting or as soon thereafter as it is available. 6. The Federation shall have the right to distribute bulletins and other pertinent materials through the inter-school mail delivery and/or by placing them in the mailboxes of employees or by distributing them to employees at their work locations, provided that the employee's normal work duties are not disrupted. 7. The Federation President, or his/her designee who is employed by the Board, shall have the right to visit schools and other work locations to investigate working conditions, employee complaints or problems, or for a purpose relating to the terms and conditions of employment, provided there is no interruption of the employee's normal duties and that the Federation representative announced his/her presence to the principal, or to the person in charge if the principal is not immediately available. 8. The Board shall provide the Federation with the names and addresses of new bargaining unit employees, and the change of addresses and new positions of current employees. The Board will provide annually, within twenty (20) days of the first paycheck, to the Federation a list of bargaining unit members including their work location, classification, and home address. In addition, the Board will provide a list of employees and their seniority dates. As soon as telephone numbers are entered into Board computers, the Board will provide them with the directory information unless the employee objects. 9. The Federation shall be notified of any proposed change in policy or procedure affecting its employees before the change is put into effect. The Federation shall have an opportunity to make recommendations concerning such proposals before they are put into effect. If the Board or the Superintendent issues a policy or procedure which becomes effective because of an emergency or through inadvertence before the Federation is notified and given an opportunity to make recommendations, the Federation, upon request, shall be given an opportunity to make recommendations and, where appropriate, the policy or procedure will be reconsidered. 10. Upon ratification of the contract, the Federation shall have one thousand (1,000) copies printed; the Board and the Federation shall agree on the format. The Board shall pay half the cost of printing the contract in a Union print shop within the Cincinnati City School District which presents the lowest of three bids obtained by the Federation. 11. The Board shall deduct contributions to the Committee on Political Education (COPE) fund from the pay checks of any employee who authorizes in writing that such deductions be made. The Board shall transmit such contributions to the Federation monthly, or less frequently if the Federation so requests. The Federation shall be charged no more than four cents ($.04) per deduction and ten dollars ($10.00) per transmittal to defray the cost of making the deductions. Employees who desire to cancel COPE deductions shall notify the Federation in writing. The Federation shall transmit the cancellations promptly to the Board. Under no circumstances shall the Federation deny the right of employees to revoke the authorization of payroll deduction of Federation COPE contributions. a. The Board shall not be liable to the Federation for the remittance or payment of any sum other than that constituting actual deductions made from the wages of office employees. The Federation shall indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or other forms of liability including, by way of example and not limitation, the cost of any judgment against the Board and the reasonable value of any attorney fees incurred, that may arise out of or by reason of action taken by the Board or not taken by the Board for the purpose of complying with any provision of this Section. The provisions of this Section shall comply with Section 9.41 of the Ohio Revised Code.

  • EMPLOYEE AND ASSOCIATION RIGHTS 4.1 Association business, discussions, and activities may be conducted by bargaining unit members or union officials on district property, whenever: 4.1.1 An authorized Association representative obtains advance permission from the Superintendent or designee regarding the specific time, place, and type of activity to be conducted. 4.1.2 The Superintendent or designee can verify that such requested activities and use of facilities will not interfere with the school programs and/or duties of bargaining unit members, and will not directly or indirectly interfere with the right of employees to refrain from listening or speaking with a union representative. 4.2 The Association may use the school mailboxes and staff workroom bulletin boards and other means of communication subject to the following conditions: (a) all postings for bulletin board or items for school mailboxes must contain the date of posting or distribution and the identification of the organization, together with a designated authorization by the Association president; (b) a copy of such postings or distributions must be delivered to the Superintendent or designee at the same time as posting or distribution; and, (c) if the Association continually posts or distributes information which is derogatory or defamatory of the District or its personnel, the District may remove the right to post or distribute for a period of one full semester. 4.3 Reasonable access will be provided the Association to duplicating equipment, as long as its use does not interfere with the production of materials for the educational program or administrative functions of the District. The Association will reimburse the District at the same rate as the public for the use of the equipment. 4.4 The Association may exclusively receive time off from duties for the processing of grievances past the Informal Level of the grievance procedure, Article 19 herein, for bargaining unit members who are designated as Association representatives, subject to the following conditions: 4.4.1 By no later than fifteen (15) days following the signing of this Agreement, the Association will designate in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, two bargaining unit members who are to receive the time off; 4.4.2 Within fifteen (15) days of the signing of this agreement and within two (2) days of any changes the Association will provide written notification to the Assistant Superintendent a list of all Association officers to include, but not be limited to president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, directors, and grievance representatives. It is recognized that any MTA member, who for whatever reason becomes a non-MTA member, can no longer be an Association officer/representative or represent the Association in any way. 4.4.3 Twenty-four (24) hours prior to release from duties for grievance processing the designated representative informs his immediate supervisor in order that an adequate substitute may be obtained, if such is necessary; and, 4.4.4 That such time off shall be limited solely to representing a grievant in a conference with a management person, beyond the Informal Level, and in no way shall this limitation include use of such time for matters such as gathering information, interviewing witnesses, or preparing a presentation. 4.5 The District shall, at no charge, furnish the Association with one copy of any official budgetary documentation that is available in the district; however, the Association will reimburse the District for the cost of reproduction of subsequent copies. 4.6 The District shall furnish the Association with access to the placement of personnel on the respective salary schedules.

  • Union Rights Section 1 The employees and the Union, as their exclusive bargaining representative, shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges granted to them by Act 379 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1965 as amended from time to time and by other applicable statutes now or hereafter enacted except as expressly limited by the terms of this Agreement. Section 2 The Board agrees to furnish the Union in response to reasonable requests from time to time, all available information concerning the financial resources of the District, tentative budgetary requirements and allocations and other such information as will assist the Union in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs on behalf of the food service staff and customers, together with information which may be necessary for the Union to process any grievance or complaint. Such requests must be in writing and specifically designate the material requested. For materials not normally mass produced a reasonable cost/charge may be required. Section 3 The Union and its members shall have the right to use school building facilities at all reasonable hours for meetings, providing such use does not interfere with previous building commitments. Section 4 Duplicating machinery shall be available for Union use. Materials used solely for the benefit of the Union shall be paid for by the Union. Materials used for preparation of items of mutual and common use shall be provided without cost by the Board. Section 5 The Union shall appoint stewards and alternate stewards. No xxxxxxx or alternate, regardless of when selected, shall function as such until the Board has been notified in writing by the president of the local Union, chairperson of the unit, or an international Union or council officer of her/his election. Section 6 Stewards and their alternates and other Union officials shall be permitted to engage in contract negotiations and adjustment of grievances subject to the limitations set forth in this Agreement. Section 7 Any xxxxxxx or alternate xxxxxxx having an individual grievance in connection with her/his own work may ask that another xxxxxxx or alternate or Union official assist her/him in adjusting the grievance with her/his supervisor. Section 8 Bulletin boards shall be erected in a conspicuous place for the purpose of posting notices of Union business or activities. In no case shall obscene or scurrilous printed or written matter be placed on any bulletin board. All materials posted on bulletin boards shall indicate the organization responsible for the material and clearly indicate the author's identity. Bulletin boards used for the above purpose shall be in areas not commonly frequented by students. Section 9 All notices required to be given by this Agreement shall be sufficient if mailed to the Board by ordinary mail to such address as the Board shall direct in writing. All notices required to be given to the Union by this Agreement shall be mailed to the Union by ordinary mail, addressed to 0000 Xxxxxx Xxxx, Suite C, Flint, Michigan 48507, or to such other address as the Union shall direct in writing. All notices to be given to an employee under this Agreement shall be mailed to her/his last address recorded in the Board's office. It shall be the responsibility of employees to notify the Board and their immediate supervisor of any change of address and phone number within ten (10) days of such change. If the employee does not do this, the Board's obligation is fulfilled and shall not be a factor in a grievance.

  • ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES A. There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any teacher solely by reason of his/her membership in the Association or for participation in any of its lawful activities. B. The Association will be provided with copies of minutes of public session official Board meetings. The Board will be provided copies of minutes of public session meetings of the Association. C. The Association may request and shall be given a place on the agenda of all regular Board meetings for brief reports and announcements. D. The Superintendent shall be available upon reasonable request to meet with representatives of the Association. E. The principal of each school shall be available upon reasonable request of Association representatives to discuss questions relating to the implementation of this Agreement in his/her school. F. The Association will be provided with the names and addresses of all new teachers and all retiring teachers as soon as such information is available. G. The Association will have the right to have placed in the Superintendent’s packet for all new teachers a letter prepared by the Association which informs said teachers that the Association is recognized as the exclusive negotiating representative for all teachers in the Xxxxxx County Public School System. H. The Association shall be given a place on the agenda of the orientation program for new teachers to explain the function and benefits of membership. I. In order for the Association to properly fulfill this Agreement for the benefit of all teachers and the welfare of the school system, the Association representative may visit schools and talk with teachers, provided that the exercise of this right will not interfere with the educational program. The Association representative will check in at the front office of the school upon his/her arrival. J. The Association shall continue to use school buildings without cost at reasonable times for meetings provided the use of the building shall not result in any additional cost to the Board. The principal of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. K. The Association representative will have the right to schedule meetings of the teachers before or after school work days or at any other times which do not disrupt the normal school program. L. There will be bulletin board space of appropriate size reserved for the Association, in an appropriate place in each school building, for the purpose of displaying notices, circulars, and such material. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but his/her advance approval will not be required. M. The Association will have the right to place Association notices, circulars, and other materials in all teachers’ mailboxes. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal and Superintendent, but his/her advance approval will not be required. The Association will also have the right to use the interschool mail to distribute prepackaged and labeled material, and its office shall be a designated stop on the interschool mail distribution route for delivery of interschool mail, so long as the Association office is on a regular route. N. No teacher will be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the Association. O. Teachers shall be allowed to attend professional meetings with the approval of the Superintendent. P. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association in this section will not be granted to any other teachers’ group or organization during the term of this Agreement. Q. Officers and members of the Association recognize that school equipment, time, and materials are intended primarily for the use of pupils. R. Unless a teacher requests that his/her address and phone number not be distributed, the Association faculty representative shall be provided with a faculty list, including home addresses and telephone numbers, by September 15. S. Association officers and/or representatives shall be permitted to draw upon a total of fifty

  • ASSOCIATION RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 1 The Association shall have, in addition to other rights expressly set forth or provided by statute, the following rights: A. Special conferences for important matters will be arranged between the Association President and the designated representative of the Employer upon request of either party. Such meetings will normally be between at least two (2) representatives of each of the parties and will be held at mutually agreeable times and places. Should the Employer require such meetings to be during participating bargaining unit members’ normal scheduled hours, such members will be released for the purpose of attending such conferences without loss of pay. B. The Association shall be provided with bulletin board space for the purpose of posting Association materials. These bulletin boards will be designated by building principals. The Association shall also have the right to use the school mails to distribute Association material upon the notification of the building principal. No political matter or advertising of any kind will be so posted or distributed without administrative authorization; i.e., millage proposals, ballot items. C. The Association shall have the right to use school facilities for meetings as long as the intended use does not interfere or conflict unduly with regular school functions, violate school policy, or increase personnel costs. D. The Association shall have the right to use non-recreational school equipment, including typewriters, mimeograph machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, and all types of audiovisual equipment for Association meetings with the building principal’s approval and scheduling availability. E. The Association shall pay for the cost of all materials and supplies incidental to such use and shall be responsible for proper operation and care of all such equipment, including repair costs. F. After notifying the Principal’s office, duly authorized representatives of the Association, or representatives of the state and national levels, shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property provided that this shall not interfere with nor interrupt normal school operation. G. The officers of the Association or their designees shall have the opportunity to discuss, upon request, any new or modified fiscal budgetary educational policy. H. The Association shall be credited with a total of eight (8) days to be used by the officers or agents of the Association to bona fide Association business; such use to be at the discretion of the Association as provided herein. 1. The Association agrees to notify the Board no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of taking such leave, except in an emergency. 2. The Association will provide payment of the substitute employee on all days. 3. Any employee scheduled to work on such leave shall receive full pay for such day (not including overtime). I. The duties of any bargaining unit member or the responsibilities of any position in the bargaining unit may not be substantially altered, or increased, (Minor modification in job description excepted) during the life of this Agreement without the concurrence of the employee and the Association. J. The parties recognize that supervisors may perform some duties which are similar or identical to bargaining unit employees and such functions shall not be considered a violation of this Agreement, so long as no full-time bargaining unit positions are displaced. K. The Employer agrees to furnish to the Association President, MEA Uniserv Director, or Building Designee available information concerning the financial resources of the District together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint in a manner consistent with Article 6. L. Within ten (10) working days the Employer shall notify the Association of a new said hire in writing which includes rate of pay, step, date of hire, and position. M. The Employer agrees to provide each employee with a copy of the negotiated agreement.

  • Association Leave The Association shall be allowed to use up to 5 days of leave each school year for use by teachers who are officers or agents of the Association. The Association shall reimburse Unified School District 434 for the loss of use of the teacher taking such leave by paying the daily cost of a substitute teacher. The Association shall notify the Superintendent not less than 5 calendar days in advance of using such leave.

  • Association Leaves 1. The Board will provide the Association President or their designee with forty (40) days of paid release time during the course of the school year in order to conduct Association Business. The Association shall reimburse the Board for the cost of any substitute required as the result of any such released time which exceeds forty (40) days during the course of the school year. 2. The following provisions were not bargained and have been included for informational purposes only: a. Because of the many responsibilities imposed on the President of the Association, and in order to enhance the quality of instruction in the classes taught by him or her and maintain continuity, the Board will provide the building to which the President is assigned with a full-time aide who is also a certified substitute teacher. b. The building principal and the President will work out a mutually agreed upon schedule for the use of the aide. c. The presence of this aide will not be used to justify absences in excess of those authorized by the terms of this Agreement.

  • Retention Rights This Agreement and the grant evidenced hereby do not give you the right to be retained by the Company (or any Affiliate) in any capacity. Unless otherwise specified in an employment or other written agreement between the Company (or any Affiliate) and you, the Company (and any Affiliate) reserve the right to terminate your Service at any time and for any reason.

  • EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND PROTECTION A. The employee shall be entitled to full rights of citizenship and a private life and no religious or political activities of any employee or the lack thereof shall be grounds for any discipline or discrimination. The parties recognize that the schools' classroom shall not be used to advocate the employee's religious or political beliefs. B. The provisions of the Agreement and the wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment shall be applied without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, gender (unless gender is a bona-fide occupational qualification), or marital status. C. Any case of assault upon an employee shall be promptly reported to the Board. The Board will provide the employee initial legal counsel to advise the individual of her/his rights and obligations with respect to such assault and shall promptly render all reasonable assistance to the employee in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities. Time lost by an employee in connection with any incident mentioned in this section shall not be charged against the employee's sick or personal leave and the employee's regular salary shall be maintained until such time the employee becomes compensable under the Michigan Worker's Compensation Law. At the option of an employee, the Board shall pay the difference between the disability benefits provided by the Worker's Compensation Law and the sick leave benefits herein provided. To the extent that the Board makes payment to the employee for that portion of his salary not reimbursed under the Worker's Compensation Law, said partial payments shall be charged pro-rata against the employee's accumulated sick leave. D. The Board will reimburse employees for any loss, damage, or destruction of clothing or glasses of the employee while fulfilling professional duties and assignments. The Board and Association agree there shall be no duplication of benefits and such reimbursement will be determined after the employee's personal insurance coverage benefits, if any, are deducted from the amount of the claim. This will not include theft. E. In the event a significant complaint or charge is made by any person or group against any employee, the individual shall be given full information with respect thereto and with respect to any investigation conducted by the Board.