Waiver Procedure Sample Clauses
Waiver Procedure. Should either party desire to change, modify or alter any provision of the Master Contract, the following steps shall be taken:
1. Petition for waiver shall be made in writing by the initiating party to the receiving party.
2. Documentation of the need for waiver shall be included in the petition for waiver.
3. Petitions for waiver shall be submitted by the Superintendent and the Association President to the respective parties for ratification.
4. No implementation of such waivers shall occur until ratified by both parties.
Waiver Procedure. The following shall constitute the sole process at each school site for the waiver of any portion or provision of this Master Contract between the Santa Xxxx Professional Educators (SRPE) and the Santa Xxxx County School Board (SRCSB).
A. Any waiver must be in writing and must specify the contractual provisions(s) to be waived, the nature and duration of the waiver and the employees affected by the waiver. Such waiver shall originate within and be approved by the SAC.
B. There shall be a duly called meeting of all bargaining unit members to fully explain the proposed waiver.
C. There shall be a 36-hour minimum between the full disclosure meeting and any waiver vote.
D. There shall be a secret ballot vote of all bargaining unit members to approve or disapprove said waiver. Such vote shall include a signature sheet(s). The waiver shall require an 80% approval of the total bargaining unit membership in order to move forward. A valid vote shall not be rescinded.
X. XXXX shall designate individual(s) to monitor and assist in the conducting of A-D above. The SRPE designee shall be present at the secret ballot vote.
F. The waiver shall then be presented to the SRCSB and to the SRPE Executive Board for final approval. A duly elected SAC representative shall be available to address questions and concerns prior to the final approval vote.
X. Xxxxxxx shall not extend beyond the school year in which they originally take effect.
X. Xxxxxxx may be extended one year at a time if there are no changes in the waiver. Extensions would require the 80% secret ballot approval and final approval of the SRPE Executive Board and the SRCSB.
I. If an individual disagrees with an approved waiver and can find a certified bargaining unit member willing to exchange positions at a different school, said transfer shall be considered and an effort made to facilitate the transfer.
Waiver Procedure. Should the principal, after consulting with the Union Xxxxxxx, teachers serving on the School Advisory Council and the Faculty Council, if one is in place, wish to seek a waiver of one or more of the requirements of the collective bargaining agreement as it applies to that particular school, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. The principal shall contact the Union President to work cooperatively through the waiver process. The principal shall draft the waiver request, which shall cite the specific articles to be waived and describe the proposed modifications to terms and conditions of employment that will exist for the school.
2. The Union shall convene a voluntary meeting at the site to discuss the proposed changes prior to the vote.
Waiver Procedure. A Member desiring to secure waivers on a Player shall notify the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee, who shall, on behalf of such Member, immediately notify all other Members of the waiver request. Such Player shall be assumed to have been waived unless a Member shall notify the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee in accordance with Section 5.04 of a claim to the rights to such Player. Once a Member has notified the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee of its desire to secure waivers on a Player, such notice may not be withdrawn. A Player remains the financial responsibility of the Member placing him on waivers until the waiver period set by the Commissioner or the Commissioner’s designee has expired.
Waiver Procedure. The Board shall not submit a waiver request of the State Department of Education or to any other agency with competent jurisdiction without first advising the Association.
Waiver Procedure. The following shall constitute the sole process for the waiver of any portion of the Master Contract between Okaloosa County Education Association and the Okaloosa County School Board.
1. Any waiver must be in writing, posted for three (3) working days, and must specify the contractual provision(s) to be waived, the nature and duration of the waiver and the employees affected by the waiver. Such waiver shall be approved by the School Advisory Councils (SAC's). Waivers to the contract that will take effect at the beginning of the next school year must be approved by 80% of the school’s instructional personnel no later than April 30th.
2. There shall be a duly called meeting of all bargaining unit members to fully explain the proposed waiver. A building representative shall call and conduct this meeting.
3. There shall be a 36-hour minimum between the full disclosure meeting (#2 above) and any waiver
Waiver Procedure a) An owner or operator has an option to request a waiver by providing an explanation of why they can’t meet the air testing standards as described in Part II, 3 above.
b) The State of New Hampshire reserves the right to grant/not grant an exemption.
Waiver Procedure. A Member desiring to secure waivers on a Player shall notify the Commissioner, and the Commissioner, on behalf of such Member, shall immediately notify all other Members of the waiver request. Such Player shall be assumed to have been waived unless a Member shall timely notify the Commissioner by telegram and telephone of a claim to the rights of such Player. Once a Member has notified the Commissioner to attempt to secure waivers on a Player, such notice may not be withdrawn. A Player remains the financial responsibility of the Member placing him on waivers until the waiver period set by the Commissioner has expired.
Waiver Procedure. Should the principal, after consulting with the teachers serving on the School Advisory Council and the Faculty Council, if one is in place, wish to seek a waiver of one or more of the requirements of the collective bargaining agreement as it applies to that particular school, the following procedure shall be followed:
1. The principal shall draft the waiver request, which shall cite the specific articles to be waived and describe the proposed modifications to terms and conditions of employment that will exist for the school.
2. Any such waiver must be ratified by 66% of the certified instructional staff at the school. The voting shall take place over two days and a provision for absentee ballots shall be made for teachers who will not be in attendance on the voting days. Teachers on a long term leave shall not be considered in the count of bargaining unit employees. Such staff shall be provided written notice of the waivers at least five days prior to voting on the waivers. The notice shall also include the date and time of the vote. Voting shall be by secret ballot conducted by the Union xxxxxxx or other building representative appointed by the Union, at times called by the principal. The counting of the ballots will be conducted in a public setting.
3. If the waivers are approved by the certified instructional staff at the school, the waivers will be submitted to the Union president and superintendent of schools for approval. If approved by the Union president and the superintendent, such waivers shall become effective as specified by the approving parties and shall remain in effect for the remainder of the school year, or longer if specified in the vote. Such waivers may be extended or suspended by repeating the procedure specified in this article.
Waiver Procedure. The parties, by mutual written agreement, may waive any step and/or extend any time limits in the grievance procedure.