WORK COVERAGE. 12.1 It is agreed that nothing in this Article shall prevent the City from requiring an employee to perform, as a condition of the employee’s job as a Firefighter, any work or duty in connection with Provincial Emergency Program, including training, national survival exercises, and action in the event of war or a natural or manmade disaster.
12.2 The Employer shall not, as a condition of the employee’s job as a Firefighter, require them or any employee covered by this Agreement to be required to perform any workor duty not connected with:
a) The prevention and suppression of fire;
b) Normal rescue and safety services; and
c) The routine housekeeping, painting, minor fire and rescue station renovations, maintenance of furnishings, equipment, and real property related thereto.
WORK COVERAGE. The City shall not, as a condition of the employee's job as a Firefighter, require an employee, nor shall any employee covered by this Agreement be required to perform any work or duty not in any way connected with:
(1) The prevention and suppression of fire
(2) Normal rescue and safety services
(3) The routine housekeeping, maintenance type painting and maintenance of equipment and real property related thereto. Notwithstanding the above, an employee who is at work as a result of a medical accommodation may be assigned any work for which they are qualified given their skills, knowledge, abilities and restrictions.
WORK COVERAGE. 9.01 Except in cases of emergency, no employee covered by this Agreement shall be required to perform any work or duty not in any way connected with:
a. the prevention and suppression of fires;
b. the provision of ambulance and rescue service.
9.02 Except in case of emergency or for the purpose of giving or imparting instructions or training:
a. Work normally performed by members of the Bargaining Unit, Volunteer Firemen and the Chief Officers shall not be performed by anyone else.
WORK COVERAGE. Employees shall be present at work covering no less than the period when the classes in the facility for which they are responsible are in session and their staff is present, unless preapproved by the board. Employees shall also be present at school related and/or sponsored programs, activities, conferences, meetings, events, and other functions outside of the regular school day as reasonably requested by the board.
WORK COVERAGE. 14.1 In the event that the Fire Department is merged with or amalgamated in any other Department of the City:
(1) The City shall not, as a condition of the employee's job as a Firefighter, require the employee to perform any work or duty not in any way connected with:
(a) The prevention and suppression of fire;
(b) The routine housekeeping, painting, and maintenance of equipment and real property, related thereto.
14.2 No employee bound by this Agreement shall perform any work or duty during the course of employment as a Firefighter not in any way connected with:
(a) The prevention and suppression of fire;
(b) The routine housekeeping, painting, and maintenance of equipment and real property, related thereto. PROVIDED that nothing in this Clause shall prevent the City from requesting or requiring an employee or the employee from performing, as a condition of the employee's job as a Firefighter, any work or duty in connection with Civil Defence, including training, National Survival exercises, and action in the event of war or national emergency and in the event of natural catastrophes.
WORK COVERAGE. Fuel Savings Only for All Applicable ECMs per table in B.1.1 Term Coverage: Year 1 to End of Term Option C Audit Report section will be submitted: 1-Time Only Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually
WORK COVERAGE. This Agreement shall cover all jobsite drywall and lathing work within the jurisdiction of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters as that work is described in the Southwest Drywall/Lathing Master Agreement. This Agreement shall also cover drywall finish and wet wall finish and all other work as specified in Arti- cle I. This Agreement shall also cover all work in con- nection with self supporting scaffolds or scaffold built for special purposes including, but not limited to, han- dling, building, erecting and disassembling, and the operation of all equipment, including lifts and other mobile equipment used in connection with this work. Scaffold erected and dismantled by the contractor, shall be the work of xxx Xxxxxxxxxx.
WORK COVERAGE. 10.1 Employees shall not be required to perform any work or duties that are not in any way connected with:
(a) the prevention and suppression of fire;
(b) emergency services dispatch, rescue and safety services;
(c) routine housekeeping and maintenance of equipment and fire related duties;
(d) Provincial Emergency Program;
(e) the monitoring of sewage lift stations, the public works emergency telephone answering and paging service;
(f) fire and security monitoring of City owned buildings and School District #72 buildings.
10.2 Any employee covered by this Agreement who is required to be absent from duty to attend any Court process, either as a witness, defendant, or as a juror, provided such court action is not occasioned by the employee's private affairs, shall receive from the City of Xxxxxxxx River in lieu thereof, pay at their regular rate, and any juror or witness pay received by the employee covering the days the employee is absent from duty, shall be remitted to the City of Xxxxxxxx River, less expenses incurred.
10.3 Should any employee, on regular days off or holidays, be required to attend any Court process either as a witness, defendant, or as a juror as a result of the employee's employment, the employee shall be reimbursed for such time spent in accordance with the provisions of this contract.
10.4 There shall be no more monitoring equipment installed in the Fire Halls which is not connected with 10.1 of the Agreement unless mutually agreed to by both parties prior to installation of such equipment.
10.5 Shift employees will be given sixty (60) days’ notice in writing before shift changes take place, unless the shift change is the result of sickness or accident.
10.6 It is agreed that the five (5) junior firefighters, of the shift working firefighters in the Fire Safety division, shall act as flex firefighters to cover for holiday relief, sickness, or to relieve personnel for training or other assignments.
(a) The flex firefighters shall be paid overtime for regular shifts when scheduled hours exceed 2191.5 in a calendar year. In the situation that the employee has not worked 2191.5 hours at the end of the calendar year, the hours owed shall be worked as soon as practical in the next calendar year.
(b) Seven (7) days’ notice of the shift changes will be given to employees.
WORK COVERAGE. It is understood that a bargaining unit member may be assigned to act as a Branch Manager. In this capacity, the Bargaining Unit employee will perform other operational and reporting functions, but will not be required to perform functions that place him or her in conflict with the Bargaining Unit, such as implementing terminations and discipline (such as set out in Article 12 and 18). The Bargaining Unit employee will have a district contact available for assistance and direction.
WORK COVERAGE. 11.01 It is agreed that nothing in this Article shall prevent the City from requiring an employee to perform, as a condition of the employee’s job as a Fire Fighter, any work or duty in connection with the Provincial Emergency Program, including training, national survival exercises and action in the event of war or national emergency and in the event of catastrophes.
11.02 The Employer shall not, as a condition of the employee’s job as a Fire Fighter, require him, nor shall any employee covered by this Agreement, be required to perform any work or duty not connected with:
(a) The prevention and suppression of fire.
(b) Normal rescue and safety services.
(c) The routine housekeeping and routine maintenance of Fire Department equipment and real property related thereto. The City shall not compel any employee of the Fire Department to use special skills which they as individuals may possess. The painting of Fire Hall floors shall continue as in the past.