Work Load Review. A study committee consisting of 2 Employer representatives and 2 Association representatives (selected by the Association) shall be established for each building. If a teacher feels that he or she has an intolerable teaching situation involving an inflated class size, the teacher will refer the problem to the study committee. The committee will conduct a study within ten
Work Load Review. The following steps may be utilized when a Related Service Provider believes his or her work load exceeds the reasonable amount of time necessary to perform required services.
1. Related Service Provider will work to resolve the issue with the building principal.
2. If no resolution is found between the above parties, the Related Service Provider will work to resolve the issue with the appropriate special education coordinator, and the lead therapist.
3. If no resolution is found between the parties in step 2, the issue will be pre- sented in writing and in person with the review committee. The committee will present its findings within 30 days of the meeting to the Superintendent or his designee. The review committee will consist of the lead Related Service Provider, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, either the President or their designee of the unit, the appropriate special education coor- dinator, and the principal of the school/s involved.
Work Load Review. Tile following steps may be utilized when a Related Service Provider believes his or her work load exceeds die reasonable amount of ume necessary to perform required services.
1. Related Service Provider will work to resolve the issue with the building principal.
2. If no resolution is found between the above parties, the Related Service Provider will work to resolve the issue with the appropriate special education coordinator, and the lead therapist.
3. If no resolution is found between the parties in step 2, the issue will be present ed in writing and in person with die review committee. The committee will present its findings widiin 30 days of die meeting to die Superintendent or his designee. The review committee will consist of the lead Related Service Provider, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instrucdon, either the President or their designee of the unit, the appropriate special education coor dinator, and the principal of the school/s involved. A. The evaluation year will be from November 1 to October 31. The Employee Performance Appraisal evaluation document shall be completed no later than December 31.
Work Load Review. It is hereby agreed to sign a Letter of Intent that would outline a process for a study of workload issues based on the considerations: Committees comprising representation supervisory staff where appropriate) and senior management be established for each of the work areas to be considered. These committees would be similar to the committees struck to review the workload of secretarial and library clerks. The committees would review the work areas and recommend targets that would relate to the requirements of those positions. While undertaking this study, the committee will identify work required in a priority fashion in each of the areas to be studied and develop expectations for the areas that will be understood by all parties relation to current staffing allocations. The Board strive to work towards levels identified with the understanding that there are budget limitations in current levels and there may be other influences that could impact what is done. FOR THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES School District No. FOR THE UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES Local School District No. January I. lo June LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING NO. THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. COLUMBIA) The Board is prepared to issue a Letter of Intent to the effect that we will establish a committee comprising Union and Management that will work toward creating positions of not less than four (4)hours or that will enable employees to be eligible for benefits based on the following considerations. As part-time, regular positions become vacant or new positions created the Union and Board will meet to determine if that position can be combined with another to provide additional hours. The Union and Board will meet to review current positions that are less than four (4) hours to if any could be combined. Decisions to create positions not less than four (4) hours must consider needs of students and the ability of the District to operate in the most efficient manner. No employee currently working more than four (4)hours per day shall be reduced to this. FOR THE BOARD: FOR THE UNION: January to June THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. COLUMBIA)