Employment Losses definition

Employment Losses means all losses, costs, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, fines, penalties, awards, liabilities, damage, compensation, expenses and professional costs and charges.
Employment Losses means actions, proceedings, liabilities, costs, losses, damages, claims, demands and expenses (including, without limitation, all legal and professional fees and expenses, on a full indemnity basis);
Employment Losses means any payments, benefits, damages, losses, proceedings, costs, actions, claims, awards, fines, penalties, demands, injury, liabilities (including liabilities to tax and national insurance), expenses (including legal and other professional fees and expenses) and other financial consequences, and “Employment Loss” shall be construed accordingly; (ii) “UK DB Plan” means any defined benefit pension plan sponsored, maintained or contributed to by Parent or its Affiliates for the benefit of UK Spinco Business Employees; (iii) “UK Former Public Sector Employee” means a UK Spinco Business Employee who was previously a UK public sector employee and who transferred to the employment of the Parent under either of the Outsourcing Agreements; (iv) “Outsourcing Agreements” means (A) the contract entitled “Ministry of Justice Future IT Sourcing contract” dated 1 September 2013, and made between The Secretary of State for Justice and Lockheed Xxxxxx UK Ltd; and (B) the contract entitled “Cabinet Office Framework Agreement to provide G-Cloud Services to Highways Agency” dated 24 March 2014 and made between The Minister for the Cabinet Office and Lockheed Xxxxxx Business Technology Solutions Limited; (v) “Broadly Comparable Scheme” means either (i) an occupational pension scheme which provides defined benefits which are “broadly comparable” for the purposes of Old Fair Deal to the benefits the UK Former Public Sector Employees were entitled to under their applicable public sector pension scheme; or (ii) a public sector pension scheme providing like benefits; and (vi) “Old Fair Deal” means the UK documents entitled “Staff Transfers from Central Government: A Fair Deal for Staff Pensions” published by Her Majesty’s Treasury in June 1999 and “A Fair Deal staff pensions: procurement of Bulk Transfer Agreements and Related Issues” published by Her Majesty’s Treasury in June 2004.

Examples of Employment Losses in a sentence

  • Employment Changes at the State Level Net Employment Losses and GainsAt a state level, a geographic analysis shows that absolute job losses will be greatest in states such as Virginia, the District of Columbia, Missouri, New Jersey, Maine and Illinois (ranked by greatest number of total direct and indirect job losses).

  • Employment Losses From 1972 to 2007, the City lost approximately 80% of its manufacturing establishments and 78% of its retail establishments.

  • Disability application counts provided by the Social Security Administration.TABLE VI.Instrumental Variables Estimates of the Impact of Employment Losses on Labor Force Exit of High School Dropous, 1979 - 1998.Dependent Variable: Change in High School Dropout Non-Participation Rate.

  • Following implementation of the Fan-Out Call List, personnel involved need to begin their duties.

  • In the 2010 election, there was some controversy over one family, the Sawaneh, which wanted to contest.

  • Winters, The Distributional Impacts of Early Employment Losses from COVID-19, at 4, (Inst.

  • A minimum of sixty of the three hundred total units must be in the scholarly activity category.

  • Dylan Smith, “Goldman Sachs: Global Music Revenue Will Drop 25% in 2020,” Digital Music News, May 19, 2020.o Domestic film productions are unable to close financing and go to camera as a result of not being able to secure production insurance.• Employment Losses: Revenue decline and the inability to perform some jobs remotely, has meant that many companies/organizations have had to make significant layoffs.

  • Additional Employment Losses if City Taxes Are Not Raised The city may decide not to raise taxes to fund the additional costs faced by contractors, del- egate agencies, and other not-for-profit orga- nizations.

  • Business or Employment Losses Business employment loss All AH regardless of legal status (including owners subject to obtaining legal status and residents having no residency status).Owner: (i).

More Definitions of Employment Losses

Employment Losses means actions, proceedings, liabilities, costs, losses, damages, claims, demands and expenses (including, without limitation, all legal and professional fees and expenses on a full indemnity basis); "the Equipment & Furniture" means the equipment, furniture, and other items (other than as comprised in the Excluded Assets) owned by the Council so far as relating exclusively to the Undertaking including, without prejudice to that generality, the items specified in the Non-Collections Assets List (but excluding, for the avoidance of doubt, the Stock); "the Excluded Contracts" means the contracts relating to (a) any capital works relating to subjects falling within the Property Portfolio or (b) any matters which fall within the scope of services to be provided to the Trust under the Support Services Agreement;
Employment Losses means actions, proceedings, liabilities, costs, losses, damages, claims, demands and expenses (including, without limitation, all legal and professional fees and expenses, on a full indemnity basis) "FOISA means the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and any subordinate legislation made under each such Act from time to time together with any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Scottish Information Commissioner or relevant Government department in relation to such legislation “Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, patents, trade marks, service marks, design rights (whether registered or unregistered), trade secrets and other similar property rights “ITT Response” means all information supplied to SDS by or on behalf of the Service Provider in response to SDS’ invitation to tender for the provision of the activity to be provided pursuant to the Service Provider Contract, including the ITT response section, and all supporting documentation required pursuant to SDS’ invitation to tender. “Modern Apprenticeship” means paid employment through the SDS Modern Apprenticeship Programme combined with the opportunity to train for jobs at craft, technician and management level “Outcome” means each respective achievement classed as an outcome as set out in rules 1.4 and 11.1 of Part Two of the Rules. “Outcome Payment” means a payment to be made to a Service Provider in respect of an Outcome “Parent Company” means any company which is the ultimate Holding Company of the Service Provider and which is either responsible directly or indirectly for the business activities of the Service Provider or which is engaged in the same or similar business to the Service Provider. The term “Holding Company” shall have the meaning ascribed by Section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006 or any statutory re-enactment or amendment thereto “Permitted Sub- contractor” means a party to which the Service Provider has sub- contracted certain rights and obligations under the Service Provider Contract and/or Contract Schedule and where the identity of that sub-contractor and the sub-contracting arrangement has been approved by SDS in accordance with Rule 19 of Part Three of the Rules. “Personal Data” has the meaning set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 “Placement” means the placement of a Customer on work experience pursuant to the Work ABLE Scotland Programme
Employment Losses means all Losses which are either: (a) connected with employment or an employment relationship (or the termination thereof); or (b) suffered by RfL as a result of indemnifying a Future Service Provider on terms substantially similar to the indemnities given by the SP in clauses 54.7 and 54.9;
Employment Losses means all liabilities, penalties caused by the indemnifying party, actions, awards, damages, interest, amounts agreed upon in settlement, costs, fines (including regulatory fines), and expenses reasonably incurred (including reasonable management, legal and other professional fees, expenses and disbursements) or other losses incurred;
Employment Losses means all losses, claims and reasonable legal costs;
Employment Losses means any and all losses, liabilities, costs (including but not limited to, the costs of reasonable legal and other expert advice), charges and Services (Schedule 4 to CoA) [ * ] = CERTAIN CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT, MARKED BY BRACKETS, HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 24B-2 OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED. expenses arising out of or connected with employment or the employment relationship (or the termination thereof) of SGC Employee, including those arising out of any actions, proceedings, claims, and demands;

Related to Employment Losses

  • Employment Liabilities means all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, compensation, tribunal awards, fines, costs (including but not limited to reasonable legal costs), expenses and all other liabilities whatsoever;

  • Employment Business means as per the Employment Agencies Xxx 0000 and the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003, an Employment Business is a business that offers contracts of employment to temporary workers, whose services are then temporarily offered on secondment to Framework Public Bodies.

  • Self-employment shall be where a Claimant sets up his/her own business and is responsible for paying his/her tax and National Insurance.

  • Severance from Employment means severance from employment with the Employer and any Related Entity. However, a Severance from Employment also occurs on any date on which an Employee ceases to be an employee of a public school, even though the Employee may continue to be employed by a Related Employer that is another unit of the State or local government that is not a public school or in a capacity that is not employment with a public school (e.g., ceasing to be an employee performing services for a public school but continuing to work for the same State or local government employer).

  • Termination of Employment means that the Executive ceases to be employed by the Company for any reason, voluntary or involuntary, other than by reason of a leave of absence approved by the Company.

  • Supported employment means the ongoing supports to participants who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to obtain and maintain an individual job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce at or above the state’s minimum wage or at or above the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. The outcome of this service is sustained paid employment at or above the minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce in a job that meets personal and career goals. Supported employment services can be provided through many different service models.

  • self-employment route means assistance in pursuing self-employed earner’s employment whilst participating in—

  • employment zone means an area within Great Britain designated for the purposes of section 60 of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 and an “employment zone programme” means a programme established for such an area or areas designed to assist claimants for a jobseeker’s allowance to obtain sustainable employment;

  • Employment Termination means the effective date of: (i) Executive’s voluntary termination of employment with the Company with Good Reason, or (ii) the termination of Executive’s employment by the Company without Good Cause.

  • Employment means any occupation, vocation or employment, or any form of vocational or educational training. Provided, however, that "employment" shall not, for the purposes of this article, include membership in any law enforcement agency.

  • Employment benefits means all benefits provided or made

  • Disability benefit recipient means a member who is receiving a disability benefit.

  • Active Employment means you must be actively at work for the Sponsor:

  • Employment Law means any provision of this Act or any of the following Acts:

  • Covered employment means employment in a covered position.

  • Part-time employment means any employment or combination of one or more employments in a civil division in which an individual works fifty percent (50%) or less of the time prescribed as the standard work week by the governing body or other appropriate authority of the civil division or where the employee earns not more than one-half (1/2) of the rate assigned to the position if the position has been allocated to a graded salary schedule.

  • Supported employment services means provision of job training and supervision available to assist an individual who needs intensive ongoing support to choose, get, and keep a job in a community business setting. Supported employment is a service planned in partnership with public vocational assistance agencies and school districts and through Social Security Work Incentives when available.

  • Tipped employee means any employee engaged in an occupation in which he or she customarily and regularly receives more than thirty dollars ($30) per month in tips; and