Removal from Layoff Lists. When an employee is appointed from a layoff list, the employee’s name will be removed from that job classification’s layoff list, as well as from all other layoff lists at the same of lower salary range as the position to which they were appointed. An employee will be removed from the appropriate job classification layoff list if they waive the appointment to a position three (3) times. In addition, an employee will have her name removed from all layoff lists upon retirement, resignation or discharge from the Employer.
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the following reasons:
1. Recall to a permanent position from either layoff list except that an employee recalled to a permanent position in a different seniority unit or a different employment condition shall remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for his/her former location and employment condition only. If an employee is recalled to a previously held bargaining unit class, then he/she shall remain on the Seniority Unit and Class Layoff lists for former class(es) in a higher salary range than the class to which the employee was recalled. An employee who is recalled to a different seniority unit and who does not successfully complete the probationary period, shall be restored to the Seniority Unit Layoff List for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 3H.
2. Failure to accept recall to a position which meets the availabilities specified by the employee except that employees who fail to accept recall from the Class (or Class Option) Layoff List shall be removed only from that list. An employee who fails to accept recall to an employment condition for which the employee indicated availability shall remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for his/her former employment condition only. An employee who fails to accept recall to a previously held bargaining unit class from the Class Layoff list for which the employee indicated availability shall remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff list for that class, and the Seniority Unit and Class Layoff lists for all classes in a higher salary range.
3. Appointment to a permanent position in a class which is equal to or higher than the one for which the employee is on layoff list(s). If the employee is non-certified in this position, the employee’s name will be placed back on the layoff list(s) for the time remaining.
4. Resignation, retirement or termination from State service.
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the following reasons:
1. Recall to a permanent position from the seniority unit or bargaining unit/same class layoff list. An employee who is recalled to a seniority unit other than the one from which they were laid off, who does not successfully complete the probationary period, shall be restored to the seniority unit layoff list for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 3(E).
2. Failure to accept recall to a position which meets the availabilities specified by the employee except that the employee shall remain on the seniority unit and bargaining unit layoff list(s) for former classes in a higher salary range than the class to which the employee refused recall.
3. Appointment to a permanent position in a class which is equal to or higher than the one for which the employee is on the layoff list(s). An employee who does not successfully complete the probationary period shall be restored to the seniority unit layoff list for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 3(E).
4. Resignation, retirement, or termination.
Removal from Layoff Lists. Supervisors shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the following reasons:
A. Recall to a permanent position from the Seniority Unit Layoff List or Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Same Classification. In the event that a supervisor is recalled to a seniority unit other than the one from which they were laid off, and the supervisor does not successfully complete the probationary period, such supervisor's name shall be restored to the original Seniority Unit Layoff List for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 8A. When a supervisor is recalled from the Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Other Classification, their name shall remain on other layoff lists.
B. Failure to accept recall to a permanent position within thirty-five (35) miles of the supervisor's previous work location.
C. Failure to accept recall to a permanent position in a geographic location more than thirty- five (35) miles from the supervisor's previous work location, except that the supervisor will remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for recall to a position within thirty-five (35) miles of the supervisor's previous work location.
D. Appointment to a permanent position in a class which is equal to or higher than the one from which the supervisor was laid off. However, supervisors who transfer to a non- supervisory class in lieu of layoff shall not be removed from the layoff list. They shall remain on the layoff list for the supervisory class from which they were laid off, until they are recalled to an equal supervisory position or meet one of the criteria in Section 10 above.
E. Resignation, retirement or termination from State service.
Removal from Layoff Lists. Supervisors shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the following reasons:
A. Recall to a permanent position from the Seniority Unit Layoff List or Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Same Classification. In the event that a supervisor is recalled to a seniority unit other than the one from which he/she was laid off, and the supervisor does not successfully complete the probationary period, such supervisor's name shall be restored to the original Seniority Unit Layoff List for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 8A. When a supervisor is recalled from the Bargaining Unit Layoff List/Other Classification, his/her name shall remain on other layoff lists.
B. Failure to accept recall to a permanent position within thirty-five (35) miles of the supervisor's previous work location.
C. Failure to accept recall to a permanent position in a geographic location more than thirty-five
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the 26 following reasons:
1 1. Recall to a permanent position from the seniority unit or bargaining unit/same class layoff
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the following reasons:
1. Recall to a permanent position from either layoff list except that an employee recalled to a permanent position in a different seniority unit or a different employment condition shall remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for their former location and employment condition only. An employee who is recalled to a different seniority unit and who does not successfully complete the probationary period, shall be restored to the Seniority Unit Layoff List for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 3H.
2. Failure to accept recall to a position which meets the availabilities specified by the employee except that employees who fail to accept recall from the Class (or Class Option) Layoff List shall be removed only from that list. An employee who fails to accept recall to an employment condition for which the employee indicated availability shall remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for their former employment condition only.
3. Appointment to a permanent position in a class which is equal to or higher than the one for which the employee is on layoff list(s). If the employee is non-certified in this position, the employee’s name will be placed back on the layoff list(s) for the time remaining.
4. Resignation, retirement or termination from State service.
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the 14 following reasons:
15 1. Recall to a permanent position from either layoff list except that an employee recalled to a 16 permanent position in a different seniority unit or a different employment condition shall 17 remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for his/her former location and employment 19 he/she shall remain on the Seniority Unit and Class Layoff lists for former class(es) in a 20 higher salary range than the class to which the employee was recalled. An employee who 21 is recalled to a different seniority unit and who does not successfully complete the 22 probationary period, shall be restored to the Seniority Unit Layoff List for the remainder of 23 the time period originally provided in Section 3H.
24 2. Failure to accept recall to a position which meets the availabilities specified by the 25 employee except that employees who fail to accept recall from the Class (or Class Option)
1 Layoff List shall be removed only from that list. An employee who fails to accept recall to
Removal from Layoff Lists. 18 An employee will be removed from the layoff list if they waive appointments to a 19 position three (3) times. In addition, an employee will have her name removed 20 from all layoff lists upon retirement, resignation or discharge from the District. 21 22 ARTICLE 18
Removal from Layoff Lists. Employees shall be removed from all layoff lists for any of the 28 following reasons:
2 1. Recall to a permanent position from either layoff list except that an employee recalled to a 3 permanent position in a different seniority unit or a different employment condition shall 4 remain on the Seniority Unit Layoff List for his/her former location and employment 6 successfully complete the probationary period, shall be restored to the Seniority Unit Layoff 7 List for the remainder of the time period originally provided in Section 3H.
9 2. Failure to accept recall to a position which meets the availabilities specified by the 10 employee except that employees who fail to accept recall from the Class (or Class Option)