RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. Consultant shall take all responsibility for the work, shall bear all losses and damages directly or indirectly resulting to Consultant, to any subcontractor, to the City, to City officers and employees, or to parties designated by the City, on account of the performance or character of the work, unforeseen difficulties, accidents, occurrences or other causes to the extent predicated on active or passive negligence of the Consultant or of any subcontractor.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. In addition to any other responsibilities of Consultant set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall have the following responsibilities:
A. The Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion, and coordination of all services furnished by the Consultant, by Consultant’s subconsultants, and by any of the principals, officers, employees and agents of Consultant or any subconsultant under this Agreement. In performing these services, Consultant shall follow practices consistent with generally accepted professional standards of care for the profession of the services provided to the City pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall, without additional compensation, promptly correct and revise any errors or deficiencies in its design, drawings, specifications, reports and other services, or in any portion of the Project performed by subconsultants. The City’s review or comment, approval, acceptance, or payment for any of the Consultant’s documents, products or services shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights the City has under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement, and shall not in any way relieve the Consultant of responsibility for the professional and technical accuracy of all work delivered under this Agreement. The Consultant shall remain liable to the City for any damages caused by negligent acts or omissions by Consultant or its agents in the performance of the Agreement.
B. Consultant shall assign INSERT NAME OF PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE, whose license [certificate of registration] number is INSERT NUMBER, as the Principal-in-Charge (“Principal-in-Charge”), and INSERT NAME OF PROJECT MANAGER, whose license [certificate of registration] number is INSERT NUMBER, as the Project Manager (“Project Manager”). All of the services specified by this Agreement shall be performed by the Project Manager, or by Consultant’s associates, employees and subconsultants under the personal supervision of the Project Manager. Should the Principal-in-Charge or the Project Manager be unable to complete his or her responsibility for any reason, the Consultant shall notify the City in writing, and within four (4) calendar days thereafter, nominate a replacement for City approval, in its reasonable discretion, who has an equivalent amount of experience performing the same type of services as required for the Project. An approved replacement shall be assigne...
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy and the coordination of the services furnished by it under this Agreement. Neither CITY’s review, acceptance nor payment for any of the services required under this Agreement shall be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement and CONSULTANT shall be and remain liable to CITY in accordance with applicable law for all damages to CITY caused by CONSULTANT’s negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement. Any acceptance by CITY of plans, specifications, calculations, construction contract documents, reports, diagrams, maps and other material prepared by CONSULTANT shall not, in any respect, absolve CONSULTANT for the responsibility CONSULTANT has in accordance with customary standards of good engineering practice in compliance with applicable Federal, State, County and/or municipal laws, ordinances, regulations, rules and orders.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants to City that Consultant possesses, or will arrange to secure from others, all of the necessary professional capabilities, experience, resources and facilities necessary to provide to City the professional services under this Agreement. In procuring the professional services of others to assist Consultant in performing the professional services set forth at EXHIBIT B or additional professional services under SECTION 3 of this Agreement, Consultant shall not employ or otherwise obtain the professional services of any person or entity known to Consultant or City to have, or be likely to develop during the term of this Agreement, an interest that is personally, or professionally, or financially adverse to any interest of City. Consultant will follow the best current, generally accepted professional practices in performing tests and procedures, making findings, rendering opinions, preparing factual presentations and providing professional advice and recommendations regarding professional services rendered under this Agreement.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. CONSULTANT shall report immediately to DISTRICT any instruction which CONSULTANT believes is contrary to the Contract Documents or will adversely affect the Services. DISTRICT has no obligations to CONSULTANT to discourage, indemnify from, or defend against claims of Contractor(s) or any subcontractors based upon any of the foregoing except when it is the sole fault of the DISTRICT.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. (i) Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other Services furnished by Consultant under the WOC, and all of the foregoing shall also be in accordance with Consultant’s approved Quality Plan. Consultant shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its designs, drawings, specifications and other Services.
(ii) Agency’s review, approval or acceptance of, or payment for, the Services required under the WOC shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under the WOC or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of the WOC, and Consultant shall be and remain liable to Agency in accordance with applicable law for all damages to Agency caused by Consultant’s negligent performance of any of the Services furnished under the WOC or negligent failure to perform any of the Services under the WOC.
(iii) The rights and remedies of Agency provided for under the WOC are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.
(iv) If Consultant is comprised of more than one legal entity (for example, a joint-venture or partnership), each such entity shall be jointly and severally liable under the WOC.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy and the coordination of the services furnished by it under the AGREEMENT.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. (i) Consultant shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, and coordination of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other Services furnished by Consultant under the Contract. Consultant shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors or deficiencies in its designs, drawings, specifications and other Services.
(ii) Agency’s review, approval or acceptance of, or payment for, the Services required under the Contract shall not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights under the Contract or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of the Contract, and Consultant shall be and remain liable to Agency in accordance with applicable law for all damages to Agency caused by Consultant’s negligent performance of any of the Services furnished under the Contract or negligent failure to perform any of the Services under the Contract.
(iii) The rights and remedies of Agency provided for under the Contract are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.
(iv) If Consultant is comprised of more than one legal entity (for example, a joint-venture or partnership), each such entity shall be jointly and severally liable under the Contract.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and the coordination of all studies, analysis, designs, drawings, specifications, reports and other services performed by the CONSULTANT under this Agreement. The CONSULTANT shall, without additional compensation, correct or revise any errors, omissions or other deficiencies in its plans, designs, drawings, specifications, reports and other services required. The CONSULTANT shall perform its services to conform to generally-accepted professional engineering standards practiced by members of the same profession currently practicing under similar circumstances and the requirements of the COUNTY.
RESPONSIBILITY OF CONSULTANT. A. Consultant shall be solely responsible for the quality and accuracy of its work and the work of its consultants performed in connection with this Agreement. Any review, approval, or concurrence therewith by the County shall not be deemed to constitute acceptance or waiver by the County of any error or omission as to such work.
B. Consultant shall coordinate the activities of all sub-consultants and is responsible to ensure that all work product is consistent with one another to produce a unified, workable, and acceptable whole functional product. County shall promptly notify Consultant of any defect in Consultant’s performance.