General terms and conditions Clauses Exemplaires

General terms and conditions. NOTE: Not every loss is covered, even if it is due to something sudden, unexpected, or out of your control. Only those losses meeting the conditions described in this policy may be covered. Please refer to the General Exclusions section of this document for exclusions applicable to all coverages under your policy.
General terms and conditions. We acknowledge only these general terms and conditions to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions mentioned on titles, invoices or any other document from the supplier. The acceptance of a purchase order by the supplier is equivalent to an unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions may only be amended by means of a specific written agreement.
General terms and conditions. Europa Plurimedia Synergie S.A. reserves the right to modify the general conditions of use of the platform at any time and without prior notice by publishing the revised conditions visibly on the platform xx-xxxxxxx.xx or xx-xxxxxxx.xx. The use of the services after this change constitutes your full acceptance of the changes made. Europa Plurimedia Synergie S.A. reserves the right to deny access to the services to anyone, for any reason and at any time. We may also delete or moderate content and accounts that contain material that is unlawful, objectionable, defamatory, libelous, abusive, threatening, infringing, or otherwise violates any party's intellectual property or these terms and conditions, without this list being exhaustive.
General terms and conditions. Booking of your stay At the time of your booking, you pour a deposit of: Renting 30% of the total amount of your stay +10 € of booking expenses. Camping 40 € + 10 € of booking expenses. The camping will confirm the receipt of your deposit while sending you a confirmation that should be presented to the receipt the day of your arrival. You pay the balance of the renting contract the day of your arrival. In case of annulment of stay, interruption, or arrival reported and whatever is some sews it illness, accident or event unforeseen, no repayment will be granted. Arrived and departure Arrived The renting are available from 15 Hs and until 19 maximum Hs., of Saturday to Saturday. The sites camping are available from 14 Hs until 19 maximum Hs. A guaranty of 450 € for the renting will be discerned to the arrival and will be restored the day of departure deductions made of the repairs or replacements that would prove to be necessary. Departure Renting of 7.30 Hs at 10 o'clock, site of 7.30 at 11 o'clock To prolong a stay beyond the agreed departure date, it is necessary to get the agreement of the office at least two days before the date of departure. Service prepares: you must do the household in the renting before your departure. If a cleaning to the departure himself necessary averrent, this one would be imputed on the deposit of guarantee (forfeit 45 €). Annulment All annulment of booking should be signalled in writing (the messages telephonic cannot be took in account). 60 days before the date of beginning of the stay, the amount of the stay will be repaid. The expenses of remaining file acquired to the camping. Past this delay the camping will repay (except expenses of booking) solely in case of hospitalisation or death of a member close to the family (father, mother, child) on presentation of a justifying piece. We cannot be held for person responsible of the cases of absolute necessity, climatic disasters or of the nuisances that would come to disrupt, to interrupt or to prevent the stay. In case of problem in the renting, you must formulate a complaint there by the person responsible. All complaint concerning the inventory, the state, the household must be formulated under 24 hs. doesn't Pass this delay any complaint concerning the inventory will be taken in account and you will be held responsible, at the time of the departure of the possible damages or missing. The tenants are held to insure to an insurance company against risks them inherent to their...
General terms and conditions. OF SALE AND OF THE PROVISION OF SERVICES
General terms and conditions. V»lid ríom 2®/0®/202« ícpl»ci"g »ll píc:io"s :císio"s or t»csc gc"cí»l tcíms »"d co"ditio"s.
General terms and conditions 

Related to General terms and conditions

  • DEFINITIONS Au sens des présentes Conditions Générales, les termes ci-après sont définis comme suit:

  • Exclusions Toutes les annulations pour des motifs autres que pour les événements listés à l’article 1 "nature et étendue de la garantie" sont exclues de la présente garantie. De même, outre les exclusions prévues aux Dispositions Générales ci-après, ne sont pas garanties les annulations consécutives : - Aux maladies ou accidents ayant fait l’objet d’une première constatation, d’un traitement, d’une rechute, d’une aggravation ou d’une hospitalisation entre la date de réservation du voyage et la date de souscription du présent contrat ; - A une pathologie non stabilisée ayant fait l’objet d’une constatation ou d’un traitement dans les 30 jours précédant la réservation du séjour ; - A tout événement survenu entre la date de réservation du voyage et la souscription du contrat ; - Au décès d’un parent lorsque celui-ci intervient plus d’un mois avant la date de départ ; - A une pneumopathie atypique ou syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère (SRAS), la grippe aviaire ou la grippe A-H1N1 ainsi que toute pandémie ou épidémie reconnue par les organisations sanitaires nationales ou internationales ; - A un traitement esthétique, une cure, une interruption volontaire de grossesse, une fécondation in vitro et ses conséquences, une insémination artificielle et ses conséquences, une grossesse ; - A la demande tardive d’un visa auprès des autorités compétentes, le refus de visa, la non- conformité d’un passeport et l’oubli de vaccination ; - A une maladie psychique ou mentale ou dépressive sans hospitalisation ou entraînant une hospitalisation inférieure à 3 jours.

  • Définitions Le terme «