RETENTION OF TITLE Clauses Exemplaires

RETENTION OF TITLE. The Seller shall retain title to the goods delivered and ownership of the goods sold shall remain the property of the Seller until payment in full of the principal and accessories has been made. Presentation of documents creating an obligation to pay (such as promissory note or cheques), draft or other, shall not constitute payment. In order to facilitate the identification of goods, the Buyer shall not remove distinctive marks from the goods before their use. If identification of the said goods proves impossible, all goods answering to the same specifications as those of the Seller and not themselves identified shall be deemed to be goods of the Seller, up to the amount of the debt owed to the Seller. If the goods have been resold, the Seller shall have a direct claim on the proceeds of sale in the hands of all holders. These latter shall be liable to pay to the Seller all sums which they may owe to the original Buyer on account of the sale of the said goods. The Seller shall be authorized to enter, accompanied by any court representative if mandatory under the applicable law, the Buyer's premises during working hours in order to proceed with an examination of stocked goods. Payments effected by the Buyer shall be deducted, as agreed, from invoices issued by the Seller for goods which have been already utilized. All risks related to sold goods (loss, deterioration, damage) including those resulting from conditions of force majeure are passed on to the Buyer on their delivery to the transporter according to the above-mentioned stipulations. The application of this clause shall in no way exclude a possible action by the Seller for damages with a view to compensate for loss of earnings or for damage, nor the right for the Seller to terminate ipso jure all orders and/or rescind a sale contract as per article 8 hereafter.
RETENTION OF TITLE. We retain title to the goods sold until full payment of the price and ancillary charges. The issuing of a bill of exchange or other document creating an obligation to pay does not constitute payment. The buyer shall, however, insure the goods during shipping, as the transfer of risk will take place upon their dispatch from the seller's premises. In the absence of payment, in full or in part, of the price of the goods by their due date, said goods must be returned to us at our written request, at the buyer's expense and risk, which the latter hereby accepts, within eight days after formal notice to pay has been sent to the buyer by recorded delivery with proof of receipt and has not been remedied in full or in part during such time.
RETENTION OF TITLE. CYBERGUN SA shall retain title of the delivered goods as from the day on which they are delivered until full payment of the total sale price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, risk shall be transferred to the recipient as from the time the goods are made available. Delivery of a bill of exchange or any other instrument creating an obligation to pay does not constitute payment. In the event of non-payment, CYBERGUN SA shall be entitled to take back the goods or have them taken back at the Customer’s expense. CYBERGUN SA may similarly claim the return of the goods and/or the payment of the price thereof from any subsequent purchasers. This clause constitutes an integral part of our general terms and conditions of sale and the Customer represents that it accepts it without reservation.
RETENTION OF TITLE. In accordance with the provisions of Articles 2367 and following of the French Civil Code, the Supplier shall retain full ownership of the Product until actual payment of the full price to the Supplier. The delivery of drafts or securities creating an obligation to pay shall not constitute payment under this clause. From the date of availability of the Product delivered Ex- Works, the Customer assumes the liability for any damage that this Product may suffer or cause for any reason whatsoever. Until full payment, the delivered Products will be consigned in storage, the Customer agrees to store the Products in good conditions of conservation and in such a way that they cannot be confused with other Products and to preserve the identification marking as the property of the Supplier intact. If any of the Customer’s payment is overdue the Supplier reserves the right to request for the return of all the Products delivered at the Customer’s expense, risk and peril, without prejudice to any other right in particular his right to cancel ongoing sales. He may be compelled to do so by a simple summary order. Products shall be returned to the Supplier’s premises as soon as they are reclaimed by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, at the Customer’s expense, risk and perils. The Supplier is authorized to draw up a unilateral inventory of Products that have not been paid for. The Customer shall bear all costs and fees incurred in connection with the reclaiming, inventorying and return of the Products. The Customer is liable for a depreciation allowance set at 15% excluding tax of the value of Products not paid for per month or part months of custody of the Products, from their delivery until their return. Nevertheless, the Customer shall be entitled to resell and process the Product under the following conditions: - The Customer may resell the supplied Products within the scope of his usual business practice but may not pledge them or transfer the ownership as a guarantee. These Products are non-seizable; - The Customer may also process the supplied Products within the scope of his usual business practice. In case of processing, the Supplier acquires ownership of the Products resulting from the processing for the purpose of ensuring the Supplier’s rights. In the event of seizure or other intervention by a third party, the Customer shall notify the Supplier immediately; - The resale and processing authorization will automatically and immediately be withdra...
RETENTION OF TITLE. 7.1 ECENTIAL ROBOTICS reserves full ownership of the Products until effective collection of the totality of the price to be paid by the Customer in principal and accessory. Any clause to the contrary, in particular inserted in the Customer’s conditions of purchase, will be considered void.
RETENTION OF TITLE. In the event of return of Products, the Company shall retain ownership of the goods until full reimbursement of the price of the Products returned, in principal and accessories, by the Partner. In this respect, if the Partner is subject to receivership or liquidation, the Company reserves the right to claim, within the framework of the collective proceedings, the Products remaining unpaid.
RETENTION OF TITLE. We reserve property of the goods until payment in full of the price thereof and of all and any accessories thereof. The risk of the goods shall however pass to the buyer upon delivery of the goods as defined in paragraph IV herein above and shall be borne by the buyer for the entire duration of any period of time covered by retention of title clause in favor of the seller. The buyer shall therefore be required to pay the price of the goods in the event of the disappearance of the goods, whether accidental or due to any other causes. The buyer shall refrain from removing packaging or labels from goods stored by him and remaining unpaid while said goods still have their original identity. Goods remaining in the possession of the buyer shall be presumed to be those for which payment has not yet been made. We shall consequently be entitled to retake possession of said goods without prejudice to any claim for damages for total or partial failure to pay the price thereof. VII –
RETENTION OF TITLE the delivered products shall remain in the legal possession of the Company until the effective and integral payment of the corresponding invoice. In the event of payment by means of negotiable instruments, the transfer of title to the goods in favour of the client shall only take place following the actual collection of these commercial papers.
RETENTION OF TITLE. The Goods sold remain the exclusive property of the Seller until the Seller has received payment in full of the price of the Goods including packaging/crating, transportation and any additional potential taxes/VAT, fees, duties, etc. The Buyer is obliged to keep the Goods in good condition. He may not pledge the Goods or offer them as collateral before he has made full payment of the price; in addition, the Seller will benefit from all rights that guarantee sellers in the country of the Buyer.
RETENTION OF TITLE customer are paid. Transfer of the retained goods to a third party shall be permitted only if this occurs in the ordinary course of the customer’s business, and if they retain ownership of the retained goods until payment of all receivables arising from the business relationship with the third party. The customer shall not be entitled to pledge the retained goods or use them as security. The customer shall handle retained goods with care. DEKOM SAS must be notified immediately if the retained goods are seized, damaged or lost, and in the event that the customer relocates their business premises. Should the customer materially breach these obligations, DEKOM SAS may withdraw from the contract. In the event of late payment by the customer, DEKOM SAS shall further- more be entitled to take back and sell the retained goods, and to credit the amount obtained from the sale against existing claims; the same shall apply in the event of a deterioration in the customer’s financial situation which does not become apparent until after concluding the contract and which poses a risk to the customer’s counterperformance.