Absence Due to Quarantine. An employee’s absence from work because of quarantine by the appropriate public health official shall not be charged against the employee’s sick leave and the employee shall suffer no loss in pay during such a period as a result of the quarantine; provided, however, that such quarantine is declared solely for the purpose of preventing the spread of a communicable disease to others.
Absence Due to Quarantine. If employee has been absent because of quarantine, regardless of length of such absence, a county health office exclusion and readmittance card must be obtained, in addition to the verification required in the appropriate section of 6.e. above.
Absence Due to Quarantine. In the event a declaration of quarantine made by the Public Health Official prevents a unit member who is not ill from reporting to work, the unit member shall not suffer a loss in pay and no charge will be made against the unit member’s accumulated sick leave.
Absence Due to Quarantine. Bargaining unit employees shall receive salary in full when quarantined by city or county health officials. (Education Code 87765)
Absence Due to Quarantine. 5 Any unit member unavoidably absent from duty under the quarantine arising out of the course 6 of their employment and by order of any authorized health officer in the State of California, 7 shall be paid their regular salary in full for the period of absence.
Absence Due to Quarantine. The bargaining unit member shall be granted days of absence with pay when such absence from duty is due to quarantine resulting from District employment. Absence due to quarantine resulting from District employment shall not be charged against any bargaining unit member’s accumulated illness/bereavement leave.
Absence Due to Quarantine. An employee who is quarantined by City or County Health Departments shall be granted full salary payment under these conditions when certification by a doctor or public official is provided to Personnel. This leave is in excess of granted sick leave.
Absence Due to Quarantine. Employees absent from school because of quarantine by the Board of Health, and such quarantine directly traceable to school contact (defined by a medical inspector), shall receive full benefit of salary regardless of sick leave. Any personal quarantine other than this shall be governed in accordance with sick leave. Any quarantine other than personal shall be governed by sickness-in-immediate family clause.
Absence Due to Quarantine. If absence is due to a quarantine for a contagious disease and not because of a personal illness, the full-time employee shall be allowed full pay providing the Certificate of Quarantine is filed with the Superintendent.
Absence Due to Quarantine. Unavoidable absence due to quarantine in an employee’s immediate household, or unavoidable quarantine elsewhere, is treated as an absence due to personal illness.