ACADEMIC CHAIRS. X. Xx Academic Chair is a distinguished faculty appointment financed in whole or in part by endowment, or by special grant, either from an external source(s) or by the University or by a combination of the University and external sources. 1. While an Academic Chair appointment normally extends over a period of time, appointments to Academic Chair positions are limited term appointments made by the University. Such appointments may be renewable by the University, depending on the specific conditions of individual Academic Chairs. 2. An Academic Chair may be attached to a Department/School, to a Faculty, to two or more Departments/Schools or Faculties, to a graduate program, or to a Research Centre. 3. The process for the appointment of Academic Chairs will be conducted in consultation with the Departmental Hiring Committee of the Department/School/Faculty/Research Centre, although the approval of the DHC is not a precondition to the University making a limited term Academic Chair appointment. However, no Academic Chair shall be appointed to a tenure-stream position without the approval of a DHC as provided for in this Article. 4. Existing practices with respect to the negotiation of the terms and conditions of employment for Academic Chairs to continue and the University may set special allowances and make special compensation arrangements and offer other recruitment and retention inducements for holders of Academic Chair positions. 5. If the faculty member, at the time of appointment to an Academic Chair, held an appointment in the tenure-stream at the University, they retain the right, upon completion of the appointment to the Academic Chair, to return to their former position.
ACADEMIC CHAIRS a. When a vacancy occurs for the position of Academic Chair or Assistant Chair, the appropriate Xxxx of Faculty shall notify members of the department/discipline at least three (3) weeks prior to the election that nominations/applications for the vacant position(s) should be forwarded to his/her office. A job description and the conditions of employment will be sent out with he call for applications/nominations for vacancy. b. No sooner than three (3) weeks after the announced vacancy, the Xxxx of Faculty shall present the confirmed faculty nominations/applications to the department/discipline and shall hold an election, by written and sealed ballot, the results of which shall be made known to department/discipline members and submitted to the President. The submission shall consist of the complete list of applicants and nominees with the final vote tally for each. At his/her discretion, the President may recommend one of these individuals for appointment by the Board of Trustees. c. The members of the department/discipline shall participate in an evaluation process of Academic Chairs and Assistant Academic Chairs conducted every three (3) years. d. The College and the FA shall establish guidelines for the methodology and substance to be utilized in this evaluation procedure. e. In consideration hereof, the past practice on discipline seniority for Academic Chairs and Assistant Academic Chairs shall continue.
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. 34.1 Academic Chairs are full time faculty members who receive appropriate alternate-time assignments in order to assume duties that support their academic programs and Deans. These academic responsibilities are outlined in the duties and responsibilities spreadsheet attached to this Agreement and labeled Appendix A. Academic Chairs responsibilities do not include supervisory and managerial duties pursuant to the Certification of Representation dated August 11, 2017, as well as the Santa Fe Community College Labor Management Relations Board’s (hereinafter SFCC-LMRB) recognition of the same and the parties’ Memorandum of Agreement dated July 20, 2017. 34.1.1 The parties agree that there are circumstances when staff may be appointed to serve as Academic Chairs. After two academic semesters the Xxxx and the Union President, or designee, will confer on whether to extend the appointment or seek nominations from the appropriate area faculty and any appointment will be subject to the process outlined in 34.2.
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. 35.1 Academic Chairs are full time faculty members who receive appropriate alternate-time assignments in order to assume duties that support their academic programs and Deans. These academic responsibilities are outlined in the duties and responsibilities spreadsheet attached to this Agreement and labeled Appendix A. Academic Chairs responsibilities do not include supervisory and managerial duties pursuant to the Certification of Representation dated August 11, 2017, as well as the NMLRB recognition of the same and the parties’ Memorandum of Agreement dated July 20, 2017. 35.1.1 The parties agree that there are circumstances when staff may be appointed to serve as Academic Chairs. After two academic semesters the Xxxx and the Union President, or designee, will confer on whether to extend the appointment or seek nominations from the appropriate area faculty and any appointment will be subject to the process outlined in 34.2.
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. The purpose of Academic Chairs is to give responsibility for a program area to the people with the greatest stake in the area. Autonomy is a key factor in ensuring faculty satisfaction with department management. Academic chairs shall report to the appropriate supervisor and shall receive contact hour equivalents (CHE’s) as described in Section 7.5.1. The following departments shall have academic chairs: Art, Humanities, Modern Languages & Music ART/FRN/GRM/HUM/MUS/SPN Composition & Literature ENG / LIT / JRN / RDG Education EDU/CHD Life Science BIO Mass Communication COM Mathematics MTH Philosophy PHL Physical Science AST/ATS/CHM/GES/PGE/PHY Social Science ANP/ECO/GEO/HST/PSC/PSY/SOC Speech SPH ADN Nursing NRS Automotive ATM Aviation AVM Building Construction BCT Business ATG/BUS/MGT/ MKT/OFF/PCI Certified Nursing Assistant NAD Computer Information Systems CIS/PCT/WEB Criminal Justice CRM Dental Hygiene DNT Electronic Engineering EET Fitness, Wellness & Sports FWS Graphic Arts GAT Human Services HSR LPN Nursing PNU Manufacturing/Quality AMT/CDT/EGR/QLT Respiratory Care RSP 6.15.1 Responsibilities and Duties of Academic Chairs
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. ‌ A. An Academic Chair is a distinguished faculty appointment financed in whole or in part by endowment, or by special grant, either from an external source(s) or by the University or by a combination of the University and external sources. 1. While an Academic Chair appointment normally extends over a period of time, appointments to Academic Chair positions are limited term appointments made by the University. Such appointments may be renewable by the University, depending on the specific conditions of individual Academic Chairs. 2. An Academic Chair may be attached to a Department/School, to a Faculty, to two or more Departments/Schools or Faculties, to a graduate program, or to a Research Centre. 3. The process for the appointment of Academic Chairs will be conducted in consultation with the Departmental Hiring Committee of the Department/School/Faculty/Research Centre, although the approval of the DHC is not a precondition to the University making a limited term Academic Chair appointment. However, no Academic Chair shall be appointed to a tenure-stream position without the approval of a DHC as provided for in this Article. 4. Where the appointment is for a tenure stream faculty position, the Parties agree to the following: a) Where the tenure stream position of an Academic Chair appointment is allocated to a Department/School then the hiring shall be undertaken by the DHC of the Department/School in accordance with the normal processes of 4.2. b) Where a home Department/School for the tenure stream position of an Academic Chair appointment is not identified, it is agreed that the process below will be followed: i. An Academic Chair Hiring Committee will be struck by the University Administration which will include representation from the DHC of each potentially engaged Department (or where there are more than three Departments, the three most applicable). ii. The DHC will elect their representative member on the Academic Chair Hiring Committee having consideration to the focus of the Academic Chair position. iii. The Faculty Association will be given notice in writing that the Academic Chair Hiring Committee has been struck including the names of the Committee Members and the potentially engaged Departments/Schools. iv. It is understood that notwithstanding the obligation of confidentiality, DHC members on the Academic Chair Hiring Committee may report back to their local DHC on the progress of the Committee and these reports will be held in confidenc...
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. The Academic Chairs are administrators who perform the key role of academic and administrative leader for the programs within the assigned department. This function implies a commitment and obligation to serve the needs of those programs within the overall interests of the College. The Academic Chairs recognize their responsibility for furthering the viability of the departmental offerings and being an active participant in the management team. THE GUILD OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS OF SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (“the Guild”).
ACADEMIC CHAIRS. The purpose of Academic Chairs is to give responsibility for a program area to the people with the greatest stake in the area. Autonomy is a key factor in ensuring faculty satisfaction with department management. Academic chairs shall report to their immediate Academic Administrator and shall receive contact hour equivalents (CHE’s) as described in Section 7.5.1. The process for determining the grouping of disciplines into related departments and the procedure for assigning academic chairs to those departments will be a joint decision-making responsibility of administrators and faculty in Contract Review Committee (CRC). The list of departments with academic chairs will be published each year and updated and renewed every two years.


  • Collaboration 31.1 If the Buyer has specified in the Order Form that it requires the Supplier to enter into a Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must give the Buyer an executed Collaboration Agreement before the Start date. 31.2 In addition to any obligations under the Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must: 31.2.1 work proactively and in good faith with each of the Buyer’s contractors 31.2.2 co-operate and share information with the Buyer’s contractors to enable the efficient operation of the Buyer’s ICT services and G-Cloud Services

  • Chairperson The Chairperson will supervise and control the affairs of the Committee and shall exercise such supervisory powers as may be given him/her by the Members of the Committee. The Chairperson will perform all duties incident to such office and such other duties as may be provided in these bylaws or as may be prescribed from time to time by the Committee. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings and shall exercise parliamentary control in accordance with Xxxxxx’s Rules of Order.