Active Participant. You could be an active participant in one of the we will accept, and how we will process, movements of assets to and following employer-sponsored retirement plans: from IRAs. We or any other financial organizations involved in the
Active Participant. You could be an active participant in one of the following employer-sponsored retirement plans:
a. a qualified pension, profit sharing, 401(k), money purchase pension, employee stock ownership plan, or stock bonus plan;
Active Participant. Generally, you are considered an active participant in a defined contribution plan if an employer contribution or forfeiture was credited to your account under the plan during the year. You are considered an active participant in a SEP or SIMPLE plan if an employer contribution, including a salary reduction contribution, was made to your account for a tax year. You are considered an active participant in a defined benefit plan if you are eligible to participate in the plan, even though you may elect not to participate. You are also treated as an active participant for a year during which you make a voluntary or mandatory contribution to any type of plan, even though your employer makes no contribution to the plan. An “employer-sponsored retirement plan” includes any of the following types of retirement plans: a qualified pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan established in accordance with Code Sections 401(a) or 401(k); a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP) (Code Section 408(k)); a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) established in accordance with Code Section 408(p) or Code Section 401(k); a deferred compensation plan maintained by a governmental unit or agency; tax-sheltered annuities and custodial accounts (Code Section 403(b) and 403(b)(7));or a qualified annuity plan under Code Section 403(a). You should check with your employer for your status as an active participant.
Active Participant. The discretionary Employer Contributions and Forfeitures, if applicable, will only be allocated to: [Check one. See Section 2.2, Section 5.3(e) and Part VII.F.]
a. [ x ] Standard: each Participant who is an Eligible Employee at any time during the Plan Year and (1) who is employed (or on an authorized leave of absence) on the last day of the Plan Year and (if the "Hours of Service" method is selected) who is credited with more than 1,000 Hours of Service during the Plan Year or (2) who terminated employment during the Plan Year due to death, disability or retirement.
b. [ ] Alternatives to standard: [Check one or more.]
(1) [ ] The last day employment requirement will not apply.
(2) [ ] The 1,000 hours requirement will not apply.
(3) [ ] The exceptions for death, disability and retirement will not apply.
(4) [ ] Each Participant who is not employed on the last day of the Plan Year but is credited with more than 500 Hours of Service during the Plan Year will be an Active Participant. [Special equivalencies apply if "Elapsed Time" is selected. See Part V.A.2.]
(5) [ ] The Participant must also be credited with at least 2 Years of Service on the last day of the Plan Year.
Active Participant. You are considered an active participant if you participate in your employer's qualified pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code ("the Code"); qualified annuity under Section 403(a) of the Code; a simplified employee pension plan (SEP) under Section 408(k) of the Code; a retirement plan established by a government for its employees (this does not include a Section 457 plan); Tax-Sheltered Annuities (TSA) or custodial accounts under Section 403(b) of the Code; pre-1959 pension trusts under Section 501(c)(18) of the Code; and SIMPLE IRA plans under Section 408(p) of the Code. If you are not sure whether you are covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan, check with your employer or check your Form W-2 for the year in question. The W-2 form will have a check in the "retirement plan" box if you are covered by a retirement plan. You can also obtain IRS Notice 87-16 for more information on active participation in retirement plans for IRA deduction purposes.
Active Participant. You could be an active participant in one of the will process, movements of assets to and from IRAs. We or any other following employer-sponsored retirement plans: financial organizations involved in the transaction may require
a. a qualified pension, profit sharing, 401(k), money purchase documentation for such activities. pension, employee stock ownership plan, or stock bonus plan; 1. IRA-to-IRA Transfers. You may transfer all or a portion of your
b. a SEP plan; traditional IRA assets from one traditional IRA to another traditional
c. a SIMPLE IRA or SIMPLE 401(k) plan; IRA. An IRA transfer means that the IRA assets move from one
d. a qualified annuity plan of an employer; IRA to another IRA in a manner that prevents you from cashing or
e. a tax-sheltered annuity plan for employees of certain tax-exempt liquidating the IRA assets, or even depositing the assets anywhere organizations or public schools; except in the receiving IRA. Transfers are not taxable or reportable,
f. a Section 501(c)(18) trust; and the IRS does not impose timing or frequency restrictions on g. an H.R. 10 or Xxxxx plan (for self-employed individuals); or transfers. You may be required to complete a transfer authorization h. a plan for federal, state, or local government employees or by form prior to transferring your IRA assets. an agency or instrumentality thereof (other than a section 457(b) 2. IRA-to-IRA Rollovers. An IRA rollover is another way to move plan). assets tax-free between IRAs. You may roll over all or a portion of For assistance in determining whether you (or your spouse) are an your IRA assets by taking a distribution from an IRA and active participant, see your employer or a tax or legal professional. recontributing it as a rollover contribution into the same or another IRS Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, as provided by your IRA. A rollover contribution is irrevocable. You must report your employer, should indicate whether you are an active participant. IRA rollover to the IRS on your federal income tax return. Your
Active Participant. You are considered an active participant if you participate in any of the following types of plans for the year: A qualified plan, such as a defined benefit plan, money purchase pension plan, target benefit plan, profit sharing plan, 401(k) plan, or stock bonus plan; A 403(a) or qualified annuity plan; A 403(b) or tax sheltered annuity plan; A SEP IRA; A SIMPLE IRA; A trust described under IRC § 501(c)(18); or A plan established for its employees by the United States, by a State or political subdivision thereof, or by an agency or instrumentality of any of the foregoing. If you are not sure whether you are covered by an employer sponsored retirement plan, check with your employer or review your form W‐2 for the year in question. The W‐2 form would have a check in the “pension plan” box if you covered by a retirement plan.
Active Participant. An Eligible Employee who has Separated from Service and who has satisfied the Normal Retirement Age or received a disability retirement as specified in the RMT on whose behalf the Employer has made a Contribution to an Account established under the RMT pursuant to Article V of the Trust. Active Participants are eligible for reimbursement of Qualified Medical Expenses.
Active Participant. An Employee may first become an Active Participant (begin active participation in the Plan) on the earliest Yearly Date on or after January 1, 1987, on which he is an Eligible Employee and has met the eligibility requirement set forth below. This date is his Entry Date.
Active Participant. Every Eligible Person that voluntarily elects to activate their participation by agreeing to use the Credit Monitoring Services.