Advancement on Schedule. Unit members employed by the District for the first time shall begin on the first step of the salary schedule unless otherwise specified. In the event the beginning date of employment is during the period July 1, to and including March 31, advancement to the second step shall occur on the following July 1. If the beginning date of employment is during the period April 1, to and including June 30, advancement to the second step shall occur on the second succeeding July 1.
7.3.1. In the event a unit member is moved to a higher range due to a change in classification for reasons including promotion, reorganization, working out-of- classification, and reclassification, the unit member shall be placed at the step that allows for a minimum of a 5% increase in salary. See 6.7.
Advancement on Schedule. 1. Teachers whose contracts begin after the opening of school or who are granted leaves of absence, or do not complete the year, will be granted credit for advancement on the salary schedule in one- tenth (0.
1) increments. Said increments shall be determined by dividing the individual teacher's experience credit days, as defined below, by the number
Advancement on Schedule. A unit member shall qualify for the step increase if he or she has been evaluated and has been determined to have performed satisfactory service and adhered to the policies established by the Board.
4.4.1 In the event a unit member has been determined not to have qualified for an increase, the unit member shall be notified in writing by March 15 of each year.
4.4.2 Any unit member who did not qualify for the increase may challenge the District's decision in binding arbitration.
4.4.3 A full school year of teaching time will be credited for each year continuously employed in a regular teaching position at .5 or greater FTE, providing the start date in the position was on or before the first District teacher work day in February in order to be credited with one year of service for purposes of advancement on the salary schedule.
Advancement on Schedule. 4.11.1 Credits for placement shall be counted on a quarter credit standard with semester credits being multiplied by 1.5 for quarter value. Credits counting toward degree plus status (ie. BA+12, MA+24) shall be graduate credits earned after the degree is awarded, undergraduate level courses pertaining to specific certifications may be counted with Superintendent approval.
4.11.2 To move horizontally on the salary schedule after initial placement, certified personnel must provide official transcripts by October 1st to the human resource’s department. The teacher must earn a grade of “C” or better (“pass” on a pass/no pass system).
Advancement on Schedule. For advancement on the salary schedule, additional undergraduate or graduate hours must be in the major or minor teaching field approved by the director or in education courses approved by the director. Transcripts of courses must be on file in the business office no later than September 1st and January 1st prior to receiving his/her salary adjustment.
Advancement on Schedule. All courses which may result in a column advancement must be submitted in writing to the appropriate division head, or designee, for prior approval. Such courses should be upper division or graduate level courses earned at accredited institutions. Career Technical Education (Regional Occupational Program) – Instructors will be given full credit for all approved undergraduate or graduate college units toward movement on the salary schedule. (i.e., Advancement to Column 2 shall be allowed after completion of fifteen (15) approved undergraduate or graduate semester units.) Advancement to Columns “4”, “5”, “6”, and “7” requires the designated degree, credential and/or upper division or graduate level units.
Advancement on Schedule. All courses which may result in a column advancement must be submitted in writing to the appropriate division head, or designee, for prior approval. Such coursework shall be earned at an accredited institution. All coursework for movement to Column 5 should be upper division or graduate level.
Advancement on Schedule. A unit member shall qualify for the step increase if he or she has been evaluated and has been determined to have performed satisfactory service and adhered to the policies established by the Board.
4.4.1 In the event a unit member has been determined not to have qualified for an increase, the unit member shall be notified in writing by March 15 of each year.
4.4.2 Any unit member who did not qualify for the increase may challenge the District's decision in binding arbitration.
4.4.3 A full school year of teaching time will be credited for each year continuously employed in a regular teaching position at .5 or greater FTE, providing the start date in the position was on or before the first District teacher work day in February in order to be credited with one year of service for purposes of advancement on the salary schedule.
4.4.4 Members eligible to advance a step for the 2013-14 school year will advance on a step on the 46th contract day of the contract year instead of July 1, 2013. The step increase will be reflected on the member’s November 30, 2013 payroll check, and will reflect the amount of the step prorated over the number of contract days from the effective date of the step to the end of the year. There will be no retroactive payment on account of the delay in step movement.
Advancement on Schedule. A. All courses which may result in a column advancement must be submitted in writing to the appropriate division head, or designee, for prior approval. Such courses should be upper division or graduate level courses earned at accredited institutions. Regional Occupational Program – Instructors will be given full credit for all approved undergraduate or graduate college units toward movement on the salary schedule. (i.e., Advancement to Column 2 shall be allowed after completion of 15 approved undergraduate or graduate semester units.) Advancement to Columns “4”, “5”, “6”, and “7” requires the designated degree, credential and/or upper division or graduate level units.
B. Approved growth college credits or units shall be allowed for advancement on the salary schedule. Such growth units shall be effective for pay purposes 30 days after submission and verification of the credits/units and/or degree were earned as evidence by official, validated by appropriate school seal or letterhead.)
C. The units shall be pertinent to the unit member’s area of professional preparation. Responsibility for determination and approval of “pertinent” coursework shall rest with the appropriate division head or designee.
D. All coursework will be converted to semester units. One-quarter unit is equivalent to two- thirds of a semester unit.
E. A unit member shall successfully complete at least 50 percent of the total contract year in a paid status at a level of satisfactory or above for advancement to the next step the following school year.
F. Bargaining unit members may earn credit for movement on the salary schedule for approved units from university extension courses taken during the workday when the bargaining unit member pays the fee.
G. Unit members may request travel time to attend classes that would qualify for movement on the salary schedule. Release time cannot include time that would otherwise be student contact time. Requests and approval shall be made by the appropriate division head at least 30 days in advance, and when no other options are available. (Sunset June, 1998.)
Advancement on Schedule. A. All courses which may result in a column advancement must be submitted in writing to the appropriate division head, or designee, for prior approval. Such coursework shall be earned at an accredited institution. All coursework for movement to Column 5 should be upper division or graduate level.
B. Approved growth college credits or units shall be allowed for advancement on the salary schedule. Such growth units shall be effective for pay purposes 30 days after submission and verification of the credits/units and/or degree earned, as evidenced by official written documentation. (Official verification, when transcripts are not immediately available, shall include a time stamped letter from the registrar or other appropriate official, validated by appropriate school seal or letterhead.)
C. The units shall be pertinent to the unit member's area of professional preparation. Responsibility for determination and approval of "pertinent" coursework shall rest with the appropriate division head.
D. All coursework will be converted to semester units. One-quarter unit is equivalent to two- thirds of a semester unit.
E. To be eligible for step advancement, a teacher shall successfully complete at least 50 percent of the total contract year in a paid status at a level of satisfactory or above.