Training Fund Employers and/or individuals who manage, operate, assist or own, either partially or wholly, a company or companies working non-union in the construction industry on Mainland Nova Scotia within the craft jurisdiction of xxx Xxxxxxxxxx Local 83 shall not be eligible to be appointed to serve, or to continue to serve, as trustees on any trust fund referred to within this Collective Agreement. This provision shall apply to management trustees and union trustees alike. 30.01 Subject to the approval of xxx Xxxxxxxxxx Joint Training Fund Trustees, direct costs for upgrading the safety training of Union members described in Article 2.01 of this Agreement in Occupational Health and Safety courses required by Nova Scotia law, shall be paid by the fund.
Apprentice Employment and
APPRENTICES 6.36.1 The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that, if this Contract involves a dollar amount greater than or a number of working days greater than that specified in Labor Code Section 1777.5, this Contract is governed by the provisions of Labor Code Section 1777.5. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure compliance with this Article and with Labor Code Section 1777.5 for all apprenticeable occupations. 6.36.2 Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1777.5 if that Section applies to this Contract as indicated above, the Contractor and any subcontractors under him employing workers in any apprenticeable craft or trade in performing any work under this Contract shall apply to the applicable joint apprenticeship committee for a certificate approving the Contractor or subcontractor under the applicable apprenticeship standards and fixing the ratio of apprentices to journeymen employed in performing the work. 6.36.3 Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1777.5 if that Section applies to this Contract as indicated above, he Contractor and any subcontractor under him may be required to make contributions to the apprenticeship program. 6.36.4 The Contractor and all subcontractors under him shall comply with Labor Code Section 1777.6 which Section forbids certain discriminatory practices in the employment of apprentices.
In-Service Training The District may require an assigned Therapist, at his/her own expense, to attend training deemed by the District to be necessary for performing professional services.
Employee Training The Provider shall provide periodic security training to those of its employees who operate or have access to the system. Further, Provider shall provide LEA with contact information of an employee who LEA may contact if there are any security concerns or questions.