ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of this Agreement shall be from April to March and shall continue in effect from year to year thereafter unless either party gives to the other party notice in writing within ninety (90) days prior to the expiry date of this Agreement of its desire to terminate or amend this agreement.
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. Unless changed by mutual consent, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the 28th day of January until the 27th day of January and shall continue automatically thereafter for one year periods unless one party notifies the other in writing within a period of ninety (90) days immediately prior to the expiration date that it desires to amend the Agreement. Negotiations shall begin within fifteen (15) days following notification for amendment, as provided in the preceding paragraph. If, pursuant to the negotiations, an agreement is not reached on the renewal or amendment of this Agreement or the making of a new Agreement prior to the expiry date, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until a new agreement is signed between the Parties or unless conciliation proceedings prescribed under the Ontario Labour Relations Act have been completed, whichever date should first occur. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. FOR Xxxxx SCHEDULE “A” CLASSIFICATIONS RATES OF PAY
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be binding and in effect from July and shall continue in force and effect until June and shall continue in effect thereafter unless terminated or renewed as hereinafter provided. If either party desires to revise or terminate this Agreement, they will give the other party not more than ninety (90) days and not less than thirty (30) days notice in writing stating the revisions requested, prior to the expiry date of this Agreement. Within fifteen (15) working days, or a date mutually agreed to by the parties, of receipt of such notice, the parties are required to enter into negotiations for a new Agreement.
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This agreement shall continue in effect until August and shall continue automatically thereafter for annual periods of one (Iy)ear each unless either party notifies the other in writing within the period of two (2) months immediately prior to the annual expiration date that it desires to amend or terminate the Agreement. Negotiations shall begin within fifteen 5) days following notificationsfor amendments as provided in the preceding paragraph. If, pursuant to such negotiations an Agreement is not reached on the renewal, or amendment of this Agreement or the making of a new Agreement prior to the current expiry date, this Agreement shall continue to full force and effect until a new Agreement is signed between the parties or until conciliation proceedings under the Ontario Labour Relations Act have been completed, whichever date occurs first.
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall become effective on the day of October and shall remain in force and effect until the day of September subject to the provisions of Section of this Agreement. Either party to the Collective Agreement may send written proposals for amendment of the Agreement to the other party by registered mail within a period of ninety (90) days, but not less than sixty (60) days, prior to the expiry date of the Agreement. In the event that no such notice is given within the time specified herein, the Agreement shall continue in force and effect from year-to-year thereafter.
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. The Agreement covers the period from January until December The Agreement shall continue automatically thereafter for annual periods of one (1) year each unless either party notifies the other in writing that it wishes to amend this Agreement, in accordance with the Ontario Labour Relations Act. FOR THE EMPLOYER Community Development Officer Annual Increments Rates effective Community Development Officer Annual Increments Rates effective Client Service Representative Annual Increments Rates effective Social & Community Service Worker Annual Increments Rates effective Recreation Programs Coordinator Jan 1/01 Recreation Coordinator Jan 1/01 Applicant Representative Bilingual Applicant Representative Placement Worker Transfer Representative Jan 1/01 Community Services Coordinator Recreation Program Co-ordinator Jan 1/01
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. The parties agree that the term of the collective agreement shall be from January to December Signed at Toronto, the day of Xxxx Xxxx: FOR THE UNION LOCAL 355: Xxxxxx
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be effective as of date of ratification or award and shall continue in effect until the day of March, and shall continue automatically thereafter for annual periods of one year each unless either party notifies the other in writing at least (30) days prior to, but not more than sixty (60) days prior to the expiry date of this Agreement that it intends to amend or terminate this Agreement. Dated at Cornwall, Ontario this day of FOR THE HOSPITAL FOR THE UNION Hourly Rates Classification Registered Nurse start Year Year Year Effective April 1/02 Effective April 1/03 The above adjustments resolve the issue of Pay Equity maintenance. The percentage of wages in lieu of benefits for all regular and casual part-time nurses will be in addition to the straight time hourly rates listed above. ETHICS VALUES COMMITTEE The parties agree that the issues raised during bargaining dealing with the Ethics and Values Committee will be discussed at a Committee. Such discussions will focus on developing suggestions on improving access for Registered Nurses to bring concerns as expeditiously as possible to the Ethics and Values Committee. Dated at Cornwall, Ontario, on this day of and agree to the following conditions: The position involved in a job sharing agreement will be maintained as a full-time position in the Hospital staffing compliment. The job sharers shall meet all commitments to primary nursing care plan if applicable.
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This agreement shall be effective the of July, to the Letter of Intent with Xxxx and shall continue in from year to year thereafter unless either party gives to the other party notice in writing within three (3) months next preceding the expiry day of the agreement of its desire to bargain with a view to the renewal, with or without modifications, of this agreement, or the making of a new agreement. Signed on behalf of Xxxxxx'x Xxxxx, Director of Human Resources Rose Nurse Manager Xxxxx Xxxxx Manager of Food Services Xxxxxxx Director of Finance Xxxxxxx Director of Building Services Xxxxx Xxxxx Director of Nursing Signed on behalf of Local Canadian Union of Public Employees: Xxxxx National Representative Xxxxxx Xxxxx Chairperson, Negotiating Committee Xxxx Elected Representative Xxxxxxx Elected Representative Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Elected Representative Elected Representative TO: LOCAL FROM: XXXXXX'X XXXXX DATE: November SUBJECT: LETTER OF INTENT RE: SCHEDULING Article of the existing Collective Agreement states: No employee shall be normally scheduled to work more than seven (7) consecutive days in a row, and the Employer will make every effort to keep split days off to a minimum. Both the Union and Villa Management recognize that while a schedule containing seven consecutive working days is not desirable for many reasons, the simultaneous elimination of seven day tours and split days off is not possible. Therefore, the Villa expresses its intention to schedule full-time staff as far as possible in accordance with the following guidelines: Seven day tours of duty shall be restricted to no more than one week in four. Split days off will be eliminated. Every effort will be made to ensure a reasonable distribution of days off with lengths of scheduled tours of duty. In addition, the Villa will undertake to periodically re-examine these guidelines to ensure that they express the wishes of the majority of the affected staff in so far as these wishes are compatible with requirements for resident care and safety. Director of Human Resources for Xxxxxx'x Xxxxx TO: LOCAL FROM: XXXXXX'S DATE: November
ARTICLE TERM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall come into effect on September and shall remain in effect until September unless altered or amended in the meantime by the mutual written consent of the parties hereto, and shall be deemed to be renewed hereafter year to year, unless written notice to negotiate a new Agreement is given by either party to the other party not more than ninety (90) days, nor less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiry date of this Agreement or the expiry date of any extended term thereof. Within ten (10) days after the receipt of such written notice or within such additional time as may be mutually agreed upon, representatives of the Union and of the Employer shall meet for the purpose of negotiating a new Agreement. During the period of negotiations, this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.