Basic Duty Day Sample Clauses

Basic Duty Day. Subd. 1. The duty day shall be 7 hours and 40 minutes in length, including the equivalent of ½ hour before and ½ hour after school and a minimum of a 25-minute duty free lunch. The remaining 375 minutes shall include a minimum daily average of 50 minutes for preparation to be provided on a weekly basis in middle and high schools and over a 5-day digital schedule in elementary schools. Teachers shall receive a minimum of 5 minutes preparation time for every 25 minutes of instructional time. Every effort will be made to provide preparation time in a continuous block, but at no time shall a block be less than 30 minutes. The remaining time shall be used for passing students, supervision, I.E.P. preparation, team planning, traveling, advisor-advisee meetings, and other assigned non-instructional duties. Special Education teachers may be released from supervision responsibilities to attend required due process meetings or student assessments.
Basic Duty Day. The basic teacher duty day shall be eight hours, inclusive of lunch. Teachers assigned to work in Title I programs or as a Basic Requirements Tutor may have different starting and ending times than most other teachers. This section is subject to the provisions of Article XI, Section 4. Teachers shall be allowed to leave 15 minutes prior to the end of the duty day each Friday.
Basic Duty Day. Subd. 1. The duty day shall be 7 hours and 40 minutes in length, including the equivalent of ½ hour before and ½ hour after school and a minimum of a 25-minute duty free lunch. The remaining 375 minutes shall include a min- 1. There shall be 187 days of service for teachers. The duty year for new teachers (probationary first year and new probationary third year) shall include an additional three days of orientation prior to the commencement of the school year and the equivalent of one additional day outside the normal duty day during the school year for new teacher induction activities; the duty year for second and third year returning probationary teachers shall include the equivalent of three days outside the normal duty day for new teacher induction/mentoring activities as determined by the District. The training and development may include Board Credits for Lane Advancements.
Basic Duty Day. Subd. 1. The duty day shall be 7 hours and 40 minutes in length, including the equivalent of 1/2 hour before and 1/2 hour after school and a minimum of a 25-minute duty free lunch. The remaining 375 minutes shall include a minimum daily average of 50 minutes for preparation to be provided on a weekly basis in middle and high schools and over a 5-day digital schedule in elementary schools. Teachers shall receive a minimum of 5 minutes preparation time for every 25 minutes of instructional time. Every effort will be made to provide preparation time in a continuous block, but at no time shall a block be less than 30 minutes. The remaining time shall be used for passing students, supervision, I.E.P. preparation, team planning, traveling, advisor- advisee meetings, and other assigned non-instructional duties. Special Education teachers may be released from supervision responsibilities to attend required due process meetings or student assessments. Teacher requests to fulfill parent-teacher conference duty time obliga- tions outside of regular paid duty days and at times other than sched- uled parent-teacher conferences may be approved by the principal. The Transition Plus Program, Early Childhood Intervention, Student Support Programs, Supplemental Programs, or Alternative Programs 7 hour and 40 minute duty day shall be continuous with classes beginning at 7 AM and ending at 10 PM. Any variation in the continuous day or normal start time in these buildings/programs shall be by mutual agree- ment of the teacher and the District; along with mutual notification to AHEM of any variation.

Related to Basic Duty Day

  • Basic Day The basic teacher's day, inclusive of lunch, shall be eight (8) hours.

  • Duty Day Duty Day shall mean a day included in the university calendar or individual faculty member's appointment on which a faculty member engages in duties as described in this Agreement.

  • Basic Duties 1. For each product the basic duty, to which the successive reductions set out in this Agreement are to be applied, shall be the most-favoured-nation rate of duty (MFN rate) applied on 1 January 2000. 2. If, before, by or after entry into force of this Agreement, any tariff reduction is applied on an erga omnes basis, in particular reductions in accordance with commitments resulting from multilateral negotiations under the WTO, such reduced duties shall replace the basic duties referred to in paragraph 1 as from the date when such reductions are applied, or from the entry into force of this Agreement if this is later. 3. The reduced duties calculated in accordance with Article 4(2) (Customs duties on imports and charges having equivalent effect) shall be applied rounded to the first decimal place or, in case of specific duties, to the second decimal place.

  • Civic Duty Whenever an employee is served with a subpoena by a court of competent jurisdiction which compels his/her presence as a witness during his/her normal working period, unless he/she is a party to the litigation or an expert witness, such employee shall be granted time off with pay in the amount of the difference between the employee's regular earnings and any amount he/she receives for such appearance. This Article is not applicable to appearances for which the employee receives compensation in excess of his/her regular earnings. A court of competent jurisdiction is defined as a court within the County in which the employee resides or if outside the county of residence, the place of appearance must be within 150 miles of the employee's residence.

  • Extra Duty Pay Reimbursement for activities such as gate-keeping, score book, etc.

  • Civic Duty Leave A. Employees summoned for jury duty will be granted a leave of absence with pay for time lost from their regular work schedule while on said jury duty upon presentation of the appropriate summons to the department head by the employee. B. An employee who receives jury fees for jury service upon presentation of the appropriate court certificate of service, shall either: 1. Retain such jury fees in lieu of pay for the period of jury service if the jury fees exceed his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved; or 2. Remit to the Appointing Authority the jury fees if less than his/her regular rate of compensation for the period involved. C. Jury fees for the purpose of this Article shall be the per diem rate paid for jury duty by the court not including the expenses reimbursed for travel, meals, rooms or incidentals. D. An employee summoned as a witness in court on behalf of the Commonwealth or any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or on behalf of the Federal Government shall be granted court leave with pay upon filing of the appropriate notice of service with his/her department head except that this Section shall not apply to an employee who is also in the employ of any town, city or county of the Commonwealth or in the employ of the Federal Government or any private employer and who is summoned on a matter arising from that employment. E. All fees for court service except jury fees paid for service rendered during office hours must be paid to the Commonwealth. Any fees paid to an employee for court service performed during a vacation period may be retained by the employee. The employee shall retain expenses for travel, meals, rooms, etc. F. An employee on court leave who has been excused by the proper court authority shall report to his/her official duty station if such interruption in court service will permit four or more consecutive hours of employment. Court leave shall not affect any employment rights of the individual. G. No court leave shall be granted when the employee is the defendant or is engaged in personal litigation.

  • Union Dues Deduction The Employer agrees to deduct and forward to the Financial Secretary of the Local Union, upon receipt of a voluntary written authorization, the working dues from the pay of each IBEW member. The amount to be deducted shall be the amount specified in the approved Local Union Bylaws. The Local Union, upon request by the Employer, shall certify such amount to the Employer.

  • Payments from Owner Trust Estate All payments to be made by the Owner Trustee under this Agreement or any of the Basic Documents to which the Trust or the Owner Trustee is a party shall be made only from the income and proceeds of the Owner Trust Estate and only to the extent that the Owner Trustee shall have received income or proceeds from the Owner Trust Estate to make such payments in accordance with the terms hereof. Wilmington Trust Company or any successor thereto, in its individual capacity, shall not be liable for any amounts payable under this Agreement or any of the Basic Documents to which the Trust or the Owner Trustee is a party.

  • JURY DUTY PAY All employees required to serve on jury duty shall be paid by the School District the difference between their regular pay and jury duty pay. In implementing this section, the School District shall continue to pay the employee the regular rate of pay and the employee shall be obligated upon receipt of the jury duty pay from the governmental agency to immediately remit any witness fees received to the School District less any mileage expenses. Absences under this section shall not be deducted from accumulated leave.

  • Duty Year A. The duty year for teachers shall not exceed 187 days, including days for professional activities. B. Except when school is delayed due to inclement weather, all bargaining unit members shall be released two and one-half (2.5) hours early on the workdays preceding the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. C. Bargaining unit members shall be provided with time within the work year for the following duties and responsibilities: Parent Conferences: 1. Two (2) days for parent conferences 2. Staff Development: a. Two (2) days prior to the start of school shall be used for professional and staff development activities, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee. b. Half-days within the workday and throughout the work year, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee.