Short Term Leave Without Pay Sample Clauses

Short Term Leave Without Pay. A. A bargaining unit member may be granted up to five (5) days without pay per school year, with the approval of the Board of Education. Member benefits will continue for members who are approved for short term leave without pay. Leave without pay may be approved before or after school holidays or in conjunction with personal days under unusual circumstances and at the sole discretion of the Superintendent/Designee.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. A Short Term Leave is intended for a personal emergency not covered by other leave provisions of this Agreement. A written request for a Short Term Leave Without Pay shall be submitted through the building principal or appropriate supervisor to the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee. The written submission shall include the reasons for the request. Approval or denial of the leave request shall be at the discretion of the District and shall not provide grounds for grievance under Article 14 of this Agreement.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. The Board may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee for up to a maximum of twenty (20) working days to attend to matters of personal business which cannot be addressed in any other way. The Board shall continue to pay its share of benefit costs with no loss of seniority.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. Leave without pay (LWOP) of less than thirty (30) days may be granted by the Sheriff or his designee.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. With prior notification, up to two (2) days or with prior approval up to five (5) days of short-term leave shall be granted, at the cost of a per diem deduction, for leave necessitated by the personal or professional opportunities of the immediate family, which would allow the employee to participate in the activity with his/her immediate family. Verification may be required. (Refer to Appendix H.)
Short Term Leave Without Pay. All requests for leave of absence without pay shall be in writing to the Human Resources Office, setting forth the date and reason for leave. Before leave without pay may be considered, all other appropriate accrued leave must be used. Leave of absence without pay will not be granted except in extreme emergencies. These requests will be approved or disapproved based on the following criteria: 1. emergency situation 2. once-in-a-lifetime opportunity 3. beneficial to the district Such requests require the approval of the Board of Education in advance of the leave. However, the Superintendent or designee may approve requests of up to three (3) consecutive days.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. Short-term leave without pay may be approved by the immediate supervisor and/or budget administrator. Employees must report a short-term LWOP on the Leave Request form and must also report the LWOP on time sheets.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. 22 If a teacher wishes to be absent from school, and the absence is not defined in the preceding 23 clauses, the teacher may be permitted leave without compensation provided he/she notifies the 24 building principal with approval of the Superintendent or designee at the earliest possible date 25 of his/her intent to be absent. 27 28 29 ARTICLE VIII 30 31
Short Term Leave Without Pay. The School District may grant short-term leaves of absence without pay. For the purposes of this Section, short- term leaves of absence shall mean fifteen (15) consecutive work days or fewer. A teacher on short-term leave shall remain eligible for all group insurance benefits and School District premium contributions. For the purpose of this Section, such teacher shall have pay deducted at the full daily rate. Short-term leaves will not usually be granted for days adjacent to non-duty days in the adopted school calendar.
Short Term Leave Without Pay. 22 Leave without pay for short periods of time may be granted at the discretion of Human Resources 23 only after all available paid leave applicable to the reason for the request for the leave without pay 24 has been exhausted. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis and approval will normally 25 be limited to unusual, unique or “once in a lifetime” events. Except for emergency situations, 26 requests must be submitted at least one (1) week in advance to Human Resources via letter or email 27 with a copy to the employee’s supervisor.