Benefits Review Committee. It is the intent of the Company to constitute, from time to time as appropriate, a Company-wide Benefits Review Committee at which SPEA will have representation. The Company will consult with employee group representatives in establishing the composition of and terms of reference for such a Committee.
Benefits Review Committee. .1 The Board shall form a Benefits Review Committee whose mandate is to include but is not limited to receive and study:
a) cost of the plans b) factors influencing cost
Benefits Review Committee. The Union intends to continue to participate in the Company Wide Benefits Review Committee to review Company-Wide insured Benefit plans during the lifetime of the current Collective Agreement. The terms of reference for this Committee may be reviewed and amended as necessary by the groups involved.
Benefits Review Committee. (a) There shall be a Benefits Review Committee comprised of two (2) representatives for the Board and two (representatives) for the OSSTF Teacher Bargaining Unit, to review benefit plan levels and performance. The Committee shall meet quarterly.
(b) The OSSTF Teacher Bargaining Unit representative(s) will meet with Board representative(s) as per the Terms of Reference of the Benefits Review Committee.
(c) The Terms of Reference shall be reviewed annually by the parties, taking into account any recommendations made for change by the Committee.
Benefits Review Committee. There shall be a Benefits Review Committee comprised of two representatives for the Board and two representatives for the O.C.E.T.F. to review benefit plan levels and performance. The Committee shall meet quarterly during the regular business day. . The O.C.E.T.F. will meet with Board representative(s) as per the Terms of Reference of the Benefits Review Committee. The Terms of Reference, shall be reviewed annually by the parties, taking into account any recommendations made for change by the committee.
Benefits Review Committee. The Board recognizes the right of the Association to have one (1) representative on the Board=s Benefits Review Committee.
Benefits Review Committee. If a joint benefits review committee is established, the Union will be asked for representation on such committee.
Benefits Review Committee. There shall be a Benefits Review Committee comprised of two representatives for the Board and two representatives for the to review benefit plan levels and performance. The Committee shall meet quarterly. The will meet with Board as per the Terms of Reference of the Benefits Review Committee. The Terms of Reference, shall be reviewed annually by the parties, taking into account any recommendations made for change by the committee. For the purposes of benefits, the definition of spouse shall be the same as the definition contained in the Group Insurance and Health Plans in accordance with procedures as required by the Insurance Policies. The definition shall be provided to the Bargaining Unit in accordance with Article published in the benefit booklet, and published by
Benefits Review Committee. A Labor-Management Benefits Review Committee shall have the responsibility for deciding the level, scope, and design of benefit plans offered to employees for medical and vision coverage, dental coverage, and for disability and life insurance. The primary emphasis in plan design shall be to provide a comprehensive, competitive benefit program at a reasonable cost. The Committee shall be comprised of members from management and from County bargaining units. Each bargaining unit adopting the provision of the Article shall be entitled to appoint one voting member to the Committee for every two hundred (200) members in their bargaining unit with a minimum of one (1) member. It is understood that bargaining units which do not adopt the provisions of this Article will be entitled to appoint one nonvoting member to the Committee. Management membership will consist of voting members in a number equal to the voting bargaining unit membership. However, a bargaining unit or the County may appoint fewer members than it is entitled but retain the same number of votes as described above. The Committee shall meet at least quarterly, or more frequently as required. Decisions of the Committee will be made by a majority of votes. The Committee shall make plan design decisions for medical, vision, dental, disability, and life insurance plans at least 120 days prior to the beginning of the following plan year, unless the County waives such requirement. Payment for and funding of benefit plans selected by the Committee shall be in a proportion and manner determined through collective bargaining with each separate bargaining unit. The County shall provide administrative coordination and support for the Committee. The Committee, at its request, shall be provided all financial information and related reports as may be available. The County will make decisions on the following issues after consideration of Committee recommendations: carrier selection, third party administrator selection, employee benefits consultant selection, selection of alternate funding arrangements, and other optional benefit programs.
Benefits Review Committee. LIABILITY ............................................................