Building Councils Sample Clauses

Building Councils. The District Education Association and the Board of Education agree that Building Councils are an integral part of building-level decision making in District 21 and both the Board of Education and the DEA are committed to their success. The guiding parameters for the Building Councils as agreed upon by both the Board and the Association are designated in the cooperatively produced document(s) ‘District 21 Building Councils’.
Building Councils. 1. Building Councils shall be formed in each school building. The Council shall consist of bargaining unit members from within the building. The size and membership of the Council will be decided by the faculty in September. Chairmanship will be limited to the current Association Representative or an AEA member who is the Association Representative’s designee. 2. The purpose of the council will be to provide a vehicle for communication between the teachers from within the building and the administrative staff of the building. The Building Council shall meet with the building principal once a month at the request of either principal or council to discuss matters of concern to either or both parties. Minutes will be sent to the Association President and the Superintendent.
Building Councils. The Board and the CFT agree that shared decision-making at the building level is a goal to be achieved during the implementation of this Agreement. The Board and the CFT agree that it is in the best interest of the educational welfare of the students and the development and implementation of educational policy to form and enthusiastically support building councils. Accordingly, Building Councils shall be formed at each attendance center for the purpose of implementing site-based management and shared decision-making. The Building Council shall be composed of representatives from the Administration, Champaign Educational Support Professionals (“CESP”), parents, and teachers. Recognizing that meetings of the Council are intended to be a free and open exchange of information and ideas designed to create a collaborative process, Councils shall adhere to the following guidelines: a. Teachers shall constitute 50% of the Building Council unless another group declines or is unavailable, in which case teachers may constitute more than 50%. b. Building Councils shall determine their own type of leadership, the selection process for leadership and the length of the term of leadership. c. The Head Building Xxxxxxx and Principal shall be members of the council. d. Meetings shall be scheduled at least once each month during the school year, except in December. e. Such meetings are exclusive of the grievance process and shall not concern themselves with matters covered by this Agreement unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. f. The Council shall make every effort to reach consensus on issues presented and discussed. The following definition shall be used: “Consensus means general agreement and concord. For consensus to exist, it is not necessary for every participant to agree in full, but it is necessary for every participant to be heard and, in the end, for none to believe that the decision violates his or her conviction. It is not necessary that every person consider the decision the best one, but every person must be able to support the decision.” g. Nothing in this Section shall be interpreted to restrict or diminish the statutory rights and responsibilities of the Principal. h. Building Councils may delegate responsibilities to other committees who will report to and make recommendations for action. The Council will consider the recommendations.
Building Councils. A representative(s) of the CESP Association shall be a member of the Building Councils. The CESP Association representative(s) at each particular attendance center shall be selected by the building level CESP membership. If no CESP Association representative is available or willing to serve on the Building Council at a particular site, the CESP seat shall remain vacant.
Building Councils i. At the end of the school year, Building Councils will reflect and self-assess the effectiveness of matrices and building council norms/guidelines.
Building Councils. A. The building councils shall be composed of three (3) educators who are Association representatives, the Principal or his/her designee, and one additional administrator appointed by the Principal. Alternates may attend in place of the regular members if necessary. B. The building councils shall meet on the second Thursday of each month, or more often if needed. C. Minutes will be recorded for each meeting and distributed to council members. Council members may distribute minutes to other educators or administrators at their discretion. D. Any recommendations or unresolved concerns of the building councils will be reported to the District council. E. The educators on the council will select one representative to serve on the district council.
Building Councils. A. Building Councils shall be formed at the request of the Association in the elementary, middle school, and high school building(s). The Council shall consist of up to six (6) bargaining unit members from within the building. B. The purpose of the Council will be to provide a vehicle for communication between teachers from within the building and the Principal of the building. The Building Council shall meet with the building Principal at the request of either Principal or Council to discuss matters of concern to either or both parties. Minutes of these meetings will be prepared by the Association and sent to the Association President and the Superintendent. Nothing in this section shall discourage individual teachers from addressing building problems directly with the Principal.
Building Councils. 1.) Submit Decision Making Matrices and Building Council norms/ guidelines every October to ensure alignment 2.) At the end of the school year, Building Councils will reflect and self- assess the effectiveness of matrices and building council norms/ guidelines
Building Councils. 1. Building councils will be established at each building to address educational and building-level issues. 2. Each council shall include the building principal and one teacher from each grade level. 3. Building councils shall meet no more than once per quarter.
Building Councils. ­ The BOARD and the Union agree that shared decision­making at the building level is a goal to be achieved during the implementation of this Agreement. The BOARD and the Union agree that it is in the best interest of the educational welfare of the students and the development and implementation of educational policy to form and enthusiastically support building councils. Accordingly, Building Councils shall be formed at each attendance center for the purpose of implementing site­based management and shared decision­making. The Building Council shall be composed of representatives from the Administration, Educational Support Personnel (“ESP”), parents, and teachers. Recognizing that meetings of the Council are intended to be a free and open exchange of information and ideas designed to create a collaborative process, Councils shall adhere to the following guidelines: a. Teachers shall constitute 50% of the Building Council unless another group declines or is unavailable, in which case teachers may constitute more than 50%. b. Building Councils shall determine their own type of leadership, the selection process for leadership and the length of the term of leadership. c The Chief Building Xxxxxxx and Principal shall be members of the council.