Temporary Duties. Any employee on TDY may perform duties out of his classification to complete the mission or return the aircraft to home station and/or may be temporarily assigned to a bonus pay job. An employee on TDY may make only minor sheet metal repairs such as installing dzuses, camlocks, filing, stop drilling etc. or temporary repairs out of his classification to complete the mission or return the aircraft to home station. If a temporary repair is made, it will be recorded in the logbook.
Temporary Duties. Bargaining unit members may be assigned temporary duties by the District.
Temporary Duties. Any employee who temporarily assumes the duties of another employee (by employer assignment) shall be paid his/her regular rate of pay or the rate of pay for a temporary assignment (at the entry level rate of pay for the temporary position) whichever is higher.
Temporary Duties. Employees may be required on a temporary basis to perform duties which are duties normally performed by other classifications, however, the Employee will not be required to perform a duty which he/she is incapable of doing or to perform duties not directly related to his/her job.
Temporary Duties. The District and CSEA acknowledge that California Education Code §45101(a) and §88001(a) requires that all classified positions have set duties. However, due to the current unforeseen and unprecedented nature for the current conditions CSEA and the District recognize that some CSEA bargaining unit positions may be asked to perform duties not currently contained within their current job description. This may be as a result of a need to supplement a lack of work in their current role, or to assist in general tasks not typically performed. The District shall provide proper notification, in writing, to CSEA and the bargaining unit member of the temporary change to or addition of duties as to allow CSEA to Demand to Bargain. The District and CSEA agree this is a temporary solution to a current need and shall not be considered a waiver of CSEA’s rights to negotiate the transfer of duties as required by law. This also shall not be considered precedent setting for either party.
Temporary Duties. An employee directed to perform work at a higher Austrade Performance Level for periods in excess of 10 continuous working days will be paid at a higher rate for the entire continuous period. An employee directed to perform all the duties of a higher level, will be paid an allowance equal to the difference between the employee’s own salary and the salary the employee would receive if they were promoted to the higher level position. The CEO may determine an alternative amount when partial performance is directed or when the employee is performing the duties of a position at SES level. Where any work is performed at a higher work value level for periods of 10 days or less the work will be taken into account in an employee’s annual performance and salary review.
Temporary Duties. SHERIFF's personnel assigned to perform services for CITY under this contract ("SHERIFF's contract city personnel") may be required to perform temporary duty outside the scope of this Agreement. For the purpose of this Agreement, "temporary duty" shall include, but not be limited to, assignments necessitated by a public safety emergency or other exigent circumstances such as might be required under "mutual aid" agreements.
Temporary Duties. 8.4.1 When an employee is temporarily transferred to or temporarily performing the duties of another position he/she shall be paid his/her regular rate of pay. If the temporary position is a higher rate of pay, the employee shall be paid the higher rate for the duration of the temporary duty.
8.4.2 When an employee is temporarily performing internal coverage for a position that is essential to the daily functions of the district, that office professional will be compensated by time sheeting or compensatory time compliance with the Fair Labor Act if working past their daily contract hours.
Temporary Duties. 1. CSEA and the District recognize that CSEA bargaining unit positions may be asked to perform duties not currently contained within their current job description, including but not limited to:
Temporary Duties. (1) An employee directed to perform work at a higher Austrade Performance Level for periods in excess of 10 continuous working days will be paid an allowance determined under clause 5.11.1 (2) for the entire continuous period.
(2) An employee directed to perform all the duties of a higher level, will be paid an allowance equal to the difference between the employee’s own salary and the salary the employee would receive if they were promoted to the higher level position. The CEO may determine an alternative amount when partial performance is directed, or when the employee is performing the duties of a position at SES level.
(3) Where any work is performed at a higher work value level for periods of 10 days or less the work will be taken into account in an employee’s annual performance review.