Chargehand Sample Clauses

Chargehand. Employees at this level will have a broad knowledge of the discipline that they supervise. They may be working chargehands or supervisory chargehands. They must be competent and trained in people management skills and will be responsible for outputs in the section within acceptable parameters. These employees will be supervisors of only general workers. They will be required to exercise analytical skills with a relevant high level of decision making.
ChargehandA designated Chargehand acting as a representative of the Company is a work coordinator and can exercise job/work direction. Chargehands do not have the right to hire, discharge or discipline employees. The Company shall have the right to select employees for the position. The Plant Committee and Local Union will be advised by the Company of Chargehand appointments. The only premium designated Chargehands shall receive is seventy-five cents (75¢) per hour in addition to their regular job rate. Any premiums being paid, in excess of this agreement, will be withdrawn effective September 1, 1997. None of the foregoing is intended to restrict any of the usual activities of a Chargehand as designated by the Company.
ChargehandA designated Chargehand acting as a representative of the Company is a work coordinator and can exercise job/work direction. Chargehands do not have the right to hire, discharge or discipline employees. The Company shall have the right to select employees for the position. The Plant Committee and Local Union will be advised by the Company of Chargehand appointments. The only premium designated Chargehands shall receive is seventy-five cents (75¢) per hour in addition to their regular job rate. Any premiums being paid, in excess of this agreement, will be withdrawn effective September 1, 1997. None of the foregoing is intended to restrict any of the usual activities of a Chargehand as designated by the Company. Training received by a Chargehand, other than training received in accordance with divisional agreements, will not be recognized for future job postings or in the application of seniority at a reduction of forces. It is understood that Chargehands do not have priority to overtime over and above divisional overtime agreements.
Chargehand. An electrician in charge of two but not more than six electricians shall be paid a premium of 10% above his/her hourly rate. Electricians who have been chargehands for 12 months or over should carry the Chargehand’s rate for a further six months. With regard to the continuation of chargehand rate, exceptional cases should be referred to the NJIC for individual ruling.
Chargehand. 40.1 Chargehands shall be paid a bonus of seventy-five cents (75¢) per hour over their own classification rate or over the highest paid employee on their crew, whichever is greater. No Chargehand shall have the same employee(s), within a group, as another Chargehand on the same shift. 40.2 Chargehands are expected to provide technical instruction and support to employees in their group and to verify that assigned work has been completed correctly. Chargehands will perform the duties of their own classification when not occupied with these tasks.
Chargehand. Supervises sections of the curtain-making process.
ChargehandAn employee who is assigned to instruct others in the performance of their work and who may be held responsible for the quantity and quality of work.
Chargehand. A Chargehand when so designated and classified by the Company shall be defined as an employee who shall direct the work of other employees while performing similar work himself. He shall not have the authority to hire, fire, suspend or discipline employees. He shall be a member of the Union, and shall be entitled to all rights and conditions in accordance with this collective agreement. The designation and classification of Chargehands, while subject to postings, will be determined by the Company.
Chargehand is an employee who shall assist the Shop Xxxxxx in carry out his duties. The Chargehand shall not take disciplinary action against an employee. It is recognized that the Chargehand shall have to answer to the Shop Xxxxxxx for any deficiencies in workload completion.
ChargehandNew language is proposed to ensure employee’s rights are not compromised relative to a chargehand. Family Day will now be a recognized Statutory Holiday, the employer no longer will decide if you get the day off or get a floater. Your overwhelming strike vote AND support of your bargaining commi†ee won these gains... thank you, and help us complete our task with a YES vote ‐‐ Xxx Matters, Wood Council Chair, BC Bargaining Committee Spokesperson HEALTH & WELFARE Weekly Indemnity Rate increases to the EI weekly rate plus $100. A medical travel provision of $1,000 per year over the term of the contract beginning January 1, 2014. Lifetime limits for Extended Health Benefits increase from $60,000 to $300,000 over the term of the proposed agreement Orthodontic coverage under your Plan C will in- crease to a maximum $4,000, and “white fillings” will now be covered by your dental plan Vision Care will now also include laser eye surgery and eye exams with the limit in- creased to $400 in a 24 month period For the Saw Trades, apprentices will complete the program to the highest level required in the operations, Apprentices attending school outside their community for more than 6 weeks, will qualify for a second round trip. To ensure adequate training for your Safety committees, plant committees, evaluation committees and other union duties, the com- pany will contribute an additional 3¢ per hour worked to the Union Education Fund.