Subsistence Allowance a) The daily subsistence allowance per calendar day worked shall be as follows: Effective April 28, 2013 Effective April 26, 2015
b) An Employee shall forfeit subsistence allowance for absenteeism or leaving work without written permission on any working day. When the Employee is absent or leaves work without written permission on the working day immediately preceding or following bad weather days or recognized holidays, he shall forfeit subsistence allowance for the bad weather days or recognized holidays. The above forfeiture of subsistence allowance shall be waived when the Employee’s absenteeism on any working day is due to a bona fide illness or absence due to compassionate grounds satisfactory to the Employer and the Union Representative. Forfeiture of subsistence allowance may also be waived in other cases if the reason for absenteeism is acceptable to the Employer and the Union Representative. Written permission to leave work shall be in the form of the Leave of Absence Request form attached as Appendix “E” to this agreement. Upon a specific request by the Union the Employer shall forward a copy of an Employee’s approved Leave of Absence form. It is not intended that such forms be requested by the Union for all Employees.
Subsistence Allowance. An employer shall, in addition to any other remuneration due, pay his employee who, on any journey undertaken in the performance of his duties, is absent from his place of residence and his employer’s establishment for any period extending over one or more nights, a subsistence allowance of not less than that prescribed in Addendum 2 or Addendum 3 of this Agreement.
Subsistence Allowance. 13.1 When food and/or accommodation is not provided on board, the Company shall be responsible for providing food and/or accommodation of suitable quality.
Subsistence Allowance. Each employee shall be allowed road expenses in the amount of forty-five dollars ($45.00) thirty-five ($35.00) for each one thousand (1000) miles traveled.
Subsistence Allowance. 20.01 Employees who are members of the Local Lodge and who are working on projects in that Lodge area shall receive a subsistence allowance under the following circumstances:
a) On projects 000 xxxx xxxxxxxxxx to 000 xxxx xxxxxxxxxx from the City Hall of Regina, the Employer will provide subsistence allowance in the amount specified in the Wage and Benefit Schedule at the beginning of this appendix for each day worked or reported for work, by the employee. On camp projects, accommodation shall be provided on a seven (7) days per week basis. At the Employer’s discretion and/or when required by the Client, the Employer may request reaffirmation of the employee’s permanent address.
b) On projects over 000 xxxx xxxxxxxxxx from the City Hall of Regina, the Employer will provide subsistence allowance in the amount specified in the Wage and Benefit Schedule at the beginning of this appendix or camp seven (7) days per week.
c) On projects where the camp is beyond walking distance, transportation shall be provided.
d) Local residents, as defined in Article 3.07 shall not be entitled to subsistence allowance. On camp jobs, local residents shall be entitled to one (1) meal daily (except in cases where the Owner elects to deny this provision, in which case the Employer shall discuss the situation with the Business Manager to find a solution.)
e) Although the City of Saskatoon is a free zone, (except for local residents), the Employer and the Business Manager shall establish a mutually agreed fixed lodging allowance.
20.02 For employees supplied or obtained from other sources, entitlement to subsistence allowance shall be as follows:
a) When a travel card member has deposited his card in another Lodge area, and has solicited work from that Lodge List or an Out-of-Work List, he shall be considered to be a resident of that List area and shall be entitled to subsistence and travel time, or otherwise, on that basis.
b) In other cases, where the Union supplies men from other Local Lodges, without Employer consultation and agreement to the employees proposed, the Employer shall not be obliged to pay subsistence.
c) Where the Employer obtains or supplies men from other sources, or agrees to the Union's assistance in doing so, the Employer shall determine whether subsistence is to be paid; provided however that subsistence shall not be paid to any such employee unless he is required to maintain temporary living quarters away from his permanent residence.
20.03 The amount of th...
Subsistence Allowance. A minimum subsistence allowance of-
5.1 R160-00 per day is payable, where the employee pays for his own food and accommodation;
5.2 R65-00 per day is payable, where the employer pays for the employee’s accommodation only.
Subsistence Allowance a) The daily subsistence allowance per calendar day worked shall be as follows: Effective January 11, 2015 one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) Effective April 26, 2015 one hundred and thirty-five dollars ($135) Effective April 24, 2016 as determined by annual sector subsistence review
b) An Employee shall forfeit subsistence allowance for absenteeism or leaving work without written permission on any working day. When the Employee is absent or leaves work without written permission on the working day immediately preceding or following bad weather days or recognized holidays, he shall forfeit subsistence allowance for such absenteeism or leaving work without written permission and for the bad weather days or recognized holidays. The above forfeiture of subsistence allowance shall be waived when the Employee's absenteeism on any working day is due to a bonafide illness or absence due to compassionate grounds, covering blood relations, satisfactory to the Employer and the Union. Blood relations shall be defined for the purpose of this Agreement to mean FATHER, MOTHER, SISTER, BROTHER, SPOUSE, AND CHILDREN of both the Employee and his Spouse. Forfeiture of subsistence allowance may also be waived in other cases if the reason for absenteeism is acceptable to the Employer. Employees who leave the job prior to the end of a shift with written permission of the Employer will be entitled to a full day subsistence allowance if at least half of the shift is worked. Employees who leave the job prior to the end of a shift with written permission of the Employer will be entitled to one half day’s (½) subsistence allowance if less than one half of the shift is worked. Such written permission shall not be unduly withheld.
c) Written permission to leave work shall be in the form of the Leave of Absence Request form attached as Appendix “F” to this Agreement. Upon a specific request by the Union, the Employer shall forward a copy of an Employee’s approved Leave of Absence Request form. It is not intended that such forms be requested by the Union for all Employees.
Subsistence Allowance. An employee who is required to work in any Branch or place other than in the Branch or place where he normally works shall be entitled to an allowance, subject to the conditions specified hereunder:-
Subsistence Allowance. When an Employee is employed for a period of more than one (1) day in the subsistence area, he shall receive a minimum subsis- tence allowance of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per day or shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses including food and lodging, however, receipts must be turned in to the Employer. No travel allowance or mileage shall be paid in addition to the above. It is the intent of this Section (i) to facilitate the continuity of health benefit coverage for such Milwaukee area Employees when working outside the geographical coverage of this Agreement and (ii) to assure that such Employer is not required simultaneously to pay contributions to the fringe benefit funds specified in this Agreement and also to like fringe benefit funds under the labor agreement having geographical coverage over the job site.
Subsistence Allowance. Where an employee who is otherwise eligible for the daily board allowance and by their own choice works less than the scheduled shift on a given day, they shall be paid a board allowance calculated on the basis of the percentage of the prevailing daily board allowance for every hour worked (i.e. employee works seven (7) hours of an eight (8) hour shift, the board allowance would be 7/8 of the appropriate daily expense allowance). Board allowance shall not be adjusted due to inclement weather or for medical appointments, provided that the employee has a note from their doctor.