CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. Each employee shall be allowed four (4) hours off work with pay on the last working day before Christmas or the last working day before New Year's. If the employee is unable, because of the needs of the service, to take such time off, he or she shall be credited with four (4) hours compensating time off.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. Employees working on the day of December 24th or December 31st shall be scheduled on the basis of inverse seniority to allow the most senior employee(s) the early shift on Christmas and New Year’s Eves.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE a. Each employee shall be allowed four (4) hours off work with pay on the last working day before Christmas or the last working day before New Year's. If the employee is unable, because of the needs of the service, to take such time off, he/she shall be credited with four (4) hours compensatory time off.
b. Each regular full-time custodian, except those assigned to the Airports, shall be allowed four (4) hours off duty without loss of compensation on the last working day before Christmas or New Year's. A Custodian who normally reports to work at
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. The Library shall close at 12:00 Noon on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve with no loss in salary to the employee.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. Offices shall be closed at noon on the last working day preceding December 25th and January 1st.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. The day must be used the day before or the day after Christmas and/or New Years. The day must be in the same pay week (Monday through Sunday). If the bargaining unit member opts to flex Christmas Eve and/or New Year’s Eve, he/she understands that working Christmas Eve and/or New Year’s Eve will not be holiday pay.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. When Christmas Eve falls on a normal working day, the Library will close at 1:00 p.m., unless regular hours of operation fall outside this period. When New Year’s Eve falls on a normal working day, the Library will close at 1:00 p.m. Employees working these days will be compensated for their normally scheduled working hours. Permanent Full-Time Employees choosing to take these days off will have their normally scheduled working hours deducted from the appropriate hour bank.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE. It is understood that a Policy will be developed to ensure that any changes of the Hours of Work on the days will be consistent in all Units.
CHRISTMAS EVE AND NEW YEAR'S EVE a. Each employee shall be allowed four (4) hours off work with pay on the last working day before Christmas or the last working day before New Year's. If the employee is unable, because of the needs of the service, to take such time off, he/she shall be credited with four (4) hours compensatory time off.
b. Each regular full-time custodian, except those assigned to the Airports, shall be allowed four (4) hours off duty without loss of compensation on the last working day before Christmas or New Year's. Custodians who normally report to work at 5 p.m. shall report to work at 1 p.m. and complete a full day's work for purposes of compensation at 9 p.m. on the last working day before Christmas and New Year's.
c. Each regular full-time custodian assigned to the Airports shall be allowed four (4) hours off duty without loss of compensation on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve or some other time.