Contracting Out Committee Sample Clauses

Contracting Out Committee. 1. A regularly constituted committee consisting of not more than four persons (except that the committee may be enlarged to six persons by local agreement), half of whom shall be members of the bargaining unit and designated by the Union in writing to the Research facility management and the other half designated in writing to the Union by the Research facility management, shall attempt to resolve problems in connection with the operation, application, and administration of the foregoing provisions. 2. In addition to the requirements of Paragraph E of this Section, such committee may discuss any other current problems with respect to contracting out brought to the attention of the committee. 3. Such committee shall meet at least one time each month.
Contracting Out Committee. At each Plant a committee consisting of four (4) employees, two (2) individuals designated by each of the Parties, shall be constituted to serve as the Contracting Out Committee. The Committee shall meet as required but not less than monthly to: a. review bargaining unit force levels for the Plant; b. review historical contractor utilization by the Plant; c. review projections for contractor utilization by the Plant; d. monitor the implementation of new programs or hiring to reduce contractor utilization; and e. develop new ideas and implementation plans to effectively reduce contractor usage in accordance with the terms of this Section.
Contracting Out Committee. 2.8 1. A regularly constituted committee consisting of not more than four persons (except that the committee may be enlarged to six persons by local agreement), half of whom shall be members of the bargaining unit and designated by the Union in writing to the plant management and the other half designated in writing to the Union by the plant management, shall attempt to resolve problems in connection with the operation, application, and administration of the foregoing provisions.
Contracting Out Committee. 1. A regularly constituted Committee consisting of not more than (4) persons, half of whom shall be designated by the Union in writing to the Company and the other half designated in writing to the Union by the Company shall deal with matters and resolve problems in connection with the operation, application and administration of the foregoing provisions. 2. In addition to the requirement of paragraph F. below, such Committee may discuss any other current matters with respect to contracting out brought to the attention of the Committee. 3. Such Committee shall meet at least once each month.
Contracting Out Committee. The University agrees to continue the Joint Union/ Management Task Force on both campuses. On the Xxxxxxx River Campus it will be comprised of up to five (5) management representatives and up five
Contracting Out Committee. The Committee shall meet periodically or at the request of one of the parties to review: a. A concern or interest on the contracting out of a project or service. b. Any issue relating to an unclear or disputed project. c. Procedures for review, discussion and clarification of guidelines for contracting projects.
Contracting Out Committee. 1. A joint City/AFSCME contracting out committee shall be constituted. This committee shall consist of no more than five (5) members from the City and shall minimally include either the Director, or the Director's designee, of the Personnel, Finance and Purchasing Departments and one member of the Labor Relations Depart- ment staff. This committee shall consist of no more than five (5) members from the Union(s) and shall minimally include one (1) member from AFSCME Council 25, with the balance of the members being apportioned from those AFSCME Locals signatory to an agreement creating such committee. 2. The joint City/AFSCME contracting out committee shall meet at least two times each month during the first year of the committee's existence and, thereafter, shall meet at least one time each month. Members of the Union's committee shall be released during their normal work shift without loss of pay to participate in these meetings. The date, time, and place of such meetings shall be established by mutual agreement. 3. The purpose of the joint City/AFSCME contracting out committee shall be to discuss and attempt to resolve problems in connection with the operation, application and administration of the provisions of this Article. The committee is specifically charged with the responsibility to discuss methods of cost allocation, the development and production of fiscal, wage, and other financial data necessary for the union to properly administer the provisions of this Article. 4. This committee has no authority to negotiate either resolutions to or grievances arising out of this Article nor does this committee have the authority to determine what work shall or shall not be contracted out; such authority being reserved to the respective collective bargaining and/or grievance committees of the parties.
Contracting Out Committee. The Union's contracting out committee shall have access to all necessary information which is not restricted pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act to respond to any contracting out proposal. This includes information on final costs of contracted out work.
Contracting Out Committee. A committee composed of three (3) repre- sentatives selected by the Union and three (3) representatives selected by the Company, will meet quarterly if required and during periods of lay off the committee will meet not more frequently than every two weeks to consider cost effective alternatives to contracting out. In order to give effect to the Goals and Objectives, the Committee will review information with respect to current and any need to contract out work. In assessing this information, the Commit- tee will be obliged to consider the following:
Contracting Out Committee. ARTICLE REMUNERATION .........................................................................