Contractor Safety Program. Contractor represents and warrants that it will perform all applicable Work, and cause all Subcontractors to perform all applicable Work, in compliance with PG&E’s Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements, as may be modified from time to time. The Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements can be located and downloaded at: and are hereby incorporated by reference into this Contract. Contractor’s failure to comply with the Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements shall be immediate grounds for termination for cause under this Contract.
Contractor Safety Program. CM shall review the safety program of the Contractor for conformity with requirements of the Contract and applicable law. CM shall monitor the Contractor’s compliance with the Contractor’s safety programs and advise the DISTRICT of measures, if any, necessary or appropriate to obtain the Contractor’s compliance. The CM is responsible for verifying that the Contractor has established a safety program, that the safety program established by the Contractor is in compliance with applicable law, and that the Contractor has implemented its safety program.
Contractor Safety Program. Consultant represents and warrants that it will perform all applicable Work, and cause all Subcontractors to perform all applicable Work, in compliance with PG&E’s Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements, as may be modified from time to time. The Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements can be located and downloaded at: and are hereby incorporated by reference into this Contract. Consultant’s failure to comply with the Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements shall be immediate grounds for termination for cause under this Contract. Notwithstanding the above, Consultant is the “controlling employer” as defined under CalOSHA and will remain responsible for all fines and liability arising from violation of the Contractor Safety Program Standard Contract Requirements and applicable law.
Contractor Safety Program. The Service Provider agrees to adhere to its own and the City of North Battleford Safety program. Where inconsistency exists or arises, the higher standard deemed by the City of North Battleford shall be followed.
Contractor Safety Program. The Contractor shall develop and implement a Safety Program detailing how the Contractor plans, staffs, performs, and controls all safety practices while delivering best value services to the Government without any accidents or mishaps. The Contractor’s safety program shall comply with all safety standards identified in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1 (Most current version) and Public Law 91-596, Occupational Safety and Health Act. Any reference to “USACE" facilities, property, or equipment specified in EM 385-1-1 should be interpreted as Government facilities, property, and equipment.
Contractor Safety Program. The DB Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, the Project, and this Contract in accordance with the Contract Documents (including the requirements of this Article 8 (Safety, Security, and Environmental Compliance))
Contractor Safety Program. General Requirements • Refer to control document # 12MAZ00126B, Contractors System • Non-Freescale or non-Motorola personnel that are on site to perform work are included in this program. • New companies wanting to perform work on a Freescale site must complete and submit a pre-qualification package to the site’s EHS department several weeks ahead of time to allow for processing of the request. • The contract personnel must attend the site’s EHS orientation program prior to conducting work on site. The need for an exception to this requirement needs to reviewed with a site EHS representative prior to initiating work. • The Freescale sponsor bringing the contractor onsite must ensure the contract personnel is aware of the EHS requirements at the site. • The Freescale sponsor needs to be aware of which contractor type (A or B) that the contract personnel is considered and the responsibilities each party takes on. Contact the site EHS department for assistance. • Type A: is a non-Freescale employee whose day-to-day activities are directed (i.e. details, means, methods and process by which the work objective is accomplished) by Freescale. • Type B: A non-Freescale employee hired for the purpose of a construction/installation project, the revision of existing sites or fulfilling maintenance service agreements. The term Type B Contractor shall include “subcontractors”. The Type B Contractor’s day-to-day activities are not directed by Freescale.
Contractor Safety Program. PG&E will implement a PG&E Contractor Safety Program Standard (“Contractor Safety Standard”) that contains the following elements: (a) safety standards for pre-qualification of contractors; (b) standard safety contract terms; (c) safety oversight of contractors; (d) post- project safety evaluations and capturing/sharing of lessons learned, and (e) PG&E’s Safety, Health and Environment Department assessment and oversight of Line of Business (defined as Electric Operations, Gas Operations, Nuclear, Information Technology, Customer Care and Safety and Shared Services) implementation of this standard. The Contractor Safety Program applies to “high risk” and “medium risk” work, as defined in the Contractor Safety Standard. The Contractor Safety Standard defines “low risk” work but most of the elements of the Contractor Safety Program do not apply to low risk work. The current form of the PG&E Contractor Safety Standard is set forth in Attachment 2 to this Agreement.
Contractor Safety Program. CS shall review the safety program of the Contractor for conformity with requirements of the Contract and applicable law. CS shall monitor the Contractor’s compliance with the Contractor’s safety programs and advise the DISTRICT of measures, if any, necessary or appropriate to obtain the Contractor’s compliance. The CS is responsible for verifying that the Contractor has established a safety program, that the safety program established by the Contractor is in compliance with applicable law, and that the Contractor has implemented its safety program.
Contractor Safety Program. The Contractor is responsible for managing and maintaining the Jobsite and performing the Work with the highest regard for safety and health. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements set forth in: this CMR Contract; the Authority - Construction Safety Manual attached hereto as Exhibit H (note: this manual may be revised from time to time, and Contractor is required to comply with the latest revision to the manual, which is available from the “Business Information” section of the Authority’s website at xxxx://; the Construction Documents; the Program Specifications; other portions of the Contract Documents; and all applicable local, state and federal laws, codes and regulations. The requirements include preparation of a safety program plan; provision of dedicated safety and health professionals; administration of the Contractor’s safety program; implementation and enforcement of all safety policies, practices, plans and procedures; management, control and oversight of the Subcontractors and the Jobsite; submittals, documentation and reporting; and coordination with the Airports Authorities Safety Manager, Risk Management Department, Public Safety Division, Construction Department, Engineering & Maintenance Division, and Airport Operations Department. In performing the Work, the Contractor shall protect the health and safety of employees and other individuals; prevent damage to property, materials, supplies, and equipment; and avoid interrupting the normal operation of the Airport.