DUTY ALLOWANCE. Allowance shall be paid at the following rates in addition to normal salary: From midnight Friday/Saturday to 1200 Saturday the employee shall be paid at 90% of the normal hourly rate of pay in addition to the normal hourly rate paid.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. 21.1 Duty Allowance to be paid to all officers at a rate of four hundred and twenty dollars ($420.00) per month.
21.2 Members of the Fire Service should only exceed his or her normal hours of duty for the following:-
1. Emergencies - Fire Call
2. National Parades
3. Guard of Honour Parade
4. Chief Fire Officer's Parade
5. Divisional Officer's Parade
6. State Funerals
7. General Meetings
DUTY ALLOWANCE. 18.1 Duty Allowance will be paid at the following Rates:
(i) All Ranks including SPCs –five hundred and fifty dollars ($525.00) per month.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. Except where elsewhere provided in this clause, Employees who work afternoon duty, night duty, weekend duty or public holiday duty shall be paid a Duty Allowance as follows: Afternoon Duty 10% Night Duty 25% Weekend or Public Holiday Duty 50% The Duty Allowance shall be calculated by increasing the Employee’s hourly rate by the specified loading for up to a maximum of eight hours in a duty. Only one type of Duty Allowance (the higher) is paid in respect of any one duty. Afternoon or Night Duty Allowances shall not be paid when overtime is worked or where a public holiday duty is worked. The Weekend Duty Allowance shall not be paid where a Public Holiday Duty Allowance is payable.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. 17.1 The Employer agrees to pay Duty Allowance of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350.00) monthly to all ranks of officers, in lieu of overtime.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. The Employer agrees to pay duty allowance of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) monthly to all ranks of officers, in lieu of overtime.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. When an employee who is a reliever or has agreed to work at another location is rostered for duty to a location other than that to which the employee is currently rostered, such employee shall, except in the case of an emergency or as otherwise agreed between the parties on a case by case basis, receive at least 48 hours notice of such duty. During the period for which an employee is so detailed, they shall report to the duty location at the commencing time of each shift to which they are rostered and shall in addition to their wages be paid or reimbursed:
DUTY ALLOWANCE. In the case of an employee who has established seniority and is called for Jury service or subpoenaed as a witness, except for arbitration, the Company shall pay for each day of such service, an allowance equal to the difference between eight (8) hours of pay based on his regular straight time hourly rate and the payment he received for jury service or Crown witness. The employee will present proof of service and of pay received therefore when making his claim for such allowance. An employee who is called for jury service or subpoenaed as a witness by the Crown must the Company immediately.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. An employee who is requiredfor jury duty service or witness duty by subpoena and has notifiedthe Company promptlyof such call, shall be paid the differencebetween his regular straight-time rate of pay, exclusive of shift premium and the payment he received for jury service. The employee will present proof of the amount of jury duty pay that he received.
DUTY ALLOWANCE. Inthe case of an employee who has established seniority and is called for Jury serviceor a witness by the Crown, the Company shall pay for each day of such service, an allowanceequalto the difference betweeneight of pay his regularstraighttimehourly the paymenthe receivedfor service or Crown witness. The employee will present proof of service and of pay received therefore when making for such allowance. An employee who is called for jury service or subpoenaed as a witness by the Crown must notify the Company immediately. Eligibility Participation in this plan is limitedto haveaccumulatedsixty-fiveworking days of with the Company. It is the Planwill provide for the continuation of coverage for the period an employeeis dueto layoffor absence, but in the monthfollowing the month inwhich suchabsence commences. Plan Design