JURY DUTY SERVICE. (a) An employee who is summoned and is actually required to attend and serve as a juror will not suffer any loss of pay as a result of time actually lost from work due to such jury duty provided that the employee shall be required to: (1) notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible, within at least two (2) weeks before the day the employee is required to report for jury service, and if not possible, as soon as possible after receiving the notice to report; (2) return to his/her immediate supervisor completed forms certified by the Court Clerk; (3) cooperate with the College in requesting excuse or delay from jury service where the employee's absence will adversely affect the College's operations. (b) It is understood that employees will report back for work at any time when they are free from their responsibilities of jury duty. (c) Employees who serve on jury duty on any given workday will be excused with pay from their regular work shift as follows: (1) Second shift employees will be excused with pay for each second shift immediately following the day served on jury duty. (2) Third shift employees will be excused with pay for each third shift immediately preceding the day served on jury duty provided the immediate preceding day is a workday. (d) All monies received by the employee (except for out-of-pocket expenses) must be promptly turned over to the College.
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JURY DUTY SERVICE. All employees who are called for Jury Duty shall be entitled to a maximum of ten (10) days at full salary. Employees are obligated to inform the Judge that City policy is to only pay ten (10) days of service. Should an employee, through no fault of his/her own, be required to serve beyond ten (10) days, the employee will receive full salary for Jury Duty service up to an additional twenty (20) days. Exceptions may be made to this policy by the City Manager in very unusual circumstances.
JURY DUTY SERVICE. (a) An employee who is summoned and is actually required to attend and serve as a juror will not suffer any loss of pay as a result of time actually lost from work due to such jury duty provided that the employee shall be required to: (1) notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible, within at least two (2) weeks before the day the employee is required to report for jury service, and if not possible, as soon as possible after receiving the notice to report;
JURY DUTY SERVICE. Upon the receipt of a jury duty service notice, the employee shall immediately notify his/her supervisor and provide a copy of the notice to the supervisor. Fire shift personnel that are required to report for jury duty may be absent with pay for up to eight hours per day plus travel time. If the employee is scheduled to report to jury duty two hours or more after the start of work, the employee must report to work prior to jury duty unless due to location circumstance, does not need to report if approved by a chief officer. If the employee is selected to serve on a jury and they are sequestered for the night, the employee shall be paid for the entire shift. If the employee is released from jury duty one hour or more prior to the end of the shift, the employee must return to work. Employees receiving a notice for “Telephone Standby” for jury duty shall report to work. Employees will call the jury commissioner’s office from work to find out if they are required to report for jury duty.
JURY DUTY SERVICE. A. When serving on jury duty, a certificated/licensed employee shall keep his/her jury duty check, and will continue to receive his/her regular pay for days absent from his/her school job. B. If a certificated/licensed employee has two (2) employers, the certificated/licensed employee shall present proof of jury duty and will receive compensation equal to the difference between jury duty pay and his/her regular pay for days absent from his/her school job.
JURY DUTY SERVICE. Any teacher who performs jury duty and/or any other kind of witness duty service under subpoena during school hours shall receive his normal compensation. Any remuneration received by him for such service (excluding mileage allowance) shall be remitted by him to the Board. Not more than three (3) teachers may be released at one time for the purpose of testifying or representing the Association at any arbitration or fact finding proceedings involving employees covered by this Agreement held during a normally scheduled school day.
JURY DUTY SERVICE ox (a) A f t e r t h e i r f i r s t year o f employment, employees who are r e g u l a r l y employed t w e n t y - fo u r ( 24) hours o r more per week, who are c a l l e d f o r s e r v i c e on a s u p e r i o r c o u r t o r xx xxxxx d i s t r i c t c o u r t j u r y s h a l l be excused from work f o r the days on which they se rv e , and s h a l l be paid the d i f f e r e n c e between the t o t a l amount r e c e i v e d f o r such s e r v i c e and the amount o f s t r a i g h t - t i m e e a r n i n g s l o s t by reason o f such s e r v i c e , up to a l i m i t o f e i g h t (8) hou rs per day and f o r t y (40? hours per week, w i t h a t o t a l l i m i t o f ten (10) w o rkin g days. N o t h i n g In t h i s S e c t i o n s h a l l have the in te n t of l i m i t i n g the amount o f time an employee may se rv e . (b) An employee c a l l e d f o r j u r y duty who i s t e m p o r a r i l y excused from attendance at the c o u r t must report f o r work if s u f f i c i e n t time remains a f t e r such excuse to permit him to report to h i s pla ce of work and work at l e a s t o n e - ha I c ( i ) o f h i s normal work day. (c) In o r d e r to be e l i g i b l e f o r such payments, the employee must f u r n i s h a w r i t t e n statement from the a p p r o p r i a t e p u b l i c o f f i c i a l showing the date and time served and the amount o f j u r y pay re c e i v e d .
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JURY DUTY SERVICE. A. Any employee who is called to Jury Duty shall immediately notify the employer. B. An employee who is excused from Jury Duty Service on any day shall report for work on such day. C. An employee shall not be required to report back to work on any day he is in attendance at court for Jury Duty Service regardless of the employee's shift. D. The employer agrees to pay the employee a full day's pay for each day of Jury Duty Service in addition to whatever compensation such employee may receive as Jury Duty Service fees from the court.
JURY DUTY SERVICE. (a) After their f i r s t year of employment, employees who are regularly employed twenty-four (2k)* hours or more per week, who are called for service on a superior court or federal d i s t r i c t court jury shall be excused from work for the days on which they serve, and shall be paid the difference between the total (b) An employee called for jury duty who is temporarily excused from attendance at the court must report for work if su ffic ie n t time remains after such excuse to permit him to report to his place of work and work at least one half (j) of his normal work day. (c) In order to be e l ig ib le for such payments, the employee must furnish a written statement from the appropriate public o f f ic ia l showing the date and time served and the amount of jury pay received. (d) Employees required to appear in court or in legal proceedings on behalf of their employer shall receive compensation at their regular stra igh t time hourly rate of pay for the time spent in making such appearance, less any witness fees received.
JURY DUTY SERVICE. In the event that any employee covered by this agreement is required to perform and does perform jury service, the employee shall be compensated the difference between compensation received from performance of jury duty service and the employee’s regular salary provided the employee furnished appropriate evidence from the court of such service, and had made every effort to schedule such service during a school vacation.
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