Duty Limitations Sample Clauses
Duty Limitations. Except in emergencies, as defined in Article 2, an employee shall not work more than twenty (20) work hours, exclusive of lunch, in his twenty-four (24) hour day, nor more than thirty-six (36) work hours, exclusive of lunch, in any two (2) consecutive twenty- four (24) hour days. An employee's twenty-four (24) hour day begins with the starting time of that employee’s regularly scheduled shift. Job continuation in conjunction with a shift in progress is permitted in conjunction with these maximums.
Duty Limitations. A Flight Attendant shall not be scheduled to exceed fourteen (14) hours per duty period. A Flight Attendant shall not be required to remain on duty to complete a duty period more than sixteen (16) hours, which may be waived by a Flight Attendant.
Duty Limitations. A. The limitations provided for herein will include all flight time when a Flight Attendant is assigned as a crew member on regularly scheduled pairings, deadheads, extra sections, ferry, or charter trips and scenic flights.
B. A Flight Attendant shall not be scheduled on an original pairing for more than seven (7) legs in any twenty-four (24) consecutive hours unless broken by a legal crew rest, eleven (11) hours block to block at an overnight station or twelve (12) hours (block to check-in) at the domicile. In the case of a reschedule situation, a line holder may be rescheduled up to a maximum of eight (8) legs within a twenty-four (24) hour period. Reserve Flight Attendants may be scheduled or rescheduled up to a maximum of eight (8) legs within a twenty-four (24) hour period.
C. A Flight Attendant shall not be scheduled to fly more than twenty-eight
Duty Limitations a. A flight attendant’s duty time begins at the time she/he is required to report for duty at the designated reporting place or does report for such duty, whichever is later. The duty period ends ten (10) minutes after block in from flying, or when a reserve flight attendant is released by Crew Scheduling.
b. A flight attendant shall not be scheduled to be on duty for more than fourteen (14) consecutive hours.
c. Actual duty periods may be extended up to a maximum of sixteen (16) hours due to weather and mechanical delays. However, in instances of extreme operational need or irregular operations, a flight attendant may be obligated to complete her/his originally scheduled assignments so long as their continued duty does not conflict with FARs. A flight attendant with a duty day extended beyond sixteen (16) hours will be paid premium pay of two hundred percent (200%) of his/her hourly rate for any time on duty past sixteen hours.
Duty Limitations. Except in emergencies, as defined in Article 2, an employee shall not work more than twenty (20) work hours, exclusive of lunch, in any twenty-four (24) hour period, nor more than thirty-six (36) work hours, exclusive of lunch, in any two (2) consecutive twenty-four (24) hour periods. Shift - 0600-1630 M-Th Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Regular DO 0600-1630 0600-1630 0600-1630 0600-1630 DO DO Full OT/Trade (8 hrs) 1630-2300 1630-2300 1630-2300 4 O/T 2300-0300 2300-0300 Regular DO 0600-1630 0600-1630 0600-1630 0600-1630 DO DO Full OT/Trade (10 hrs) 1630-0230 1630-0230 4 O/T 1630-2030 1630-2030 Total Hrs Work 19.5 14 19.5 14 67 Shift - 0600-1430 M-Fri Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Regular DO 0600-1430 0600-1430 0600-1430 0600-1430 0600-1430 DO Full OT/Trade (8 hrs) 1430-2230 1430-2230 4 O/T Regular DO 1230-2100 1230-2100 1230-2100 1230-2100 1230-2100 DO Full OT/Trade (10 hrs) 2130-0800 2130-0800 4 O/T J. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, when an employee has his hours of work temporarily changed and is thereafter returned to his regular assignment, he will have eight (8) hours rest after his last preceding work assignment. In the event that the rest period extends into the employee’s regular work shift, he shall be paid at straight time rates for the time lost from his regular schedule which would provide him with the eight (8) hours rest. If an employee is not provided with the rest period as prescribed above, he shall receive his applicable overtime rate for all hours worked until such time as the employee is relieved for a rest period of no less than eight (8) hours.
Duty Limitations. Teachers will perform no more than two duties per week on a rotating basis except under extenuating circumstances. Principals will make every effort to assign duties in an equitable manner. No teacher shall be assigned duties when employed in more than one school that result in a teacher serving duties greater than the duties of a full-time teacher working in a single school district. In addition, teachers will be entitled to a lunch period apart from time required for travel between buildings. In the case of scheduling disputes, the Superintendent will make the final determination. Building leaders will make every effort practicable to provide teachers with a workload that limits the number of different class preparations to four (4) and limits the maximum number of students to ninety-five (95).
Duty Limitations a. A flight attendant’s duty time begins at the time she/he is required to report for duty at the designated reporting place or does report for such duty, whichever is later. The duty period ends ten (10) minutes after block in from flying, or when a reserve flight attendant is released by Crew Scheduling.
b. A flight attendant shall not be scheduled to be on duty for more than fourteen and one-half (14.5) consecutive hours.
c. A flight attendant may be scheduled for one (1) additional hour of duty for the sole purpose of deadheading to her/his domicile.
Duty Limitations. A Reserve on an OPR shift who is assigned a pairing will be subject to the duty period maximums in accordance with Paragraphs E. and F., above. The applicable duty period maximum will be determined by the check-in time and number of segments for the assigned pairing. The total duty period, including the time from report for OPR until the conclusion of the pairing’s duty period, must not exceed the schedule maximum on the Duty Period charts. Example: A Reserve reports for OPR duty at 0500. During the OPR duty, the Reserve is assigned an unaugmented pairing with 5 flight segments, commencing at 0730 and releasing at 1600. The Reserve will be legal for such pairing assignment. The Reserve’s duty day starts at the commencement of the OPR shift at 0500 and the release time for the assigned pairing is 1600, resulting in an 11 hour duty day. The maximum duty day for a five segment flight commencing at 0730 per the chart (report between 0700-1259/5 segments) is 12:45 hours.
Duty Limitations a. The maximum duty limitations shall be sixteen hours (16:00) scheduled; seventeen hours and thirty minutes (17:30) actual.
b. In the case of an irregular operation, flight attendants may be required to exceed these duty limitations to deadhead for required rest. The deadheading must begin before the end of the actual duty limitation.
Duty Limitations. 1. The duty period shall be the time between check in/report to check out/release. Time spent deadheading (on or off the Company) and ferry time is duty time for all purposes and is not considered part of a rest period or a day(s) off.
2. a. Duty periods will not be scheduled for more than sixteen (16) hours, unless otherwise provided herein. Such duty time may only exceed this limitation due to weather, mechanical delays or other circumstances beyond the control of the Company. However, no Flight Attendant shall be required to remain on duty for more than nineteen (19) hours.