Earning of Compensatory Time Sample Clauses

Earning of Compensatory Time. Compensatory time is measured from the number of hours authorized for the position. Compensated time shall be accumulated at straight time up to forty (40) hours per week and at the rate of time and one-half for all hours worked over forty
Earning of Compensatory Time. 1. Compensatory time shall be earned for specific duties assigned and agreed upon in advance by the site administrator and employee which may extend beyond the normal contract day. (Examples include, but are not limited to open house, substituting for other teachers during planning time, PTO, extended faculty meetings, etc.). 2. Compensatory time is accruable and available for use with advance approval by the site administrator. 3. Compensatory time shall not be earned for activities for which additional compensation is provided.
Earning of Compensatory Time. Compensatory time is measured from the number of hours authorized for the position. Compensated time shall be accumulated at straight time up to forty (40) hours per week and at the rate of time and one-half for all hours worked over forty (40) hours per week. Compensatory payment or time shall be granted as determined by the immediate supervisor. No compensated time shall be accumulated unless authorized by the employee's immediate supervisor. During the year the amount of compensatory time an employee may accumulate with supervisor’s prior approval shall be the limit set by the Fair Labor Standards Act (currently 240 hours – including hours at time and one-half).
Earning of Compensatory Time a. Pursuant to the provisions of the Fair labor Standards Act and pertinent CFR provisions, the Board may choose to offer compensatory time, at a rate of one and one-half hours for each overtime hour worked, in lieu of overtime compensation, for time spent by employees engaging in duties beyond the normal contractual day causing them to work beyond their normal work week (40 hours). b. Compensatory time is not actually accrued and available for use until the end of the work week during which the additional hours were performed. Further, while long-term additional duties beyond the normal work weeks may be pre-approved by a supervisor and/or a representative of the Superintendent for administrative convenience, compensatory time for carrying out such long-term, extra duties only accrues and becomes usable on a weekly basis at the end of each work week in which the employee carries out the extra duties extending beyond the normal work week; c. Federal law applicable to this bargaining unit’s members presently authorized the accrual for compensatory time up to 240 hours; however, the District supervisors shall make every reasonable effort to limit the number of accrued compensatory time hours to 40. Notwithstanding the intention of the parties to manage and restrict compensatory time hours in this manner, employees must either be allowed to continue to accrue compensatory time beyond 40 hours up to the maximum allowable number of 240, or be paid overtime wages at one and one-half times their normal pay rate whenever their supervisors ask or expect them to take additional duties that cause them to have an accrued balance of more that 240 hours of compensatory time, the District must pay appropriate overtime wage compensation for all compensatory hours accrued beyond 240; d. The nature and extent of employee assignments beyond the normal workday for which compensatory time will be granted shall be determined by the site administrator consistent with the provisions of this Contract. e. Compensatory time accrual shall apply to activities, such as faculty meetings, bus duty beyond the normal workday, parent-teacher organization meetings, school open houses and other extra, school related activities that require employees to carry out additional duties beyond their normal work day/work weeks.
Earning of Compensatory Time. 1 Employees in this bargaining unit shall earn compensatory time credit if the employee has approval for such compensatory time or is directed by his/her supervisor to perform a specific work assignment other than a normally assigned work task outside normal work hours. This direction would be for a single occurrence or for continuing overtime work but must be a specific direction. Compensation for those credits shall be in compensatory time off or cash at a straight time rate as the Employer may elect. However, cash will be paid whenever feasibly possible. Employees will not be required to adjust their schedules within the same pay period in order to prevent the accumulation of compensatory time.

Related to Earning of Compensatory Time

  • Use of Compensatory Time An employee must have the appropriate supervisor's prior approval to use accumulated compensatory time.

  • Compensatory Time A Bargaining Unit member may choose to take compensatory time in lieu of overtime compensation if such choice is indicated during the tour of duty in which the overtime is worked. Compensatory time shall be credited to the Bargaining Unit member and accumulated at the rate of one and one-half (1 ½) hours for each overtime hour worked. Each Bargaining Unit member’s compensatory time bank shall be limited in accumulation to a maximum number of two hundred forty (240) hours. Once a Bargaining Unit member has reached the maximum hours of compensatory time as compensation for overtime hours worked, all additional overtime will be paid. The Bargaining Unit member may choose to carry over any balance into the following year. Any balance of compensatory time carried over into the following year shall count towards the two hundred forty (240) hour cap in that year. Compensatory time off must be taken at a time agreeable to the Department and the Bargaining Unit member. Approval for compensatory time off shall not be unreasonably withheld. Compensatory time off should be requested as far in advance as possible but no later than forty eight (48) hours in advance. When Bargaining Unit members request compensatory time off at least 45 calendar days in advance, the employer will, within five (5) working days of the request being made, notify the member whether or not his/her request has been approved. Approval for compensatory time shall not be unreasonably withheld. As soon as the employer notifies the member that his/her request has been approved, and if the employer determines that the shift will be filled, the employer will post the overtime assignment to cover the member’s request. If there are no volunteers to cover this need for overtime, and if the employer determines that the shift will be filled, a mandate to cover the shift will occur no less than seven (7) calendar days in advance of the beginning of the shift that needs to be covered. The employee being mandated will have the lowest number of overtime hours worked and will be notified by a supervisor. In the event the employee being mandated is on an approved leave and cannot be provided seven

  • Overtime and Compensatory Time Overtime work shall be compensated as follows: A. Hours in an active pay status in excess of forty (40) hours in any calendar week shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the total rate of pay, as defined by Section 43.01, for each hour of such time. Total rate of pay includes the base rate plus longevity, all applicable supplements, and shift differential where applicable. B. An employee may elect to take compensatory time off in lieu of cash overtime payment for hours in an active pay status more than forty (40) hours in any calendar week. Such compensatory time shall be granted on a time and one-half (1 1/2) basis. C. The maximum accrual of compensatory time shall be two hundred forty (240) hours and compensatory time must be taken within one (1) year of its being earned. D. When the maximum hours of compensatory time accrual is rendered, payment for overtime work shall be made in cash. Compensatory time not taken within one (1) year shall be paid in cash to a maximum of eighty (80) hours in any pay period. E. Compensatory time is not available for use until it appears on the employee’s earnings statement and on the date the funds are made available. F. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall be paid for unused compensatory time at a rate which is the higher of: 1. The final total rate received by the employee, or 2. The average total rate received by the employee during the last three (3) years of employment. For the purposes of this Article, active pay status is defined as the conditions under which an employee is eligible to receive pay, and includes, but is not limited to, vacation leave and personal leave. Sick leave and any leave used in lieu of sick leave shall not be considered as active pay status for purposes of this Article. Compensatory time requests must be submitted in writing twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the anticipated time off, unless the need for time off is of an emergency nature.

  • Compensatory Time Off Utilization of compensatory time off shall be by mutual agreement between the department head and the employee. The smallest increment of compensatory time which may be taken off is six (6) minutes.

  • Compensatory Time Eligibility The Employer may grant compensatory time in lieu of cash payment for overtime to an overtime-eligible employee, upon agreement between the Employer and the employee. Compensatory time must be granted at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) hours of compensatory time for each hour of overtime worked.

  • Maximum Compensatory Time Employees may accumulate no more than one hundred and sixty (160) hours of compensatory time.

  • Overtime/Compensatory Time A. Employees working assigned, pre-approved time in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be given either overtime pay or compensatory time at the rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay. The name of the supervisor authorized to approve overtime assignments shall be posted in each building. The employee may elect to take either overtime pay or compensatory time off. Holidays, sick leave, personal days, or vacation days shall be included as regular time for purposes of computing overtime. In the event overtime is required, the Assistant Superintendent or his/her designee shall solicit volunteers to fill the overtime positions. In the event no volunteers are available or the volunteers available are unqualified in the opinion of the Assistant Superintendent or designee, overtime may be assigned. Overtime assignments will be made on a rotational basis at each work site to employees who normally do the work assigned. Reasonable advance notice will be given to employees assigned overtime. An employee shall not be called in for snow removal duty sooner than 8 hours following the conclusion of his/her regular shift or any other work performed for the District. B. Only forty-five (45) hours of compensatory time can be earned in a contract year. Use of compensatory time must be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Compensatory time earned must be used during the contract year in which it is earned or cashed in for pay at the rate in effect for the employee at the time the employee receives such payment. Employees who have accumulated more than forty (40) hours of compensatory time at the time of execution of this Agreement shall retain all such accumulated time, provided, however, that such employees shall not be allowed to use more than forty (40) hours in any contract year. All compensatory time must be submitted on a timesheet. C. All overtime worked must be submitted on a timesheet to the building principal in accordance with business office procedures for processing payroll. Requests for use of compensatory time off shall be submitted in writing to the building principal in accordance with business office procedures for processing payroll. X. Xx employee called in to work on his/her day off will be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate rate. E. The decision to assign overtime will not be based upon an employee’s preference for either compensatory time or overtime pay. F. In the event an employee’s regular permanent assignment requires the performance of duties in more than one job classification, the overtime rate to be used to calculate compensation for the employee for the overtime work shall be the rate of the classification which caused the employee to work such overtime hours.

  • Compensatory Time for Overtime Eligible Employees A. Compensatory Time Eligibility

  • Compensatory Time Use An employee must use compensatory time prior to using vacation leave, unless this would result in the loss of their vacation leave or the employee is using vacation leave for domestic violence leave. Compensatory time must be used and scheduled in the same manner as vacation leave, as in Article 11, Vacation Leave. Employees may use compensatory time for leave as required by the Domestic Violence Leave Act, RCW 49.76. The Employer may schedule an employee to use their compensatory time with seven (7) calendar days’ notice.

  • Survival of Compensation Rates All rights of compensation under this Agreement for services performed as of the termination date shall survive the termination of this Agreement.