Exempt. The employees in this article are exempt employees whose supervisory and administrative functions call for flexibility in work responsibilities and hours of work. As salaried employees they are exempt from overtime provisions of the contract, such as overtime, call back pay, holiday pay, etc.
Exempt. Development not required to obtain a shoreline substantial development permit, but which much otherwise comply with applicable provisions of the Shoreline Management Act and the City’s Shoreline Master Program.
Exempt. A salaried exempt technical or professional employee shall receive additional compensation for overtime hours worked beyond forty (40) hours a week and shall be paid at the straight time rate of one (1) times base hourly rate of pay. Hours worked on a Holiday will be paid up to a maximum of 8 hours at straight time in addition to the normal Holiday pay. For purposes of overtime payment, the hourly rate computation for salaried employees is derived by dividing the employee’s annual salary by 2080 hours. If a salaried exempt employee is unable to work their entire day according to their approved work schedule, they are expected to make up time during the same work week, when possible. This requires Supervisor’s approval, must be work that is value- added, and supervision is provided, when needed. PTO should be used if hours cannot be made up.
Exempt. Employees not eligible for one and one-half (1½) times compensation for overtime, who, in fulfilling their job responsibilities (which may include travel time) extend their accountable work hours beyond the expected eight (8) hour workday or approved work schedule, may deviate from their usual work hours upon advance approval and agreement between the employee and immediate supervisor as to the number of hours of deviation and when the deviation from their usual work hours will take place.
Exempt. The EMPLOYEE’S basic rate of pay exclusive of overtime premium, shift premium, retention, or any other special allowances.
Exempt. Full-time exempt bargaining unit members are entitled to vacation according to the following schedule:
Exempt. (1) Employees that have a rate of pay that exceeds General Schedule (GS) 10, Step 10 are only authorized to earn compensatory time.
(2) Employees that have a rate of pay that equal or is less than GS-10, Step 10 are authorized to earn compensatory time only after the supervisor offers overtime pay and the employee requests compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay. Supervisors cannot direct employees to choose compensatory time instead of overtime pay.
Exempt. Exempt employees will be eligible for time off when they are required to contribute to special projects or additional program needs that exceed normal responsibilities. However, such time will not be associated with actual hours of work, and time off will be arranged for, and granted by, management when deemed appropriate.
Exempt. 1. Exempt employees will not be considered on an eight (8) hour day or a forty (40) hour week. Their work schedule will be flexible in order to meet the needs of the College.
2. Generally, an exempt employee will be required to maintain the overall forty