Faculty Office Hours Sample Clauses

Faculty Office Hours a. Full-time instructional faculty shall be available to students for consultation and maintain a posted five-hour (5) minimum office schedule each week. Faculty members contracted for less than full-time are expected to maintain office hours proportional to the percentage of their contract to a full-time contract. b. Adjunct faculty shall be available to students for consultation and will maintain scheduled office hours of at least one (1) hour per five (5)-credit class per week (prorated for classes of different size). c. The specific office hours will be determined by the full-time faculty member’s teaching schedule and shall be approved by the appropriate xxxx. It is understood that office hours will vary according to class schedule. Office hours expectations may be satisfied by electronic means (telephone, on-line chat, etc.) provided that office hours need to generally match the modality of the course instruction (i.e., courses taught in-person will have some in-person office hours), and that electronic office hours occur at pre- scheduled times identified on the course syllabus. d. Faculty are expected to reply to student e-mail within a reasonable time.
Faculty Office Hours. Deans shall be notified of faculty office hours before the end of the first instructional week of each term and shall make arrangements so that office hours and class schedules are on the appropriate office doors before the end of the second teaching week. Faculty members will notify their xxxx of any subsequent modifications to this schedule and post the corrected version on their office door. It is understood that an office hour is the 50-minute academic hour. Faculty members are not expected to hold office hours on days when they have no instructional responsibilities.
Faculty Office Hours. Full time faculty shall schedule and post five (5) office hours over no fewer than 3 days per week. Faculty members who are teaching on-line have the option of offering one regularly scheduled on-line office hour per week and may schedule the remaining four office hours over no fewer than 3 days per week. Part time faculty shall schedule office hours on a pro-rata basis. No such hours shall be posted during time designated as College Hours. Faculty shall schedule other hours as are necessary by appointment and shall be available to students electronically.
Faculty Office Hours. 1. Full-time faculty shall create, maintain, and post a minimum of five (5) office hours per week, in thirty-minute blocks, on no fewer than two (2) different days Monday through Friday; however, one virtual office hour may be held on Saturday or Sunday. Faculty will attempt to schedule their office hours at such times that will accommodate the needs of their students. Faculty will receive approval for the schedule from the CAO or designee before posting the schedule. 2. In-person office hours may be held in a faculty office, the tutoring center, or some other location easily accessible to students. 3. If faculty are teaching online or remote classes, they are allowed to schedule one remote office hour for each online/remote section they are teaching in the term. 4. Faculty will attempt to honor any reasonable request to meet during a College workday with assigned advisees or students registered in their class sections at times not covered by their posted schedule of office hours. 5. Any faculty member who attends a scheduled College activity (e.g., advisory or board committee meeting) during his/her scheduled, posted office hours and with prior approval of the CAO or designee, shall not receive a negative evaluation, loss of pay, an unfavorable personnel action, or any other action because of said attendance. 6. The College recognizes there may occasionally be urgent Federation business (as indicated by Article 2) that may result in a faculty member not being able to fulfill posted hours.
Faculty Office Hours. Faculty shall notify deans of faculty office hours before the end of the first instructional week of each term and shall make arrangements so that office hours and class schedules are on the appropriate office doors before the end of the second teaching week. If office hours are offered in a virtual format (e.g., BigBlueButton, Zoom, phone, Google hangouts, etc.), the means to access faculty during these hours will be made available to students and College employees. Faculty members will notify their xxxx of any subsequent modifications to this schedule and post the corrected version on their office door. It is understood that an office hour is the 50-minute academic hour. Faculty members are not expected to hold office hours on days when they have no instructional and/or institutional responsibilities.
Faculty Office Hours a. Regular Faculty Office Hours The purpose of faculty office hours is to support student learning and to provide academic advising to students. No later than the fifth day of classes each semester, or two days after receipt of the Compensation Summary report, whichever is later, each faculty member shall deliver to their chairperson for coordination and review, the faculty member's official schedule of a minimum of 180 minutes per week (Monday through Friday) of their office hours. These regular office hours shall be scheduled on not fewer than two days of each week. Of the officially scheduled minimum of 180 minutes per week, not more than 120 minutes on any one day shall be officially scheduled for office hours. No officially scheduled regular office hour shall be less than 30 minutes. Due to the special characteristics of those sciences and technologies having laboratory and/or clinical components, faculty members in those disciplines may deviate from the above requirements upon the special approval of their Division Xxxx. Faculty members conducting off campus classes may hold a proportionate amount of their regular office hours at the off campus teaching site. Special approval of the Division Xxxx is required before the off campus portion of regularly scheduled office hours exceeds 50% of the total requirement.
Faculty Office Hours. Faculty shall notify deans of faculty office hours before the end of the first instructional week of each term and shall make arrangements so that office hours and class schedules are on the appropriate office doors before the end of the second teaching week. If office hours are offered in a virtual format, the means to access faculty during these hours will be made available to students and college employees. Faculty members will notify their xxxx of any subsequent modifications to this schedule and post the corrected version on their office door. It is understood that an office hour is the 50-minute academic hour. Faculty members are not expected to hold office hours on days when they have no instructional and/or institutional responsibilities. A. Academic Year Teaching faculty members will maintain 10 regular office hours per week, primarily so that they may be available to students. Up to five of those office hours can be accounted for by regularly scheduled college activities, such as division, department, and committee meetings, voluntary study groups, task forces, institutional committees, or professional development workshops. Normally, at least five office hours will be maintained in the office and posted for meeting with students. Faculty members teaching online/hybrid courses may schedule office hours to be spent online for students enrolled in these courses, with the number to be proportional to the percent of teaching load that is online. Instructional time online may not be counted as online office hours. Faculty who do not teach online may schedule up to two of their office hours online to provide additional options for students. If a faculty member’s teaching load includes courses that do not meet over the full semester, the actual number of office hours may vary in some weeks, but will average out to 10 per week over the course of the semester. Office hours for faculty teaching overload will be 16.67 minutes per week per LHE in a 16-week term. The work week for library faculty is defined in the Workload Policy (4107). Their scheduled hours include office hours. When student demand permits, scheduled office hours may also be used by the faculty member for teaching preparation, evaluation of students’ work, review and development of instructional methodology, and professional reading. B. Summer Office Hours Office hours for faculty members teaching during the summer term(s) will be three hours per instructional LHE. For example, a faculty me...
Faculty Office Hours 

Related to Faculty Office Hours

  • Office Hours (1) Full-time instructional academic employees shall maintain a posted five (5)-hour minimum office schedule each week. The specific office hours and office hours location shall be determined by the academic employee’s teaching schedule and shall receive the concurrence of the appropriate unit administrator. (2) Full-time academic employees whose teaching load is twenty (20) or more contact hours per week may, with the approval of the unit administrator, arrange an alternate schedule of office hours.

  • Service Hours The services shall be provided during the working hours and days as defined by the Contractor.

  • Hours For the purposes of an unpaid 7.5-hour shift, the deduction from pay shall equate to 9.375 hours. (f) Tour Exchange

  • Normal Working Hours Prevailing Wage Rate Projects: Work performed from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00

  • Building Hours The specific hours at any individual building may vary according to the needs of the educational program of the School District. The specific hours for each building will be designated by the School District.

  • Working Hours For the purposes of this Agreement “

  • Flexible Hours Upon the request of an employee and the concurrence of the Employer, an employee may work flexible hours on a daily basis so long as the daily hours amount to seven decimal five (7.5).