Fiscal Administration Sample Clauses
Fiscal Administration. The fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year.
Fiscal Administration. 7.1 Disbursements of Program Funds to the Sponsor by AHP shall be deposited in the Sponsor’s IDBA account unless such funds are to be used for acquisition of the property upon which the Project is to be constructed or operated, in which event the Program Funds shall be deposited directly into an escrow account established with a title company for the purposes of acquisition of the property upon which the Project is to be constructed or operated. All interest earned from the deposit of Program Funds shall be used by the Sponsor for eligible Program administrative activities; however, any such use shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per year. Program Funds shall be segregated from the Sponsor’s other funds and shall only be disbursed from the IDBA account for eligible Program Funds costs. SAMPLE COUNTY
7.2 AHP has approved the Sponsor’s budget for the Project incorporated in the SOW at Attachment D, as such budget may be updated prior to issuance of a notice to proceed to the general contractor in accordance with Article 5. The Sponsor may adjust line items in the budget, including drawing upon any contingency amounts listed in the budget, only with the prior written approval from AHP and DHCS, provided that such adjustments do not increase the overall budget amount. If, upon completion of a particular phase or segment of the Project, the Program Funds allocated to that segment or phase have not been fully expended, the Program Funds allocated to Sponsor for such segment of the Project shall remain available to the Sponsor for disbursement for subsequent segments of the Project; provided, however, in no event shall the total amount of the Program Funds available to the Sponsor exceed the amount set forth in this Agreement without a written amendment to this Agreement signed by both Parties and approved by DHCS.
7.3 The Sponsor shall notify AHP in a timely manner of any changes in the work required to be performed under this Agreement, including any additions, changes, or deletions to the plans and specifications approved by AHP. The Sponsor shall provide prior notice to AHP of any written change order before any of the following changes, additions, or deletions in work for the Project may be performed: (1) any change in the work the cost of which exceeds One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000); or (2) any set of changes in the work the cost of which cumulatively exceeds One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000); or (3) any material change in buildi...
Fiscal Administration. A. The Contractor may request a disbursement of 100 percent of total awarded Grant funds after executing the Standard Agreement. Administrative costs related to the planning and execution of eligible activities shall not exceed five percent of the Grant amount.
B. A separate checking account for the Grant funds is not required. However, the Contractor shall deposit Grant funds in an interest-bearing checking or savings account insured by the federal or state government. All interest earned from the deposit of Grant funds shall be used for eligible Program activities and accounted for in Contractor’s annual report.
C. The Contractor shall make a good faith effort to minimize the number of disbursement requests by anticipating and requesting funds in advance.
D. The Contractor may request that Grant funds awarded for a certain eligible activity be moved to another activity without an amendment to this Agreement. This request must be made in writing to HCD if the change from one activity to another exceeds ten percent of the grant amount and shall be effective only upon written HCD approval. HCD’s decision to approve or deny any such request shall be final, absent fraud, mistake or arbitrariness per Section 302(c)(5).
Fiscal Administration. A. Grantee shall either deposit the Grant funds with an escrow company licensed to do business in the State of California and in good standing, or deposit the Grant funds in an interest-bearing checking or savings account insured by the federal or state government. All interest earned from the deposit of Grant funds shall be used for eligible Program activities.
B. Any capital expenditure award funds that have not been expended by the Expenditure Deadline for Capital Funds must be returned to the Department with accrued interest. Any operating subsidy award funds that have not been expended by the Expenditure Deadline for Operating Funds must be returned to the Department with accrued interest. Checks shall be made payable to the Department of Housing and Community Development and shall be mailed to the Department at the address below, no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the applicable Expenditure Deadline.
Fiscal Administration a. Agent shall collect all rent or carrying charges and all surcharges and other fees and charges in accordance with DHCR procedures. All monies collected shall be deposited daily into the DHCR approved Project Administration Account with the source of such monies clearly identified. Agent shall establish a delinquent list no later than the 10th day of each month with updating before the end of the month.
b. If a tenant/tenant-shareholder vacates his apartment owning money on account or unpaid rent or carrying charges then the Agent shall notify the tenant/tenant-shareholder by mail within five (5) business days of move-out of the amount owned. If the tenant/tenant-shareholder has not paid the arrears within fifteen (15), days of move-out, then the Agent shall submit the account to a DHCR approved collection agency. All write-offs of uncollectible accounts shall be in accordance with DHCR rules, regulations directives or orders.
c. Agent shall collect the proper amount of security deposits and place such monies in a separate interest- bearing bank account. Agent shall further remit to tenants annually the proper amount of interest, refund to vacating tenants the amount due with a full explanation of any deductions and adjust the amount of security required if warranted.
d. If applicable, Agent shall comply with all governmental requirements regarding subsidy programs so as to assure that the Project utilizes and receives the maximum subsidy allowable. Agent shall request increased subsidies when required.
e. If applicable, the Agent shall collect the proper amount of equity payments from tenant-shareholders and refund, in a timely manner, the proper amount to vacating tenant-shareholders, with all deductions itemized.
f. Agent shall make timely and proper payments on account of debt service, all real estate taxes, local assessments and water and sewer charges.
g. Agent shall submit to DHCR for approval by the date and in the form prescribed by DHCR as Budget/Rent Determination Application. Agent shall adhere to the approved Budget as closely as possible. All proposed expenditures in excess of the budgeted amounts require submission by the Agent to DHCR of budget revision requests and are subject to the approval of DHCR. All Project financial records shall be made available at the site to the tenants.
h. Agent shall make timely deposits into the Project’s Operating Escrow Fund account the amounts so directed by DHCR. Requests for payments out of such accoun...
Fiscal Administration. Normally, California State University, Stanislaus is the applicant agency and also serves as the Recipient for Grants and Contracts. Exceptions may occur in instances in which agency regulations require the Foundation to serve as the applicant and Recipient for individual Grants and Contracts.
Fiscal Administration. The following table maps the budget line items to the allowable expenses as detailed in subsequent
Fiscal Administration. A. Sponsor shall either deposit the Grant funds with an escrow company licensed to do business in the State of California and in good standing, or deposit Grant funds in an interest-bearing checking or savings account insured by the federal or state government. All interest earned from the deposit of Grant funds shall be used for eligible Program activities.
B. Any CRF Grant funds that have not been expended by the CRF Expenditure Deadline must be returned to the Department with accrued interest. Any State General Fund moneys that have not been expended by the State General Fund Expenditure Deadline must be returned to the Department with accrued interest. Checks shall be made payable to the Department of Housing and Community Development and shall be mailed to the Department at the address below, no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the applicable Expenditure Deadline.
Fiscal Administration. COIC will serve as the fiscal administrator for this effort, until such time as the Executive Council deems another arrangement to be more appropriate or beneficial.
Fiscal Administration. A. In performing externally funded functions, the City and County will maintain independent status as grantee including all the rights and responsibilities associated with the status of grantee, as appropriate.
B. The County is authorized to levy, and has levied, a tax against all property within the County of Missoula for planning purposes. The annual disbursement of funds from this levy shall be allocated 55% to County and 45% to City. Any increase in the amount of the property tax levy beyond this base is at the sole discretion of the Board of County Commissioners, subject to the property tax limitations of state law.
C. The County receives an annual entitlement share f r o, m the State of Montana, a portion of which has been allocated to planning services in the City and the County. For each fiscal year, the entitlement share base shall be established at $73,675 and this amount and future growth shall be allocated 55% County 45% to City.