For Cause Testing Sample Clauses
For Cause Testing. (a) An employer/supervisor may only request an employee to undertake for cause testing if:
(i) The employee has been involved in an accident or incident, or had the potential to, cause:
(ii) serious and major damage to mobile plant or property; or
(iii) an injury to themselves or other individual(s);or
(iv) Participation in a relevant and specific industry focus area when the worker is undertaking High Risk Work as identified by the employer and consistent with OHS legislation. Workers will be selected for testing using a random selection process nominated by the employer following a consultation process in line with OHS legislation.
For Cause Testing. Drug and/or alcohol testing may be conducted on any employee at any time the City has reasonable suspicion that there is cause to believe that an employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
5.1 Observation of drugs or alcohol on or about the employee’s person or in the employee’s vicinity;
5.2 Observation of conduct on the part of the employee that suggests that the employee is impaired or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol; time;
5.3 Receipt of a report of drug or alcohol use by an employee while at work;
5.4 Information that an employee has tampered with drug or alcohol testing at any
5.5 Negative job performance patterns by the employee; or
5.6 Excessive or unexplained absenteeism or tardiness. The supervisor will verbally inform the employee of the reason for the test. Additionally, a written record of the situation leading to the drug or alcohol test will be created and signed by the supervisor(s) within 24 hours of the event. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the Human Resources Department. The employee involved must stop work immediately and will be transported as soon as possible to the designated testing facility by a management/supervisory employee. The employee will not be allowed back to work until the results of the test are known.
For Cause Testing. Drug or alcohol testing may be conducted on any bargaining unit member if there is a reasonable belief that the member may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
For Cause Testing. An employer/supervisor may only request an employee to undertake for cause testing if:
For Cause Testing. Individuals Subject to Testing. Chevron and Contractor shall have the right to perform controlled substance and alcohol tests, and shall perform such tests, whenever Contractor or Chevron (or upon request by Chevron to Contractor) has a reasonable belief that an individual is using alcohol or drugs on the basis of specific physical, behavioral, or performance indicators. Contractor shall have the obligation to remove any employee from performing work if the individual exhibits unusual job behavior or unacceptable job performance and it is believed by Contractor or Chevron that he/she may be using controlled substances or is presently under the influence of alcohol. The individual must be tested by Contractor immediately for drugs and alcohol. In the event an individual is subject to testing, Contractor shall immediately suspend the individual(s) performing work or services for Chevron and remove the individual(s) from Chevron’s premises. The individual(s) shall not be returned to perform work or services for Chevron: (i) unless the controlled substance test and/or alcohol test was negative, Contractor has advised Chevron of the test results (and the circumstances as how and when the test was conducted), and Chevron does not object to the results of the test(s) or the reinstatement of the individual; or (ii) in the event of a positive test result, Contractor has advised Chevron of the test results and requested reinstatement (pursuant to the procedure below) and received Chevron's written consent to reinstate the individual. Contractor shall treat any individual that refuses or fails to submit to a controlled substance or alcohol test (whether the test was being conducted for cause, it is random or it is a prerequisite to work for Chevron) under this Policy as if that individual submitted to a test and the test results were positive.
For Cause Testing. The Company may ask an employee to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test at any time it feels that the employee may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including, but not limited to, the following circumstances: evidence of drugs or alcohol on or about the employee's person or in the employee's vicinity, unusual conduct on the employee's part that suggests impairment or influence of drugs or alcohol, negative performance patterns, or excessive and unexplained absenteeism or tardiness.
For Cause Testing. All employees while performing SRM work shall be subject to alcohol and drug tests for the following reasons:
1) Anytime there is a suspicion of alcohol or drug use, possession (including paraphernalia) or impairment.
2) Anytime an incident/accident (post incident) occurs where alcohol or drug use could have been a contributing factor. Those employees involved in the above circumstances will be immediately ineligible to perform SRM work. An employee shall only be eligible to return to SRM work when the employee is tested and passes all applicable SRM testing standards, provided the test takes place immediately following the removal of the employee from SRM work. Employees involved in "for cause testing" shall have the right to have a shop xxxxxxx present during the investigation and actual alcohol and drug testing process. Reasonable cause exists when direct observation of specific physical, behavioral or performance indicators suggest the probability, or reasonable belief, of use, possession or impairment and is presumed to exist in the event of an incident.
For Cause Testing. If there is reasonable cause to indicate that an employee has consumed, or is under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol at work, the employee may be required to undergo testing. Refusal to consent to testing may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Reasonable cause includes, but is not limited to, the following: Documented on-going performance problems such as, but not limited to: unexplained frequent absences, pattern of absences, tardiness, or failure to follow directions; Observable physical signs and symptoms of possible impairment; or Presence of drug/alcohol paraphernalia.
For Cause Testing. All employees shall be subject to alcohol and drug tests for the following reasons:
1) Anytime there is suspicion of alcohol or drug use, possession (including paraphernalia) or impairment.
2) Anytime an incident/accident (post incident) occurs. Those employees involved in the above circumstances will be immediately ineligible to perform work. An employee shall only be eligible to return to work when the employee is tested and passed all applicable standards, provided the test takes place immediately following the removal of the employee from the work location. Employees involved in "for cause" testing shall have the right to have a shop xxxxxxx present during the investigation and actual alcohol and drug testing process. All employees shall be subject to the following substance abuse testing requirements:
For Cause Testing. A. If objective evidence exists establishing a reasonable belief an employee’s work performance is impaired due to drug or alcohol use or violation of this policy, the employer shall require the employee to undergo a test consistent with the conditions set for in this Addendum. For Cause testing shall be initiated after the circumstances are reviewed and agreed upon by at least two (2) supervisor level personnel (Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Deputy Chief, or Chief). However, only one supervisor is necessary to require an employee to submit to drug/alcohol testing if an officer observes the employee ingest, smoke or use a controlled substance, medical marijuana or alcohol. Supervisors are prohibited from demanding or encouraging drug or alcohol testing without reasonable belief.
B. If reasonable belief exists, the employee must be prohibited from working or continuing to work and should be immediately placed on administrative leave with pay. The written documentation of the observations of the officer/supervisor leading to a drug and/or alcohol test shall be created prior to the end of the shift in which the behavior was observed and forwarded to the Chief’s office. Additionally, when possible, the officer/supervisor should communicate the basis for the reasonable belief to an Assistant Municipal Counselor through the Chief or designee, prior to requiring such a test.
C. The employee shall be transported immediately to the designated testing facility by a supervisor. The employee will not be permitted to return to work prior to receiving the results of the drug/alcohol test. Prior to testing, the employee will be required to sign a drug/alcohol testing consent form. The supervisor shall make arrangements for safe transportation to the employee’s residence or a place selected by the employee or a relative or friend of the employee, if the employee appears incapable of making a selection.
D. If the results of the drug/alcohol test prove to be negative, the employee shall be returned to work. If the drug/alcohol tests prove to be positive, the process of Section 14 of this Addendum shall apply.