General Provisions Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Contract have the following meanings:
a) The Adjudicator is the person appointed jointly by the Procuring Entity and the Service Provider to resolve disputes in the first instance, as provided for in Sub-Clause8.2 hereunder.
b) “Activity Schedule” is the priced and completed list of items of Services to be performed by the Service Provider forming part of his Tender;
General Provisions Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms whenever used in this Contract have the following meanings:
General Provisions Definitions. 5.1.1. A grievance is an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of this contract.
5.1.2. A grievant may be either 1 or more unit members of the Federation or the Federation.
5.1.3. The grievant may have a representative present at each step of the grievance procedure.
5.1.4. A "day" is a day in which the central administrative office of the District is open for business.
5.1.5. An "immediate supervisor" is the lowest level supervisor who has been designated by the District to adjust grievances and who exercises responsibility for the grieving unit member or program. For persons assigned to more than 1 site or program, 1 supervisor shall be designated the "immediate supervisor."
5.1.6. If a grievance arises from the action of authority above the immediate supervisor, the grievance may be filed with the manager responsible for the action.
5.1.7. The time limits on the filing and processing of grievances may be extended only by a written agreement signed by the parties.
5.1.8. A grievance must be filed and appealed within the time limits set forth herein or the grievance shall be considered settled on the basis of the last answer given. If a District representative fails to answer to a grievance within the time limits provided at a particular step (unless such time limits are extended by written agreement), the grievance may be appealed to the next step within the appropriate time limits.
5.1.9. All materials concerning a unit member's grievance shall be kept in a file separate from the unit member's personnel file, which shall be available for inspection only by the unit member, his/her representative and those management, supervisory and confidential unit members directly involved in the grievance procedure.
5.1.10. No reprisals of any kind will be taken by the District against any aggrieved person, any party of interest, any members of the Federation, or any participant in the grievance procedure by reason of such participation.
5.1.11. The filing or pendency of any grievance shall in no way operate to impede, delay, or interfere with the right of the District to take the action complained of, nor justify the unit member's refusal to perform assigned duties.
5.1.12. The grievant may have his/her grievances resolved at any level without the involvement of the exclusive representative, provided that the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and provided that the grievant and District stay enforcement ...
General Provisions Definitions. For purposes of this Agreement, “Accrued Benefits” shall mean: (1) any unpaid Base Salary and accrued but unused vacation and/or paid time off (determined in accordance with REIT Operator’s policy) through the date of termination (paid in cash within 30 days, or such shorter period required by applicable law, following the effective date of termination), (2) reimbursement for all necessary, customary and usual business expenses and fees incurred and paid by Executive prior to the effective date of termination, in accordance with Section 3(c) above (payable in accordance with the REIT Operator’s expense reimbursement policy), (3) vested benefits, if any, to which Executive may be entitled under the REIT Operator’s employee benefit plans, including those as provided in Section 3(c) above (payable in accordance with the applicable employee benefit plan), and (4) any Annual Bonus earned but unpaid as of the effective date of termination.
General Provisions Definitions. (i) For purposes of this Agreement, “
General Provisions Definitions. 1. A grievance is an alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of this contract.
2. A grievant may be either the Federation or one (1) or more unit members of the Federation.
3. The grievant may have a representative present at each step of the grievance procedure.
4. A "day" is a day in which the central administrative office of the District is open for business.
5. An "immediate supervisor" is the lowest level supervisor who has been designated by the District to adjust grievances and who exercises responsibility for the grieving unit member or program. For persons assigned to more than one (1) site or program, one (1) supervisor shall be designated the "immediate supervisor."
6. If a grievance arises from the action of authority above the immediate supervisor, the grievance may be filed with the manager responsible for the action.
7. The time limits on the filing and processing of grievances may be extended only by a written agreement signed by the parties.
General Provisions Definitions. 1. It is agreed to use an interest-based approach for resolving problems prior to level II of the formal process.
2. A grievance is an allegation that the District has violated, misinterpreted, or misapplied a specific provision of this agreement or of a Board of Education policy specifically incorporated by this agreement and that by reason of such violation the grievant believes that a unit member’s rights have been adversely affected. All other matters and disputes of any nature are beyond the scope of these procedures. Also excluded from these procedures are other matters so indicated elsewhere in this agreement.
3. The respondent in all cases shall be the District itself rather than any individual. The filing or pendency of a grievance shall not delay or interfere with implementation of any District action during the processing thereof.
4. For the purposes of this article, a day shall mean a day when the District office is open.
5. The “grievant” is the unit member, unit members, or the Association making the claim.
General Provisions Definitions. 34 11.1 Notices..........................................................................................37 11.2
General Provisions Definitions. A. The workweek will be a period of 7 consecutive calendar days beginning on Sunday.
B. This subsection is not intended to preclude regular Saturday/Sunday scheduling for certain functions that require seven-day-a-week operations.
C. Normally, an employee’s workweek shall not extend over more than 5 days of the period Sunday through Saturday.
D. Core hours are the hours when the Agency expects maximum attendance and is currently from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. allowing for flexibility of arrival and exit times for employees.
E. Basic work requirement means the number of hours, excluding overtime hours, an employee is required to work or to account for by charging leave, credit hours, excused absence, holiday hours, and compensatory time. For full-time employees, the basic work requirement is eighty
General Provisions Definitions. Art. 1. For the application and interpretation of the Contract, the terms used shall have the following meaning:
1. A relying party means a natural or a legal person different from the Client, as well as a public sector body that relies on electronic identification, trust service, or another service provided by Evrotrust.
2. Electronic signature, electronic document, electronic identification, trust services, electronic seal, qualified certificate for a qualified electronic signature (QCQES), advanced electronic signature (AES), qualified electronic registered delivery service, as well as all other terms used within the Contract shall have the meaning provided for in the applicable legal acts, such as, but not being limited to, Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/ЕC (Regulation (EU) No 910/2014), the Electronic Document and Electronic Trust Services Act (EDETSA), the Electronic Identification Act (EIA), the E-Governance Act (EGA), unless expressly provided otherwise within the Contract.
3. Malicious acts are acts or omissions violating Internet ethics or causing damages to persons connected to the Internet or to associated networks, sending unwanted messages (unwanted commercial messages, SPAM, JUNK MAIL), channel flooding (FLOOD), getting access to resources with someone else's credentials and passwords, taking advantage of faults in information systems for the purposes of one's own benefit or in order to obtain information (HACK), change of identity, performing acts that may be qualified as industrial espionage of sabotage, damaging or destroying information systems or arrays (CRACK), sending "Trojan horses" or causing viruses or remote control systems to be installed, disturbing the normal work of other Internet and associated network users, performing any acts that may be qualified as a criminal act or administrative violation under the Bulgarian legislation or any other applicable legislation.
4. Webpage is a compound or individual part of a website.
5. Information system (a system) is each separate device or an aggregate of interconnected or similar devices which, or a certain element of which, in performance of a certain programme, provides automatic data processing.
6. Client is a natural person that, in his/her personal capacity, or as a legal or authorized represen...