Guaranteed Hours. The Employer will schedule the following guaranteed hours of work per week based on the availability of the hours and provided the employee is available and qualified to perform the work. - One (1) or more years of seniority, a minimum guarantee of fifteen (15) hours of scheduled work per week;
Guaranteed Hours. Employees, engaged from the date of settlement, will have their hours of work set out in their letter of offer. Hours of work include, as per section 67C of the Employment Relations Act:
(a) the number of guaranteed hours of work
(b) the days of the week on which work is to be performed
(c) the start and finish times of work
(d) any flexibility in the matters referred to in (b) or (c) above If there are changes agreed to an employee’s hours of work, variation to a) – d) above will be recorded in writing. Where a permanent employee considers they work regularly and consistently more than their guaranteed hours of work, they can request a review of these guaranteed hours of work. The employer commits to do this in a timely manner and communicate the outcome to the employee. The employee can involve their delegate in this conversation
Guaranteed Hours. Dispatched HCAs shall be paid on a regular, guaranteed hours basis to include mileage for travel from the Dispatched HCA’s home to their first assigned client and travel from the last assigned client to the Dispatched HCA’s home. The guaranteed paid hours provisions of this section shall prevail in the event of a conflict with the provisions of Article 5 of this Agreement.
Guaranteed Hours. Employees listed in Schedule C (Five Hour Guarantee) who were employed on the signing date of this agreement and who had previously transferred from the Board, shall be guaranteed a minimum of five hours of work per day for the regular a.m. and p.m. runs, including incidentals, subject to the provisions of the collective agreement.
Guaranteed Hours. Each regular driver will have a guaranteed minimum of two (2) hours: Two (2) hours to include:
A. Morning and afternoon regular routes.
B. Non-driving time (A.M. and P.M. Pre-trips and Post-trips)
C. Drivers that are required by the Transportation Supervisor to prepare regular education kindergarten routes, including plotting stops, phone calls to parents and schools, and submitting to the Transportation office estimated stop times prior to the start of school, shall be paid up to two (2) hours time. Drivers requiring additional time may be granted extra time by the Transportation Supervisor. All preparation time must be pre-approved by the Transportation Supervisor and with notification to the union xxxxxxx.
Guaranteed Hours. 8.9.1 Thirty bus driver positions will be guaranteed at eight (8) hours per day.
8.9.2 The remainder of the bus driver positions will be guaranteed at seven (7) hours per day.
8.9.3 Bus attendant positons will be guaranteed at six (6) hours per day. Effective upon ratification.
Guaranteed Hours. Drivers shall be guaranteed a minimum of 4.5 hours per day from storage to storage on all regular routes. Such time shall also include time for safety check, warm up, gassing, cleaning and disablement. The biweekly pay shall be based on the minimum of 4.5 hours per day for a ten-day pay period. Drivers who exceed the minimum of 4.5 hours per day shall be paid according to Section 25.17. For incoming transportation requests occurring after the initial bid meeting:
a. Initially, a determination will be made as to whether the transportation request can be added to an existing route, seniority rules.
b. If the transportation request cannot be incorporated into an existing route and the estimated time is for two (2) hours or less, storage to storage, (including time for safety check, warm up, gassing, cleaning, disablement), the estimated hours shall be posted for bid at a minimum of two (2) hours in accordance with Article 16 Section 16.7.
c. Requests that cannot be incorporated into existing routes that will be greater than two
Guaranteed Hours. The Employer agrees to guarantee a minimum of seventy-eight (78) hours at straight time rate in each pay period of fourteen (14) calendar days for all full-time transit operators, provide the employee attends at work as scheduled.
Guaranteed Hours. Drivers shall be guaranteed a minimum of 4.5 hours per day from storage to storage on all regular routes. Such time shall also include time for safety check, warm up, gassing, cleaning and disablement. The biweekly pay shall be based on the minimum of 4.5 hours per day for a ten-day pay period. Drivers who exceed the minimum of 4.5 hours per day shall be paid according to Section 25.17. For incoming transportation requests occurring after the initial bid meeting:
a. Initially, a determination will be made as to whether the transportation request can be added to an existing route, seniority rules.
b. If the transportation request cannot be incorporated into an existing route and the estimated time is for two (2) hours or less, storage to storage, (including time for safety check, warm up, gassing, cleaning, disablement), the estimated hours shall be posted for bid at a minimum of two (2) hours in accordance with Article 16 Section 16.7.
c. Requests that cannot be incorporated into existing routes that will be greater than two (2) hours shall be subject to discussion and agreement between the Union Representative(s) and the Transportation Supervisor for posting. For bookkeeping purposes for drivers with routes with actual time storage to storage (including time for safety check, warm up, gassing, cleaning, disablement) of less than 4.5 hours, who are subject to the 4.5 minimum, sick leave and personal leave will be considered to be 2 ¼ hours in the a.m. and 2 ¼ hours in the p.m.
Guaranteed Hours. Employees who are scheduled to work and who come to work without receiving prior notice that no work is available, shall receive at least four (4) hours work or four (4) hours pay at the regular rate. The remaining hours of the shift will be unpaid unless the employee requests to use paid time such as vacation and/or sick time..