Sick Leave and Personal Leave Sample Clauses

Sick Leave and Personal Leave. The Administrator shall be granted paid sick leave, as defined in Section 24-6 of The School Code, of twelve (12) workdays per contract year accumulative to three hundred forty (340) days. The Administrator shall be granted three (3) paid personal leave days per contract year for personal business. Unused personal leave days shall be credited towards the Administrator’s accumulated sick leave.
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. X. Xxxx leave shall accrue to all full-time faculty at the rate of fourteen (14) days the first year and ten (10) days per year thereafter. Sick leave for the full contract year shall accrue as of the first duty day of employment and shall terminate as of the last duty day of employment. Sick leave for those on a twelve (12) month contract shall accrue at the rate of sixteen (16) days the first year and twelve (12) days per year thereafter. X. Xxxx leave shall be credited to each full-time faculty member at the beginning of each contract year so that the accumulated unused sick leave from prior periods plus the credit for the current year will be the total amount of sick leave benefits available to that full-time faculty member through the end of the fiscal year (June 30). C. This procedure has the effect of crediting a full-time faculty member with a sick leave advance that must be repaid to the College through full-time employment during the contract year. Should service terminate after this banked credit has been used by the full-time faculty member, the unearned portion of the sick leave used will be considered as a debt to be repaid to the College by deduction from the final salary payment. X. Xxxx leave may be accumulated without limit. An employee will not be paid for unused sick leave when termination or resignation from the College occurs. An employee who must be absent from duty because of illness will notify his or her supervisor at the earliest possible time. Per the Illinois Employee Sick Leave Act (Public Act 99-0841), employees are eligible to use sick leave for absences due to illness, injury, death, birth, adoption and placement for adoption, or medical appointment for the employee, employee’s child, stepchild, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild, grandparent, or stepparent. Conditions relating to pregnancy will be treated as any other serious health condition. As a condition to such sick leave, the staff member may be required to furnish a written statement from the member’s physician describing the condition of the ill-being and physical reasons for the staff member’s inability to work after using three (3) consecutive days of sick leave. In the event of sick leave taken because of a sickness of a member of the employee’s immediate family, as a condition to sick leave, the staff member may be required to furnish a statement from the treating physician verifying the medical condition of the ...
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. 1. Teaching Assistants hired during the first semester shall be credited with twelve (12) days of sick leave per year, two (2) of which may be used for reasons other than personal illness. Those hired during the second semester shall be credited with six (6) such days. Such days may be accumulated from year to year as sick days up to a maximum cumulative amount of 150 days. 2. Teaching Assistants who take a sick leave or personal leave day shall notify the District in accordance with District policy. However, teaching assistants must submit a request for approval of a personal day before and/or after a long weekend or vacation period. The Superintendent recognizes that there are circumstances which are beyond an employee's control (i.e. legal matters, family events/emergencies), and agrees to consider such factors when evaluating a request. Such determinations will not be arbitrary or capricious. 3. Any unused sick leave days may be reimbursed to the employee during the month of July at his/her daily rate of pay provided the employee has given notice of intent to reimburse the days by the prior February 1st. Days shall be reimbursed at 1/200th of the individual's regular salary. Payments shall be made on the first Friday following the commencement of school in September as an Employer Non-elective Contribution as set forth in the Memorandum of Agreement dated May 16, 2013. An amount equal to the payments referred to herein shall be made as an employer, non-elective contribution to the District's 403(b) plan for the account of such teaching assistant. The teaching assistant shall have no right to receive cash in lieu of such contributions. ARTICLE VIII -
Sick Leave and Personal Leave will be used to calculate an attendance percentage. Each teacher who meets the attendance goals for the completed work year shall receive an incentive payment.
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. A part-time teacher will earn sick leave and personal leave on a pro-rated basis as follows:
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. A. It is the intention of this Leave Policy to provide reasonable protection against loss of salary for those absences from work caused by accidents, illness, bereavement, and personal emergencies beyond reasonable control. Teachers recognize the essential nature of the relationship with students which cannot be filled by any substitute. 1. All teachers absent from duty because of personal illness, injury, or other approved personal reasons shall be allowed full pay for ten (10) days during any contract year. A teacher who does not fulfill a contract shall be allowed one (1) day per month or any part of any month worked. The value of any sick leave days used in excess of this pro-rated allocation shall be deducted (at the teacher’s per diem rate) from the teacher’s remaining wages. 2. Any of the allowed (10) days not used will be credited to the teacher’s record and be accumulated without limit. 3. The Board reserves the right to require verification from a health care professional to verify a teacher’s fitness for duty under the following circumstances: a. To determine a teacher’s ability to return from a leave of absence taken because of illness or disability. b. To evaluate a teacher’s fitness for duty where the Board has articulable concerns regarding the teacher’s physical and/or mental ability to perform the functions if his/her assignment. At the request of the teacher, these concerns will be made in writing at or prior to the time that verification is required. The cost of any medical or psychological examination required by the Board shall be paid by the Board, to the extent that the teacher’s insurance does not cover the cost of the examination. In the event the Board is not satisfied with the assessment of the teacher’s health care professional, the Board has the right to designate a health care professional to perform a second examination. In the event of a dispute between the teacher’s health care professional and a health care professional designated by the Board, the teacher and the Board shall request that their respective health care professionals consult for the purpose of attempting to reconcile their assessments, or if that is not possible, to mutually designate a third health care provider to examine the teacher. 4. The teacher shall file (immediately upon return from any absence) with the building principal, a written report on a form furnished by the Board, setting forth the reason for absence. 5. Employees may use sick leave and per...
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. All non-instructional employees shall be entitled to ten (10) days sick leave per year for the first three (3) years of service. Thereafter, employees shall be entitled to sick leave as follows, accumulative to a maximum o f 225 days. 12-Month employees -15 Days 10-Month employees -13 Days Effective for employees hired on or after January 1,2007: 1st year —5 days 2nd year - 7 days 3rd year - 9 days Employees shall be informed in writing once a year of their number of accumulative sick leave days. Employees shall be allowed a maximum of ten (10) days of leave with full pay during each school year because of serious illness in his/her immediate family in the same household; provided, however, such employee has used ten (10) o f his/her accumulated sick leave days under this provision. The ten (10) days granted hereunder shall not be charged against sick leave allowance or deducted from accumulated sick leave. An employee shall be granted an extended sick leave without pay up to one (1) year for the purpose of caring for a serious ill member of his/her family or a seriously ill nearest relative. The Board may also grant additional leave without pay for this purpose. a. Days allowed for absence due to injuries suffered on school premises or in the performance of assigned duties, subject to certification by a duly qualified physician as to duration of the disability, shall not be deducted from sick leave allowance. In such circumstances, the Board shall continue to pay the employee his/her regular salary and benefits for the first four months of the period involved. For the period the employee is in a fully paid status, the allowance paid the employee under Worker’s Compensation shall be transferred to the Board. The employee shall not lose retirement benefits or any other emoluments of value which accrue to employees not so affected. The burden of proving the injuries sustained or the disease contracted, was occupationally connected shall rest with the employee. b. If during any period of work related disability the employee is able to perform light duty as certified by the employee’s physician or a physician selected by the District and such light duty is available, the employee shall return to fight duty at his/her full pay. Any disputes regarding the employee’s release for light duty shall be referred to the District’s Worker’s Compensation carrier’s assigned independent medical evaluator (IME). The decision of the IME regarding light duty shall be binding ...
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. 1. All educators shall be credited with fifteen (15) days sick leave on September 1 of each school year. Such leave shall be with full pay. 2. All sick leave not used in the school year in which it was granted shall be accumulated up to a maximum of two hundred fifty (250) days. 3. Xxxx leave will be granted for personal or family illness or accident, medical appointments that cannot be scheduled outside work hours. No doctor’s certificate shall be required for any absence of not more than five (5) consecutive school days on account of illness or accident. A doctor’s certificate indicating the nature and continuance of the disability may be required beyond the sixth consecutive school day. Such certificate of fitness for service may be required as a condition of return to service. 4. Four (4) days per year will be granted as personal leave for the purpose of transacting or attending to personal, legal, business, household, or family matters which require absence during school hours. All educators are permitted to take half a personal day. Half a personal day is defined as missing less than three and a half (3 ½) hours in a work day. Personal leave may not be taken the day prior to or the day following any vacation (Thanksgiving Recess, December Vacation, February Vacation, and April Vacation), nor may three (3) personal days be taken consecutively except under special circumstances with the approval of the Superintendent. Except in the case of emergencies, notice of such leave shall be given to the principal at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance before taking such leave. The applicant for such leave need not state the reason for taking such leave other than that they/them is taking it under this paragraph. The personal days are to be deducted from the accumulated sick leave. Days taken for personal leave beyond four (4) days per year shall result in a deduction of one one-hundred eighty-fourth (1/184) of the educator’s salary for each such day. 5. The District will maintain a record of accrued or accumulated sick leave. This record will be made available through electronic means. It is the responsibility of the educator to check and verify sick leave each year and notify the Superintendent’s Office of any discrepancy by November 1 of that year or the sick leave shall be considered correct. 6. A sick bank shall be established for members of the bargaining unit. The bank shall be administered by two members appointed by the School Committee and two memb...
Sick Leave and Personal Leave. The Superintendent shall be granted sick leave, as defined in Section 5/24-6 of The School Code, of twenty (20) workdays per Agreement year. Unused sick leave days may be accumulated to a maximum of three hundred forty (340) days. The Superintendent may use up to three (3) days of sick leave as personal business leave days as approved by the Board. Additionally, the Superintendent may use up to four (4) days of sick leave as personal business leave days during the month of June.